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  1. Ronghua Shang*, Jingyu Zhong, Weitong Zhang, Songhua Xu, Yangyang Li. Multilabel Feature Selection via Shared Latent Sublabel Structure and Simultaneous Orthogonal Basis Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3382911. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.2). [PDF]
  2. Jingyu Zhong, Ronghua Shang, Feng Zhao, Weitong Zhang, Songhua Xu. Negative Label and Noise Information Guided Disambiguation for Partial Multi-Label Learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2024.3402534. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 8.4).[PDF]
  3. Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Jingwen Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li, Rustam Stolkin. Local community detection algorithm based on alternating strategy of strong fusion and weak fusion. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023, 53(2): 818-831. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 9.4). [PDF][Code]
  4. Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang, Rustam Stolkin. Dynamic immunization node model for complex networks based on community structure and threshold. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(3): 1539-1552. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 9.4).[PDF]
  5. Ronghua Shang*, Wenbing Wang, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. Nonnegative spectral learning and sparse regression-based dual-graph regularized feature selection. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, 8(2): 93-806. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 9.4).[PDF]
  6. Ronghua Shang*, Kaiyun Dai, Licheng Jiao and Rustam Stolkin. Improved memetic algorithm based on route distance grouping for multi-objective large scale capacitated arc routing problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2016, 6(4): 1000-1013. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 9.4). [PDF]
  7. Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Wenping Ma. A novel immune clonal algorithm for MO problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2012, 16(1): 35-50. (中科院分区一区期刊, 进化计算领域的顶级期刊, IF: 11.7). [PDF]
  8. Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang, Rustam Stolkin. Semi-supervised graph regularized deep non-negative matrix factorization with bi-orthogonal constraints for data representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 31(9): 3245-3258. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.2). [PDF]
  9. Ronghua Shang, Yuhao Xie, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Songhua Xu. Joint Adversarial Network with Semantic and Topology Fusion for Cross-Scene Hyperspectral Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3415965. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  10. Ronghua Shang, Wenzheng Li, Songling Zhu, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. Multi-teacher knowledge distillation based on joint guidance of probe and adaptive corrector. Neural Networks, 2023, Accepted, doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2023.04.015. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 6.0)
  11. Ronghua Shang, Mengmeng Liu, Licheng Jiao, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Rustam Stolkin. Region-level SAR image segmentation based on edge feature and label assistance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5237216. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5).[PDF]
  12. Ronghua Shang, Huidong Chang, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Hyperspectral image classification based on multiscale cross-branch response and second-order channel attention. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5532016. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5).[PDF]
  13. Ronghua Shang, Jinhong Ren, Songling Zhu, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Hyperspectral image classification based on pyramid coordinate attention and weighted self-distillation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5544316. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5).[PDF]
  14. Ronghua Shang*, Mengmeng Liu, Junkai Lin, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. SAR image segmentation based on constrained smoothing and hierarchical label correction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5102216. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  15. Ronghua Shang, Wenjie Li, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Simplified nonlocal network based on adaptive projection attention method for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 5544615. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  16. Ronghua Shang, Hangcheng Liu, Wenzheng Li, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao. An efficient evolutionary architecture search for variational autoencoder with alternating optimization and adaptive crossover. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2024, 86: 101520. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 8.2). [PDF]
  17. Ronghua Shang, Songling Zhu, Hangcheng Liu, Teng Ma, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Evolutionary architecture search via adaptive parameter control and gene potential contribution. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2023, 82: 101354. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 8.2). [PDF]
