Zhu Qiang, Professor
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Address: Room 209 east, District 2 of Xinyuan building, south compus of Xidian University
Email: zhuqiang@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Tel: +8618629567286
Zhu Qiang got his BS and PhD degree from Qingdao University in 1999 and University and science and technology of china in 2005. Now He is a professor in the School of mathematics and statistics of Xidian University. Now his research focuses on the diagnosis of multiprocessor systems, fault tolerant computing and complex networks.
My Vitae: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AtQLSgYfN5MkgcBhLUvcnuoeCSJs2Q
1.Diagnosis of multiprocessor systems
2. Graph theory
3.Fault tolerant computing
4.Big Data