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WeiGuo Zhang

WeiGuo Zhang received the Ph.D. degree from Xidian University in 2007. His research interests includes Boolean functions and sequence design.

Selected publications

  1. W.-G. Zhang, Analysis and construction of nonlinear correctors used in true random number generators, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2023, 69 (10): 6671-6681. [PDF]

  2. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, C. Xie, A design and flexible assignment of orthogonal binary sequence sets for (QS)-CDMA systems, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 2023, 91 (2): 373-389.  [PDF]

  3. W.-G. Zhang, Xiao-Massey theorem: historical background, academic influence and originality, Journal of Cryptologic Research, 2022, 9 (5): 779-804. [PDF]

  4. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, L. Zhang, Phase orthogonal sequence sets for (QS)CDMA communications, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 2022, 90 (5): 1139-1156. [PDF]

  5. W.-G. Zhang, Y.-J. Sun, E. Pasalic, Three classes of balanced vectorial semi-bent functions, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2021, 89 (12): 2697-2714. [PDF]

  6. W.-G. Zhang, High-Meets-Low: construction of strictly almost optimal resilient Boolean functions via fragmentary Walsh spectra, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019, 65 (9): 5856-5864. [PDF]

  7. S. Hodzic, E. Pasalic, W.-G. Zhang, Generic constructions of five-valued spectra Boolean functions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 2019, 65 (11): 7554-7565. [PDF]

  8. W.-G. Zhang, L.-Y. Li, E. Pasalic, Construction of resilient S-boxes with higher-dimensional vectorial outputs and strictly almost optimal nonlinearity, IET Information Security, 2017, 11 (4): 199-203. [PDF]

  9. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, Improving the lower bound on maximum nonlinearity of 1-resilient Boolean functions and designing functions satisfying all cryptographic criteria, Information Sciences, 2017, 376: 21-30. [PDF]

  10. W.-G. Zhang, C.-L. Xie, E. Pasalic, Large sets of orthogonal sequences suitable for applications in CDMA systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2016, 62 (6): 3757-3767.  [PDF]

  11. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, Highly nonlinear balanced S-boxes with good differential properties, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2014, 60 (12): 7970-7979. [PDF]

  12. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, Generalized Maiorana-McFarland construction of resilient Boolean functions with high nonlinearity and good algebraic properties, IEEE Transations on Information Theory, 2014, 60 (10): 6681-6695. [PDF]

  13. W.-G. Zhang, E. Pasalic, Constructions of resilient S-boxes with strictly almost optimal nonlinearity through disjoint linear codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2014, 60 (3): 1638-1651. [PDF]

  14. W.-G. Zhang, G.-Z. Xiao, Constructions of almost optimal resilient Boolean functions on large even number of variables, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2009, 55 (12): 5822-5831.  [PDF]