  18. Jiarui Kong, Ronghua shang, Weitong Zhang, Chao Wang, Songhua Xu, Robust feature selection via central point link information and sparse latent representation. Pattern Recognition, 2024,154:110617.(中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  19. Ronghua Shang*, Lizhuo Gao, Haijing Chi, Jiarui Kong, Weitong Zhang, Songhua Xu. Non-convex feature selection based on feature correlation representation and dual manifold optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 250: 123867. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  20. Ronghua Shang*, Jiarui Kong, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao. Feature selection via Non-convex constraint and latent representation learning with Laplacian embedding. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 208: 118179. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  21. Songling Zhu, Ronghua Shang, Bo Yuan, Weitong Zhang, Wenjie Li, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. DynamicKD: An effective knowledge distillation via dynamic entropy correction-based distillation for gap optimizing. Pattern Recognition, 2024, 153: 110545. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  22. Jingyu Zhong, Ronghua Shang, Songhua Xu, Yangyang Li. Graph embedding orthogonal decomposition: A synchronous feature selection technique based on collaborative particle swarm optimization. Pattern Recognition, 2024, 152: 110453. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  23. Ronghua Shang*, Weitong Zhang, Feng Li, Rustam Stolkin. Multi-objective artificial immune algorithm for fuzzy clustering based on multiple kernels. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2019. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 8.2). [PDF]
  24. Ronghua Shang, Jiarui Kong, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent representation and extended OLSDA. Pattern Recognition, 2022, 132: 108966. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  25. Ronghua Shang*, Lujuan Wang, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. Dual space latent representation learning for unsupervised feature selection. Pattern Recognition, 2021, 114:107873. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF]
  26. Ronghua Shang*, Yang Meng, Wenbing Wang, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao. Local discriminative based sparse subspace learning for feature selection. Pattern Recognition, 2019, 92: 219-230. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF] [Code]
  27. Ronghua Shang*, Zhu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Wenbing Wang and Shuyuan Yang. Global discriminative-based nonnegative spectral clustering. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 55:172-182. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.5). [PDF] [Code]
  28. Weitong Zhang*, Ronghua Shang, Licheng Jiao. Large-scale community detection based on core node and layer-by-layer label propagation. Information Sciences, 2023, 632: 1-18.(中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 8.233). 
  29. Ronghua Shang*, Yuying Wang, Jia Wang, Licheng Jiao, et al. A multi-population cooperative coevolutionary algorithm for multi-objective capacitated arc routing problem. Information Sciences, 2014, 277: 609-642.(中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 6.6). [PDF]
  30. Songling Zhu, Ronghua Shang, Ke Tang, Songhua Xu, Yangyang Li. BookKD: A novel knowledge distillation for reducing distillation costs by decoupling knowledge generation and learning. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 279: 110916. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  31. Ronghua Shang, Songling Zhu, Jinhong Ren, Hangcheng Liu, Licheng Jiao. Evolutionary neural architecture search based on evaluation correction and functional units. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 251: 109206. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  32. Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Mengyao Lu, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. Feature selection based on non-negative spectral feature learning and adaptive rank constraint. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 236: 107749. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  33. Ronghua Shang*, Jianghai He, Jiaming Wang, Kaiming Xu, Licheng Jiao. Dense connection and depthwise separable convolution based CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020: 105542. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  34. Ronghua Shang*, Kaiming Xu, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao. Sparse and low-redundant subspace learning-based dual-graph regularized robust feature selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 187, 104830. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  35. Ronghua Shang*, Wenbing Wang, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. Subspace learning-based graph regularized feature selection. Knowledge-Based System, 2016, 112: 152-165. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF][Code]
  36. Ronghua Shang, Sa Wang, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Evolutionary multi-objective overlapping community detection based on fusion of internal and external connectivity and correction of node intimacy. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 154: 111414. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  37. Weitong Zhang, Kejia Zhao, Ronghua Shang. Evolutionary multi-objective attribute community detection based on similarity fusion strategy with central nodes. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 150: 111101. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  38. Ronghua Shang*, Weitong Zhang, Zhiyuan Li, Chao Wang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao. Attribute community detection based on latent representation learning and graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 133: 109932. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  39. Ronghua Shang*, Kejia Zhao, Weitong Zhang, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Evolutionary multiobjective overlapping community detection based on similarity matrix and node correction. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 127: 109397. