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  1. One paper accepted by IEEE TNNLS, 2023/10/15
  2. One paper accepted by IEEE TGRS, 2023/10/01
  3. One paper accepted by IEEE ICCV, 2023/07/01
  4. One paper accepted  by IEEE TNNLS, 2023/03/21
  5. One paper accepted by IEEE JSTARS, 2023/03/20
  6. Two papers accepted by IEEE CVPR, 2023/03/15
  7. One paper accepted by ISPRS, 2023/01/01
  8. One paper accepted by IEEE TGRS, 2023/01/01

Open Source


Hope for guidance and  exchanges!

Part of Pape List

  1. Jiaojiao Li, Chaoxiong Wu, Rui Song, Weiying Xie, Chiru Ge, Yunsong Li, Hybrid 2D-3D Deep Residual Attentional Network with Structure Tensor Constraints for Spectral Super-Resolution of RGB Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3004934.(CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions,ESI,IF: 5.63).
  2. Jiaojiao Li, Ruxing Cui, Bo Li, Rui Song, Yunsong Li and Yuchao Dai, Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution by Band Attention Through Adversarial Learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(6): 4304-4318. (CAS SCI, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  3. Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li, Rui Song, Shaohui Mei and Qian Du, Local Spectral Similarity Preserving Regularized Robust Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(10): 7756-7769. (CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  4. Jiaojiao Li, Qian Du, Yunsong Li and Wei Li, Hyperspectral Image Classification with Imbalanced Data Based on Orthogonal Complement Subspace Projection, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote sensing, 2018, 56(7): 3838-3851. (CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  5. Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li*, Yuxuan Zheng, Bobo Xi and Yunsong Li, Hyperspectral Target Detection with RoI Feature Transformation and Multiscale Spectral Attention. In press, DOI :10.1109/TGRS.2020.3001948, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020. (CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  6. Yuxuan Zheng, Jiaojiao Li*, Yunsong Li, Jie Guo, Xianyun Wu and Jocelyn Chanussot. Hyperspectral Pansharpening Using Deep Prior and Dual Attention Residual Network. In press,  DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.2986313, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020. (CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  7. Weiying Xie, Yuhang Cui, Yunsong Li, Jie Lei, Qian Du and Jiaojiao Li*, HPGAN: Hyperspectral Pansharpening Using 3-D Generative Adversarial Networks, In press, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.2994238, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020. (CAS SCI I, TOP Transactions, IF: 5.63).
  8. Bobo Xi, Jiaojiao Li*, Yunsong Li, Rui Song, Yanzi Shi, Songlin Liu and Qian Du, Deep Prototypical Networks with Hybrid Residual Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3004973.(CAS SCI II, IF:3.392).
  9. Jiaojiao Li, Ruixing Cui, Bo Li, Rui Song, Yunsong Li and Qian Du, Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution with 1D–2D Attentional Convolutional Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(23): 2859. (CAS SCI II, IF: 4.118).
  10. Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li*, Yaping Yin, Bobo Xi, Yunsong Li, Hyperspectral Target Detection With Macro-Micro Feature Extracted by 3-D Residual Autoencoder, 2019,12(12):4907-4919, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. (CAS SCI II, IF:3.392).
  11. Jiaojiao Li, Bobo Xi, Qian Du, Rui Song, Yunsong Li, Guangbo Ren, Deep Kernel Extreme-Learning Machine for the Spectral–Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12): 2036. (CAS SCI II, IF: 4.118).
  12. Jiaojiao Li, Bobo Xi, Yunsong Li, Qian Du, Keyan Wang, Hyperspectral Classification Based on Texture Feature Enhancement and Deep Belief Networks,Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(3): 396. (CAS SCI II, IF: 4.118).
  13. Jiaojiao Li, Xi Zhao, Yunsong Li, Qian Du, Bobo Xi, Jing Hu, Classification of hyperspectral imagery using a new fully convolutional neural network, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing letters, 2018, 15(2):292-296. (CAS SCI II, IF: 3.534).
  14. Shengwei zhong,Chein-I Chang, Jiaojiao Li*, Xiaodi Shang, Shuhan Chen, Meiping Song, Ye Zhang ,Class Feature-Weighted Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019,12(12): 4728-4745. (CAS SCI II, IF:3.392).
  15. Yuxuan Zheng, Jiaojiao Li*, Yunsong Li, Kailang Cao, Keyan Wang, Deep Residual Learning for Boosting the Accuracy of Hyperspectral Pansharpening, In press, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2945424, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing letters, 2019. (CAS SCI II, IF: 3.534).