1. 2023, ICCV 6D Posture Estimation Challenge, the top conference in the field of computer vision, World Champion
2. 2022, ECCV 6D Posture Estimation Challenge, the top conference in the field of computer vision, World Champion
3. 2022, CVPR NTIRE Spectral Reconstruction Track, the top conference in the field of computer vision, World Third Place
4. 2021, selected by Shaanxi University Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST
5. 2021, selected by Xi'an Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST
6. 2021, "Huawei Rise Cup" AI+ Remote Sensing Imaging Track in the Second National Artificial Intelligence Competition, the Third Prize
7. 2020, CVPR NTIRE Spectral Reconstruction Track, the top conference in the field of computer vision, World Champion
8. 2019, the 1st "Tianzhi Cup" Artificial Intelligence Challenge, Subject 2, Subject 2, National Champion
9. 2019, the mentor of "Outstanding Undergraduate Mentoring Team", Haitang No. 8 School, Xidian University
10. 2019, the 5th "CCB Cup" China "Internet+" College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Shaanxi Region Higher Education Track, Gold Medal/Champion
11. 2019, the 5th "CCB Cup" China "Internet+" College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Higher Education Track, National Gold Prize, instructor
12. 2017, the 3rd Postgraduate Innovation Achievement Exhibition of Shaanxi Province, Second Prize, Ranking 2