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  40. Ronghua Shang*, Jiaming Wang, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohui Yang, Yangyang Li. Spatial feature-based convolutional neural network for PolSAR image classification. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 123: 108922 (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  41. Weitong Zhang, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao. Complex network graph embedding method based on shortest path and MOEA/D for community detection. Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 97: 106764 (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  42. Ronghua Shang*, Huan Liu, Licheng Jiao, and Amir M. Ghalamzan E. Community mining using three closely joint techniques based on community mutual membership and refinement strategy. Applied Soft Computing. 2017, 61: 1060-1073. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  43. Ronghua Shang*, Bingqi Du, Hongna Ma, Licheng Jiao, Yu Xue and Rustam Stolkin. Immune clonal algorithm based on directed evolution for multi-objective capasitated arc routing problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 49: 748-758 (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  44. Ronghua Shang*, Jia Wang, Licheng Jiao, Yuying Wang. An improved decomposition-based memetic algorithm for multi-objective capacitated arc routing problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 19: 343-361. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 7.2). [PDF]
  45. Ronghua Shang*, Chen Chen, Guangguang Wang, Licheng Jiao, Michael A. Okoth, Rustam Solkin. A thumbnail-based hierarchical fuzzy clustering algorithm for SAR image segmentation. Signal Processing, 2020, 171, 107518. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.4). [PDF]
  46. Ronghua Shang*, Yijing Yuan, Licheng Jiao, Yang Meng, Amir M. Ghalamzan E. A self-paced learning algorithm for change detection in synthetic aperture radar images. Signal Processing. 2018, 142: 375-387. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.4). [PDF]
  47. Ronghua Shang*, Yang Meng, Weitong Zhang, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang. Graph convolutional neural networks with geometric and discrimination information. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 104, 104364. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 7.802). [PDF]
  48. Ronghua Shang*, Liping Qi, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, et al. Change detection in SAR images by artificial immune multi-objective clustering. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 31, 53-67. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 7.802). [PDF]
  49. Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Wenya Zhang, Shuyuan Yang. Dual-graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization with sparse and orthogonal constraints. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 69, 24-35. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 7.802). [PDF] [Code]
  50. Ronghua Shang, Haijing Chi, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Adaptive graph regularization and self-expression for noise-aware feature selection. Neurocomputing, 2023, 535: 107-122. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.779).
  51. Ronghua Shang, Jiarui Kong, Lujuan Wang, Weitong Zhang, Chao Wang, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Unsupervised feature selection via discrete spectral clustering and feature weights. Neurocomputing, 2023, 517: 106-117. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.5). [PDF]
  52. Ronghua Shang*, Xinlei Zhang, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao. Sparse and low-dimensional representation with maximum entropy adaptive graph for feature selection. Neurocomputing, 2022, 485: 57-73. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.5). [PDF]
  53. Ronghua Shang*, Kaiming Xu, Licheng Jiao. Subspace learning for unsupervised feature selection via adaptive structure learning and rank approximation. Neurocomputing, 2020, 413: 72-84. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.5). [PDF]
  54. Ronghua Shang*, Zhu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Chiyang Liu and Yangyang Li. Self- representation based dual-graph regularized feature selection clustering. Neurocomputing, 2016, 171: 1242-1253. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.5). [PDF] [Code]
  55. Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Wenya Zhang, Yijing Yuan, Shuyuan Yang. Feature selection based dual-graph sparse non-negative matrix factorization for local discriminative clustering. Neurocomputing, 2018, 290: 87-99. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 5.5).[PDF] [Code]
  56. Ronghua Shang*, Pei Peng, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Yifei Shen, Rustam Stolkin. Semantic segmentation for SAR image based on texture complexity analysis and key superpixels. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(13), 2141. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.9)[PDF]
  57. Ronghua Shang*, Guangguang Wang, Michael Aggrey Okoth, Licheng Jiao. Complex-Valued Convolutional Autoencoder and Spatial Pixel-squares Refinement for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2019. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.9). [PDF]
  58. Ronghua Shang*, Jiyu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li, Naresh Marturi, Rustam Stolkin. Multi-scale Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(5), 872. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.9). [PDF]
  59. Ronghua Shang*, Junkai Lin, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. SAR Image Segmentation Using Region Smoothing and Label Correction. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(5), 803. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.9). [PDF]
