[78] Datao Tang, Xiangyong Cao, Xingsong Hou, Zhongyuan Jiang, Deyu Meng, CRS-Diff: Controllable Remote Sensing Image Generation with Diffusion Model, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024.
[77] Datao Tang, Xiangyong Cao, Xingsong Hou, Zhongyuan Jiang, Deyu Meng, CRS-Diff: Controllable Generative Remote Sensing Foundation Model, arXiv:2403.11614, 2024.
[76] Zhongyuan Jiang, Haibo Liu, et al, Target Link Protection against Link-Prediction-Based Attacks via Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Random Walk, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2024.
[75] 蒋忠元,陶梅悦,方晓彤等,基于启发式规则的流式在线日志解析方法,通信学报,2024.
[74] 范其纲,蒋忠元*等,基于序参量的云边端分布式体系协同安全评估,网络与信息安全学报,2024.
[73] Sen Wang, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Xinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, K-backup: Load- and TCAM-Aware Multi-Backup Fast Failure Recovery in SDNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024.
[72] Xueyang Feng, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Wei You, Jie Yang, Xinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, PSMA: Layered Deployment Scheme for Secure VNF Multiplexing Based on Primary and Secondary Multiplexing Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024.
[71] Sen Wang, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Xinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, MLDR: An O(|V|4) and Near-Optimal Routing Scheme for LEO Mega-Constellations, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, online, 2024.
[70] 蒋忠元,王森,王启舟,曹相湧,侯兴松,雷磊,孙冬伟,李兴华,马建峰,低轨卫星多星协同及星地协同遥通算一体化技术,天地一体化信息网络,2024, 5(1): 60-75.
[69] Peilei Xue; Xinghua Li; Zhongyuan Jiang; Bin Luo; Yinbin Miao; Ximeng Liu; Robert H. Deng, A Multi-CUAV Multi-UAV Electricity Scheduling Scheme: From Charging Location Selection to Electricity Transaction, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3284828.
[68] X. Feng, J. Ma, H. Wang, Y. Miao, X. Liu and Z. Jiang, "An Accessional Signature Scheme with Unmalleable Transaction Implementation to Securely Redeem Cryptocurrencies," in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3293402, 2023.
[67] Wanchang Zhang, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Qingsong Yao, DND:Deep learning-based directed network disintegrator,IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems,2023,to appear.
[66] Cong Chen, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Jianfeng Ma, Privacy Protection for Marginal Sensitive Community Individuals against Adversarial Community Detection Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022, accepted (to appear).
[65] Xiaoqing Zhao, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Jianfeng Ma, A Survey of Deep Anomaly Detection for System Logs, IJCNN, 2022. (CCF C类会议)
[64] 赵晓庆,蒋忠元,马建峰,基于日志事件模式的异常检测方法综述,计算机科学,录用,2022.
[63] Yang Wei, Jianfeng Ma, Zhongyuan Jiang, Bin Xiao, Mixed Color Channels (MCC): A Universal Module for Mixed Sample Data Augmentation Methods, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2022 (ICME 2022).
[62] Runze Wang, Zehua Zhang*, Yueqin Zhang, Zhongyuan Jiang, Shilin Sun, Chenwei Zhang, Sparse Imbalanced Drug-Target Interaction Prediction via Heterogeneous Data Augmentation and Node Similarity, The 26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 22').
[61] Zhongyuan Jiang*, Xianyu Chen, Jianfeng Ma, Philip S. Yu, RumorDecay: Rumor Dissemination Interruption for Target Recipients in Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2022.3144141.
[60] 俞自生, 李瑞远*, 郭阳, 蒋忠元, 鲍捷, 郑宇. 基于键值存储的分布式时序相似性搜索方法. 软件学报.
[59] Peilei Xue, Zhongyuan Jiang*, SecRouting: Secure Routing for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Technology, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 69(3):1727 - 1731,2022.
[58] Zhongyuan Jiang*, Tang Xiaoke, Yong Zeng, Jianfeng Ma, Adversarial link deception against the link prediction in complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 577: 126074.
[57] Lijun Fan, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Qiang Wang, Robustness Evaluation for Real Traffic Network from Complex Network Perspective, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021, 32(8): 2150102, DOI: 10.1142/S0129183121501023.
[56] Xianyu Chen, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma, Philip S. Yu. Community Hiding by Link Perturbation in Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021, 8(3): 704-715. DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3054115, 2021.
[55] Zisheng Yu, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Jianfeng Ma, Yu Zheng. Safeness-based Community Penetration, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68(7):2690-2694. DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3063303, 2021.
[54] Dongyan Zhao, Jing Li, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Effects of link perturbation on network modularity for community detections in complex network systems, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B , 35( 13): 2150214, 出版年: MAY 10 2021.
[53] 蒋忠元, 陈贤宇, 马建峰, 社交网络中社团隐私保护研究综述, 网络与信息安全学报, 2020, 已录用.
