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  1. 本科课程:信息论与编码

    教材: T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory. John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed. 2006. (中译本:机械工业出版社,2008;第一版影印本:清华大学出版社,2003)。

  2. 研究生课程:
  • 网络信息论【原信息论基础(二)】

     教材:A. El. Gamal and Y.-H. Kim, Network Information Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2011. (中译本:清华大学出版社)

         注:Lecture Notes available on website: arXiv:1001.3404v4 [cs.IT] June 2010.

  • 无线通信理论

     教材:D. N. C. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

  • 现代数字通信与编码理论



     参考书:1) G. D. Forney and R. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communication. Course notes. MIT.

                   2)William E.Ryan and Shu Lin, Channel Codes: Classical and Modern, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

  • 代数编码理论

      教材: Richard E. Blahut, Algebraic Codes for Data Transmission. Cambridge University Press, 2003.



(1) 研究生信息论基础补充资料

(2) 现代数字通信与编码理论

Chapter 1: /bmbai/files/20110927_094640.pdf,  补充:/bmbai/files/20110927_094721.pdf

Chapter 2: /bmbai/files/20221021_coding_ch2.pdf

Chapter 3: /bmbai/files/20110927_094753.pdf

Chapter 4 - Part 1: /bmbai/files/20150129_145849.pdf

Chapter 4 - Part 2: /bmbai/files/20111121_182238.pdf

Chapter 4 - Part 3: /bmbai/files/20111121_182333.pdf

Chapter 4 - Polar codes: /bmbai/files/20171126_142154.pdf

Chapter 5 - Part 1: /bmbai/files/20111121_182412.pdf

Chapter 5 - Part 2: /bmbai/files/20111217_185948.pdf

Chapter 7: /bmbai/files/20150129_145929.pdf

Chapter 8 - Part 1: /bmbai/files/20150129_150009.pdf

(3) 本科信息论与编码讲义

(4) 2012年《无线通信理论》课程考核方式
