Books & Chapters:
Yutong Zhao, Jianzhong Chen, Yaqi Wei, Chengwei Zhang, Liang Li, Bian Wu, Tao Su, Single-layer absorption-diffusion-integrated metasurface for high-performance radar cross section reduction using hybrid copper–graphene structure, Journal of Applied Physics, 2022,131(16):165108.
Jianzhong Chen, Jiali Zhang, Yutong Zhao, Wei, Liang Li, Tao Su, Chi Fan, Bian Wu, High-Selectivity Bandpass Filter with Controllable Attenuation Based on Graphene Nanoplates, Materials, 2022,15(5):1694.
Haoran Zu, Bian Wu*, Peibin Yang,Wenhua Li, Jinjin Liu, Wideband and High-GainWearable Antenna Array with Specific Absorption Rate Suppression,Electronics,2021, 10, 2056.
Wenhua Li, Haoran Zu, Jinjin Liu, Bian Wu*, A Low-Profile Ultrawideband Antenna Based on Flexible Graphite Films for On-Body Wearable Applications,Materials, 2021, 14, 4526.
Feng Tao, Bian Wu*, Mei Xu, Jianzhong Chen and Tao Su, Compact Dual-Mode Wideband MIMO Filtering Antenna Array with High Selectivity and Improved Isolation, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021;31:e22497.
Yao-Jia Yang, Bian Wu*, Yu-Tong Zhao and Chi-FanDual-band beam steering THz antenna using active frequency selective surface based on grapheme, EPJ Appl. Metamat., 2021, 8(12),1-7.
Jianzhong Chen, Chengwei Zhang, Yutong Zhao*, Lei Lin, Liang Li, Tao Su, Bian Wu, Jinshan Ding, An Ultrawideband Polarization-Insensitive Diffusion Metasurface Using Period Changed Unit Cell for RCS Reduction,Materials, 2021, 14, 5053.
Before 2021: Selected Publications:
Chi Fan, Bian Wu*, Rongguo Song, Yutong Zhao, Yahui Zhang, Daping He*, Electromagnetic shielding and multi-beam radiation with high conductivity multil[ant]ayer graphene film, Carbon,155,506-513,2019. (一区)
Bian Wu, H. M. Tuncer, A. Katsounaros, W. Wu, M. T. Cole, K. Ying, L. Zhang, W. I. Milne, Y. Hao, Microwave absorption and radiation with large-area multil[ant]ayer CVD graphene, Carbon, 2014,77:814-822.(一区)
Bian Wu*, Yao-Jia Yang, Hui-Ling Li, Yu-Tong Zhao, Chi Fan, Wei-Bing Lu,Low-loss Dual-polarized Frequency-Selective Rasorber with Graphene-based Planar Resistor,IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation,2020,68(11),7439-7446. (一区)
Chi Fan, Bian Wu*, Yue Hu, Yutong Zhao, Tao Su, Millimeter-wave Pattern Reconfigurable Vivaldi Antenna Using Tunable Resistor Based on Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation,2020,68(6),4939-4943. (一区)
Bian Wu*, Chi Fan, Xin Feng, Yutong Zhao, Jing Ning, Dong Wang, Tao Su, Dynamically Tunable Filtering Attenuator Based on Graphene Integrated Microstrip Resonators, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 2020,68(12), 5270-5278. (一区)
S.-J.Sun, T.Su, K. Deng, Bian Wu, C.-H. Liang,Shorted-Ended Stepped-Impedance Dual-Resonance Resonator and Its Application to Bandpass Filters,IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 2013, 61(9): 3209 – 3215. (一区)
S.Fu, Bian Wu, J.Chen, S.-J.Sun, C.-H. Liang, Novel Second-order Dual-Mode Dual-Band Filters Using Capacitance Loaded Square Loop Resonator, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 2012, 60(3): 477-483.(一区)
S.-J. Sun, Bian Wu, T. Su, K. Deng, and C.-H. Liang, “Wideband dual-mode microstrip filter using short-ended resonators with centrally loaded inductive stub,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 2012, 60(12): 3667-3673. (一区)