[52] Peilei Xue, Zhongyuan Jiang*, Enhancing Path Reliability against Sybil Attack by Improved Multi-Path-Trees in SDN, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, December 7 - 11, in Taipei, Taiwan. Accepted.
[51] Sijie Ruan, Zi Xiong, Cheng Long, Yiheng Chen, Jie Bao, Tianfu He, Ruiyuan Li, Shengnan Wu, Zhongyuan Jiang, Yu Zheng, Doing in One Go: Delivery Time Inference Based on Couriers’ Trajectories, KDD'20.
[50] Jiang ZY, Li J, Ma JF, Yu Philip S, Similarity-based and Sybil Attack Defended Community Detection for Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, 2020, accepted.
[49] 李晶,蒋忠元,马建峰. 逆链路预测方法研究综述. 信息安全学报,2020,录用.
[48] Ruiyuan Li, Jie Bao, Huajun He, Sijie Ruan, Tianfu He, Liang Hong, Zhongyuan Jiang, Yu Zheng. Discovering Real-time Reachable Area using Trajectory Connections. (DASFAA 2020).
[47] Z. Jiang, L. Sun, P. S. Yu, H. Li, J. Ma, Y. Shen, "Target Privacy Preserving for Social Networks", IEEE ICDE 2020.
[46] Jiang ZY, Chen XY, Dong BW, Zhang JS, Gong JB, Yan H, Zhang ZH, Ma JF, Yu PS. Trajectory-based Community Detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(6): 1139-1143.
[45] Z. Jiang, J. Ma and P. S. Yu, "Walk2Privacy: Limiting target link privacy disclosure against the adversarial link prediction," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 1381-1388.
[44] Z Liu, J Weng, J Ma, J Guo, B Feng, Z Jiang, K Wei, TCEMD: A Trust Cascading-Based Emergency Message Dissemination Model in VANETs, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, online. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2957520.
[43] Z. Jiang, X. Chen, J. Ma, Y. Zhang and J. Gu, "Traffic Dynamics Evaluation for the Future NFV Deployment," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. (early access), 2019.
[42] Hui Li, Mengting Xu, Sourav S Bhowmick, Changsheng Sun, Zhongyuan Jiang, Jiangtao Cui. DISCO: Influence Maximization Meets Network Embedding and Deep Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07378, 2019.
[41] Jiang ZY, Wang Q, Liu ZQ, Ma JF. Vehicle demand evolution analysis from the complex network perspective, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications , Volume 532, 15 October 2019, 121889.
[40] Jiang, Zhong-Yuan, Yong Zeng, Zhi-Hong Liu, and Jian-Feng Ma. "Identifying critical nodes’ group in complex networks." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 514 (2019): 121-132.
[39] 曾勇, 周灵杰, 蒋忠元, 刘志宏, & 马建峰. (2018). Security analysis of weighted network anonymity based on singular value decomposition%基于奇异值分解的含权网络匿名化的安全性分析. 通信学报, 039(005), 23-33.
[38] Susu Yang, Hui Li, and Zhongyuan Jiang, “Targeted Influential Nodes Selection in Location-Aware Social Networks,” Complexity, vol. 2018, Article ID 6101409, 10 pages, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6101409.
[37] Wang, X., Chen, F*., Zhang, T., Qin, N., & Jiang, Z. Y*. (2018). A new routing strategy limited by heterogeneous link bandwidth. Modern Physics Letters B, 32(24), 1850292.
[36] Jiang, Z. Y., Liu, Z. Q., He, X., & Ma, J. F. . Cascade phenomenon against subsequent failures in complex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 499: 472–480.
[35] Liang Y X, Jiang Z Y, Zheng Y, Inferring traffic cascading patterns, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017, accepted. (full paper, 录用率18%, 学生第一作者)
[34] Liu Z, Ma J F, Jiang Z Y, Miao Y B, FCT: a fully-distributed context-aware trust model for location based service recommendation, Science China Information Sciences 60:082102, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-015-9029-y
[33] Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, Effects of packet retransmission with finite packet lifetime on traffic capacity in scale-free networks, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 28, 1750066 (2017). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0129183117500668.
[32] Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, Deployment of check-in nodes in complex networks,Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 40428.
[31] Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, An efficient local cascade defense method in complex networks, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2017, 28: 1750031.
[30] Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, Check-in based routing strategy in scale-free networks, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2017, 468: 205~211.
[29] Mengli Liu, Yong Zeng, Zhongyuan Jiang, Zhihong Liu, and Jianfeng Ma. "Centrality Based Privacy Preserving for Weighted Social Networks." In 2017 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), pp. 574-577. IEEE, 2017.
[28] Longfei Wang, Yong Zeng, Zhongyuan Jiang, Zhihong Liu, and Jianfeng Ma. "A Survey of Network Reconstruction on Social Network." In 2017 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), pp. 297-301. IEEE, 2017.
