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Name: Zhong-Yuan Jiang

Title: Professor,  Ph.D Supervisor

Department: School of Cyber Engineering


Contact Information

Address: No.2 S. Taibai Rd. Xi\'an Shaanxi, China

Email: zyjiang@xidian.edu.cn



Dr. Zhong-Yuan Jiang received both B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2009 and 2013 respectively. He is currently on the faculty board of School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University.  View the detailed reseach.  He hosts many projects including NSFC, and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.


Research Interests

1. Security of big data and AI:Privacy preserving, Privacy computing, Social network security/safety, Roubustness of model/algorithm

2. Complex (Unmanned) network system security:Cascading phenomenon, Roubustness, Resilience

3. Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network:6G, NFV/SDN,Routing

4. NLP:Law / Contracts Element Extraction, Text Generation