Xinyin Xiang, Xingwen Zhao: Blockchain-assisted searchable attribute-based encryption for e-health systems. J. Syst. Archit. 124: 102417 (2022)
Yiyang Hong, Xingwen Zhao, Hui Zhu, Hui Li, A Blockchain-Integrated Divided-Block Sparse Matrix Transformation Differential Privacy Data Publishing Mode,Security and Communication Networks, 2021.
李德馨; 付溪; 赵兴文,工业物联网中隐私保护的轻量级认证协议,计算机工程与应用,2021
付溪; 李晖; 赵兴文,网络钓鱼识别研究综述,网络与信息安全学报,2020,6(05).
Haonan Yan, Hui Li, Mingchi Xiao, Rui Dai, Xianchun Zheng, Xingwen Zhao, Fenghua Li: PGSM-DPI: Precisely Guided Signature Matching of Deep Packet Inspection for Traffic Analysis. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6
Xinyin Xiang, Xingwen Zhao: Continuous leakage-resilient IBE in cloud computing. Int. J. Communication Systems 31(10) (2018)
Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li: Privacy Preserving Data-Sharing Scheme in Content-Centric Networks Against Collusion Name Guessing Attacks. IEEE Access 5: 23182-23189 (2017)
Xingwen Zhao, Jiaping Lin, Hui Li: Privacy-Preserving Billing Scheme against Free-Riders for Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles. Mobile Information Systems 2017: 1325698:1-1325698:9 (2017)
Jiaping Lin, Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li:Target: category-based android malware detection revisited. ACSW 2017: 74:1-74:9
Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li: Privacy Preserving Authenticating and Billing Scheme for Video Streaming Service. CSS 2017: 396-410
Xinyin Xiang, Hui Li, Mingyu Wang, Xingwen Zhao: Efficient multi-party concurrent signature from lattices. Inf. Process. Lett. 116(8): 497-502 (2016)
Xingwen Zhao, Gaofei Zhao, Hui Li.Generic Codes Based Traitor Tracing and Revoking Scheme from Attributes Based Encryption.IEEE CIT 2014, Xi'An China.(EI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Gaofei Zhao, Hui Li. Fully Secure Codes Based Tracing and Revoking Scheme with Constant Ciphertext, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 543-547 (2014) pp 3300-3307. (EI). Full Version Technical Report Available Here. (pdf)
- Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Improvement on A Multi-Channel Broadcast Encryption Scheme. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 427-429 (2013) pp. 2163-2169.(link)
- Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Achieving Dynamic Privileges in Secure Data Sharing on Cloud Storage. Security and Communication Networks.2014, 7(11):2211-2221.(SCI) (link)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Generic Codes Based Traitor Tracing Scheme with Revocation
Ability from Attributes Based Encryption, Technical Report.(pdf)
- Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Codes Based Tracing and Revoking Scheme with Constant Ciphertext. ProvSec 2012 (Chengdu, China), LNCS 7496, 2012, pp 318-335.(link)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Tracing and Revoking Scheme for Dynamic Privileges against Pirate Rebroadcast. Computers & Security. 2012, 31(1):59-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2011.11.002. (SCI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Haibo Tian. Dynamic Asymmetric Group Key Agreement for Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 2011, 9(5):928-939. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2010.11.002. (SCI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Fully CCA2 Secure Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Black-Box Accountable Authority. Journal of Systems and Software. 2012, 85(3):708-716. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2011.09.045. (SCI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Traitor Tracing Against Public Collaboration, ISPEC 2011, LNCS 6672, Springer, 2011, pp. 302-316. http://www.springerlink.com/content/m41n613532421r46/ (EI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Times Limited Accountable Anonymous Online Submission Control System from Single-Verifier k-times Group Signature. Informatica. 2012, 31(1): 75-82. http://www.informatica.si/PDF/36-1/12_Zhao%20-%20Times%20Limited%20Accountable%20Anonymous%20Online%20Submission%20Control%20System%20from.pdf (EI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. A New Type of ID-based Encryption System and Its Application to Pay-TV Systems. International Journal of Network Security. 2011, 13(3):161-166. http://ijns.femto.com.tw/contents/ijns-v13-n3/ijns-v13-n3.html
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Analysis on Hu et al.'s Identity-based Broadcast Encryption. International Journal of Network Security. 2011, 13(3):178-180. http://ijns.femto.com.tw/contents/ijns-v13-n3/ijns-v13-n3.html
- Xingwen Zhao. Amendment to a Trace and Revoke Systems with Short Ciphertexts. International Journal of Network Security. 2012, 14(5): 251-256. http://ijns.femto.com.tw/contents/ijns-v14-n5/ijns-v14-n5.html
- Fangguo Zhang, Xingwen Zhao, Xiaofeng Chen. ID-Based Adaptive Oblivious Transfer. WISA 2009, LNCS 5932, Springer, pp. 133-147. http://www.springerlink.com/content/e104251542331731/ (EI)
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Efficient Periodic k-show Anonymous Credential System, The 6th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October 5-6, 2011.
- Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Time Selective Designated Confirmer Signature, ChinaCrypt 2009, Science Press, pp.183-195.