[27] Lingjie Zhou, Yong Zeng, Yi He, Zhongyuan Jiang, and JianFeng Ma. "Multi-hop Based Centrality of a Path in Complex Network." In 2017 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), pp. 292-296. IEEE, 2017.
[26]Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, Shen Y L, Zeng Y. Effects of link-orientation methods on robustness against cascading failures in complex networks. Physica A, 457 1-7, 2016.
[25] Liu Z Q, Ma J F, Jiang Z Y, et al. LSOT: A Lightweight Self-Organized Trust Model in VANETs, 2016, 2016: 7628231.
[24] Liu Z Q, Ma J F, Jiang Z Y, et al. A Lightweight Cross-domain Trust Model for the Mobile Distributed Environment, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 10(2) 914-934, 2016.
[23] Liu Z Q, Ma J F, Jiang Z Y, et al. Integrating Reputation and Local Trust for Trustworthy Service Recommendation in Service-oriented Social Networks, PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(3): e0151438.
[22] He X, Niu K, He Z, Lin J, Zhang H, Jiang Z Y, Efficient packet navigation method on scale-free networks with finite and diversiform node delivery capacity, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2016, 27: 1650098. DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116500984.
[21] Liu J, Jiang Z Y, Kato N, Akashi O, and Takahara A, Reliability Evaluation for NFV Deployment of Future Mobile Broadband Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2016, 23(3): 90-96..
[20] Jiang Z Y*, Ma J F, Jing X, Enhancing traffic capacity of scale-free networks by employing hybrid routing strategy, Physica A, 2015, 422: 181-186. (SCI, cited times: 13)
[19] Zhang H*, Jiang Z Y, Exploring highly-efficient routing strategy on scale-free networks with limited and diverse node capacity, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 2015, in press. (SCI)
[18] He X*, Niu K, He Z, Lin J, Jiang Z Y*, Efficient packet transportation on complex networks with nonuniform node capacity distribution, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 2015, 26: 1550118. (SCI)
[17] Zhang S, Liang M G*, Jiang Z Y et al., Improved efficient static weighted routing strategy on two-la[ant]yer complex networks, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 2015, 26: 1550001. (SCI)
[16] Jiang Z Y*, An incremental optimal routing strategy for scale-free networks[J]. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2014, 25: 1450044. (SCI, Impact factor:1.125)
[15] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*. Effects of efficient edge rewiring strategies on network transport efficiency[J]. Physica A, 2014,394(1):379-385. (SCI, Impact factor:1.722, cited times:3)
[14] Zhang S, Liang M G*, Jiang Z Y et al., Effective strategy of adding links for improving network transport efficiency on complex networks, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 25, 1450014 (2014) . (SCI, cited times:1)
[13] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Wu J J. Dynamic source routing strategy for two-level flow on scale-free networks[J]. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(12): e82162. (SCI, Impact factor:3.53, cited times:1)
[12] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Li Q, Guo D C. Optimal dynamic bandwidth allocation for complex networks[J]. Physica A, 2013, 392(5): 1256-1262. (SCI, Impact factor:1.722, cited times:5)
[11] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*. Incremental routing strategy on scale-free networks[J]. Physica A, 2013, 392(8): 1894-1901. (SCI, Impact factor:1.722, WoS cited times:10)
[10] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Zhang S, Zhou W X, Jin H Q. Enhancing traffic capacity of two-la[ant]yer scale-free networks[J]. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2013, 24(7): 1350051. (SCI, cited times: 3)
[9] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Guo D C. Improving network transport efficiency by edge rewiring[J]. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 2013, 27(8):1350056. (SCI)
[8] Zhang S, Liang M G*, Jiang Z Y et al., Queue resource reallocation strategy for traffic systems in scale-free network[J], Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 24, 1350013 (2013) . (SCI)
[7] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Huang J L, Li Q. An efficient weighted routing strategy for scale-free networks[J]. Mod. Phys. Lett. B,2012, 26: 1250195. (SCI)
[6] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*. Improved Efficient Routing Strategy on Scale-free Networks[J]. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2012, 23: 1250016. (SCI, WoS cited times:10)
[5] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, et al. An Efficient Bandwidth Allocation Strategy for Scale-free Networks[J]. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2012, 23: 1250065. (SCI, WoS cited times:8)
[4] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Improving the Network Load Balance by Adding an Edge, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 433-440: 5147. (ISTP, cited tims: 1)
[3] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, Guo D C. Enhancing Network Performance by Edge Addition[J]. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 2011, 22: 1211-1226. (SCI, WoS cited times:14)
[2] Jiang Z Y, Liang M G*, A Network Connection Protection Mechanism Based on Random Node Identification[C], 2011 IEEE ICCT.
[1] Guo D C, Liang M G*, Li D D, Jiang Z Y, Effect of random edge failure on the average path length[J], J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2011, 44: 415002. (SCI, cited times:1)