Bridge the gap between text book and scientific research!
课程: 数字视频处理与分析(研究生, 全英语授课)
1. 时间: 2019年 秋季,每周三下午7-8节;
2. 地点:北校区一百号楼210室;
3. Syllabus: pdf
4. Contents
1) Course Introduction: material;
2) Video Basics: material;
3) Student projects: material;
5. Notice
(2019-09-02) The first class will begin at September 2 (Wednesday), 2019;
(2019-09-18) The class of Sep. 25 is changed to PM 3:00, Sep. 26;
(2019-09-20) One page summary submission for student projects: Sep. 26, 2019: template;
(2019-09-20) Proposal presentation of student projects will be scheduled as follows:
- PPT submission: Oct. 13, 2019, example;
- Rehearsal: AM 9:30, Oct. 10, 2019 @ #203;
- Presentation: Oct. 16, 2019;