Ming-Yang Geng, Zhen-Guo Liu, Wei-Jun Wu, Hao Chen, Bian Wu and Wei-Bing Lu, A Dynamically Tunable Microwave Absorber Based on Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation,2020,68(6),4706-4713.(一区)
Zhi-Peng Chen, Wei-Bing Lu, Zhenguo Liu, An-Qi Zhang, Bian Wu, Hao Chen, Dynamically Tunable Integrated Device for Attenuation, Amplification and Transmission of SSPP Using Graphene. IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation,2020,68(5), 3953-3962. (一区)
Xiangjie Yi, Tao Su*, Xi Li, Bian Wu, Lin Yang, A Double-Layer Wideband Transmitarray Antenna Using Two Degrees of Freedom Elements Around 20 GHz, IEEE Tran. Antennas and Propagation, 2019,67(4),2798-2802. (一区)
An-Qi Zhang, Wei-Bing Lu*, Zhen-Guo Liu, Bian Wu, Hao Chen, Flexible and Dynamically Tunable Attenuator Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waveguide Loaded with Graphene, IEEE Tran. Antennas and Propagation, 2019,67(8),5582-5589. (一区)
Hao Chen, Wei-Bing Lu, Zhen-Guo Liu, Jin Zhang, An-Qi Zhang, Bian Wu, Experimental Demonstration of Microwave Absorber Using Large-Area Multil[ant]ayer Graphene-Based Frequency Selective Surface, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 2018,66(8):3807-3816.(一区)
Han-Yu Xie, Bian Wu*, Lei Xia, Jian-Zhong Chen, Tao Su, Miniaturized Half-Mode Fan-Shaped SIW Filter with Extensible Order and Wide Stopband, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2020,30(8),749-752. (二区)
Hao-Ran Zu, Bian Wu*, Ya-Hui Zhang, Yu-Tong Zhao, Rong-Guo Song, Da-Ping He, Circularly Polarized Wearable Antenna with Low-Profile and Low Specific Absorption Rate Using Highly Conductive Graphene Film, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020,19(12), 2354-2358. (二区)
Bian Wu*, Hui-Ling Li, Yu-Tong Zhao, Yue-Lin Wang, Wei-Bing Lu, Liang Chen, Design and Validation of Flexible Multil[ant]ayer Frequency Selective Surface with Transmission Zeros, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2019,18(2),250-254.(二区)
Tao Su, Xiangjie Yi, Bian Wu, X/Ku Dual-Band Single-Layer Reflectarray Antenna,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2019,18(2),338-342.(二区)
Bian Wu*, Yue Hu, YuTong Zhao, Weibing Lu, Wei Zhang, Large angle beam steering THz antenna using active frequency selective surface based on hybrid graphene-gold structure, Optics Express, 2018, 26(12),15353-15361.(二区)
YuTong Zhao, Bian Wu*, BeiJu Huang, and Qiang Cheng, Switchable broadband terahertz absorber/reflector enabled by hybrid graphene-gold metasurface, Opt. Express, 2017 25(7), 7161-7169.(二区)
Yu-Tong Zhao, Bian Wu*, Yu Zhang, and Yang Hao,Transparent electromagnetic shielding enclosure with CVD graphene, Applied Physics Letters, 2016,109, 103507. doi: 10.1063/1.4962474.(二区)
Bian Wu, Hatice M. Tuncer, Majid Naeem, Bin Yang, Matthew T. Cole, William I. Milne, Yang Hao. Experimental demonstration of a transparent graphene millimetre wave absorber with 28% fractional bandwidth at 140 GHz. Scientific Reports, 2014; 4:1-7.DOI: 10.1038/srep04130 Media Highlight: New study reveals communications potential of graphene Graphene Films Promise Secure Wireless Networks