  60. Ronghua Shang, Keyao Zhu, Jie Feng, Chao Wang, Licheng Jiao, Songhua Xu. Reg-superpixel guided convolutional neural network of PolSAR image classification based on feature selection and receptive field reconstruction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023, Accepted. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF]
  61. Ronghua Shang*, Jiansheng Chen, Jie Feng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. SAR image segmentation based on fisher vector superpixel generation and label revision. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022, 15: 9639-9653. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF]
  62. Ronghua Shang*, Junkai Lin, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohui Yang, Yangyang Li. Superpixel boundary-based edge description algorithm for sar image segmentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13: 1972-1985. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF]
  63. Ronghua Shang*, Jiaming Wang, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, Biao Hou,Yangyang Li. SAR Targets Classification Based on Deep Memory Convolution Neural Networks and Transfer Parameters. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, (99): 1-13. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF] [Code]
  64. Ronghua Shang*, Yijing Yuan, Licheng Jiao, Biao Hou, Amir M. Ghalamzan E, and Rustam Stolkin. A Fast Algorithm for SAR Image Segmentation Based on Key Pixels. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(12): 5657-5673. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF]
  65. Ronghua Shang*, Pingping Tian, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, Jie Feng, Biao Hou and Xiangrong Zhang. A spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm with kernel metric based on immune clone for SAR image segmentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(4): 1640-1652. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.3). [PDF]
  66. Ronghua Shang*, Jiuzheng Song, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. Double feature selection algorithm based on low-rank sparse non-negative matrix factorization. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2020, 1-18. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.1). [PDF]


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  6. 尚荣华(#)(*), 齐丽萍, 焦李成, 吴建设, 王爽, 公茂果, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于先验和融合灰度与纹理特征的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2016.1.20, 中国, ZL 201310241980.X
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  14. 尚荣华(#)(*) , 焦李成, 李静, 王佳, 熊涛, 刘红英, 马晶晶, 马文萍, 一种认知OFDM网络中子载波的分配方法, 2017.02.15, 中国, ZL20141012392
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  17. 尚荣华(#)(*),  焦李成, 戴开云, 李阳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 结合稀疏近邻传播和快速谱聚类的纹理图像分割方法, 2017.06.13, 中国, ZL201510155156.1
  18. 尚荣华(#)(*),  屈嵘, 马洪娜, 焦李成, 马文萍, 刘红英, 侯彪, 王爽, 熊涛, 利用改进的非局部均值算法对SAR图像变化的检测方法, 2017.07.04, 中国, ZL201510102475.6
  19. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 刘文粘, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于核模糊C均值聚类的图像分割方法, 2017.07.28, 中国, ZL201510154387.0
  20. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 田平平, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于免疫克隆和模糊核聚类的图像分割方法, 2017.09.05, 中国, ZL201510320096.4
  21. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 张竹, 李巧凤, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于均值漂移遗传聚类的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2017.11.21, 中国, ZL201510164484.8
  22. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 都炳琪, 田平平, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于均值漂移和邻域信息的模糊C均值图像分割方法, 2018.03.06 , 中国, ZL201510575694.6
  23. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 徐豪, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 侯彪, 李静, 基于博弈论和进化计算的认知无线电频谱分配方法, 2018.03.06 , 中国, ZL201410570851.X
  24. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 李风, 李静, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于比例公平的认知OFDM网络中的资源分配方法, 2018.03.13 , 中国, ZL201510112766.3
  25. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 都炳琪, 李风, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于动态局部搜索和免疫克隆自动聚类的图像分割方法, 2018.04.17, 中国, ZL201610055347.5
  26. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 文爱玲, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于改进的双边滤波与聚类的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2018.04.17, 中国, ZL201510939427.2
  27. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 文爱玲, 田平平, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于粗糙集的快速抑制模糊聚类的图像分割方法, 2018.05.15, 中国, ZL201610056229.6
  28. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 张坤, 李静, 刘红英, 熊涛, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于人工免疫分配方法的认知OFDM网络上行链路子载波和功率联合分配方法, 2018.07.31, 中国, ZL201410116744.X
  29. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 袁一璟, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王蓉芳, 侯彪, 王爽, 刘红英, 基于差异图自步学习的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL201610561375.4
  30. 尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 王文兵, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 候彪, 刘红英, 基于子空间学习的图正则高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL201610260603.4
  31. 尚荣华(#)(*), 刘永坤, 焦李成, 刘芳, 王荣芳, 马晶晶, 王爽, 侯彪, 基于散射能量和堆栈自编码的极化SAR图像分类方法, 2019.10.08, 中国, ZL201710727450.4
  32. 尚荣华(#)(*), 刘驰旸, 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于判别信息和流形信息的高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2020.02.07, 中国, ZL201710057090.1
  33. 尚荣华(#)(*), 常姜维, 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 候彪, 刘红英, 基于自表示和局部相似性保护的高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2020.02.07, 中国, ZL201710102857.8
  34. 孟洋, 尚荣华(*), 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 马文萍, 刘芳, 侯彪, 王爽, 张文雅, 基于双图稀疏非负矩阵分解的高光谱波段选择方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL201610831370.9