- Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Random Linear Network Coding with Ladder-Shaped Global Coding Matrix for Robust Video Transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 203-212, April, 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Ning Cai, "MANET multicast with Poisson distribution and its performance for network coding", IEICE Transactions on Communication, Vol. E94-B, No. 03, pp. 823-826, Mar. 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Song Xiao, Hui Wang and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A practical bit stream organization algorithm for robust H.264/SVC transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 871-879, 2010. (SCI, EI)
- Ji Lu, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "A network coding based hybird ARQ algorithm for wireless video broadcast", Science in China-Ser. F: Info. Sci., Vol.54, No.6,pp.1327-1332, June, 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Song Xiao, Hui Wang and Chengke Wu, "A new network coding design for reliable video multicast", Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.20, No.2, pp.361-364, April. 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Youxi Zhou and Jianchao Du, "Reliable visual transmission method combining source statistics and network congestion control", 软件学报, 2007,18(11):2882-2892. (EI)
- Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, Baoming Bai and Youxi Zhou, "The Key Technologies of Deep Space ", China Communications, 2006, 3(6):82-94
- Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu and Song Xiao, "A Bidirectional Local Search Algorithm for the Protection of em[ant]bedded Data over Packet Erasure Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2005, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 695-699. (SCI,EI)
- Zhang Fang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Robust Scalable Pre-compressed Video Coding based on MPEG-4-FGS over the Internet", Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 16(1): 167-172. (EI)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jun Chen, "A New Adaptive UEP Method of Progressive Image over Noisy Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, July 2002, 11(3): 322-326. (SCI, EI)
- 卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, 郭凯, "自适应正交频分复用系统的最优导频间隔设计", 吉林大学学报, 2011, 41(4): 1146-1150. (EI)
- 卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于机会式网络编码的低时延广播传输算法", 电子学报, 2011, 39(5):1214-1219. (EI)
- 卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "一种面向视频传输的SVC码流排序方法",电子与信息学报, 2011, 33(3): 537-542. (EI)
- 卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "无线网络中应用机会式网络编码的广播重传方法", 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(2): 68-72. (EI)
- 卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于网络编码的SVC高效传输系统", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2010, 37(3), pp 405-411. (EI)
- 孔繁锵, 肖嵩, 周有喜, "基于场景模型的联合信源信道编码的视频网络传输", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2007, 34(3):354-359. (EI)
- 周有喜, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于场景模型的视频无线信道鲁棒传输", 宇航学报, 2007, 28(1):108-112. (EI)
- 肖嵩, 吴成柯, 张方, 李云松, 杜建超, "基于SPIHT的感兴趣区域的多描述编码", 计算机学报, 2006, 29(1):171-176. (EI)
- 杜建超, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, 张建龙, "一种有效降低误差扩散的数据分割方法", 电子学报, 2006, 34(10):1823-1827. (EI)
- 杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 郑荣, "可伸缩码流抗丢包保护的交织器参数选择方法", KJ工程大学学报, 2006, 7(5):63-67.
- 宋锐, 赵波, 肖嵩, "适于硬件实现的运动估计方法及其VLSI实现", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2006, 33(2):257-261. (EI)
- 杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, "码率约束抗丢包伸缩码流保护的码率分配方法", 西安交通大学学报, 2006, 40(12):1432-1435. (EI)
- 张建龙, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "一种空域可分级的自适应视频码流控制方法", 电子与信息学报, 2006, 28 (3): 390-395. (EI)
- 杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "提供服务质量保障的图像快速混合丢包保护方法", 计算机研究与发展, 2006, 43(12):2041-2047. (EI)
- 杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "基于有效期望质量度量的图像混合丢包保护方法", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2006, 33(5):696-699. (EI)
- 张方, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 王养利,"一种基于MPEG-4的感兴趣区域视频编码新方法", 电子学报, 2005,33(4):634-637. (EI).
- 张方, 吴成柯, 程培星, 肖嵩, "一种改进的可分级视频编码方法及其网络传输研究", 电子与信息学报, 2005, 27(1):108-111. (EI)
- 张方, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于位置重排的视频不等错误保护方法", 计算机学报, 2004, 27(11):1546-1551. (EI)
- 张方, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "一种快速自适应全局运动估计算法的研究", 电子与信息学报, 2004, 26(4):574-579. (EI)
- 张方, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, "基于小波EBCOT的图像IP网络传输控制策略", 计算机学报, 2004, 27(2):264-269.
- 肖嵩, 张方, 吴成柯, "基于小波SPIHT的联合信源信道编码新方法", 计算机学报, 2003, 26 (3):281-286. (EI)
- 肖嵩, 张方, 吴成柯, "无线信道图像的联合信源信道编码速率分配", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2002, 29(6): 716-720. (EI)
- 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "无线信道中的联合信源信道编码", 电子与信息学报, 2002, 24 (12): 1835-1841. (EI)
- Song Xiao, Junmei Bai, Jianlong Zhang and Jianchao Du, "SVC-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Video in the Cloud", Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC2011)(EI)
- Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jianlong Zhang, "A video transmission fr[ant]amework based on packet criticality model", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Lei Quan, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Jianli Zhou, "A Threshould-based Coefficients Cutting Method for Compressive Imaging", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Xuesong Sun, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Min Hu, "Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H264/SVC based on Motion Vector Relation Analysis", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Ying Kang, Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "A Rate Distortion-Based Netwok Coding Design for video Transmission", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Li Zhang, Song Xiao, Ning Cai and Jianchao Du, "An Opportunistic Network Coding Algorithm Based on the Queue State and Network Topology", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Jianlong Zhang, Xinbao Gao, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "An Error Concealment Algorithm Based on Non-uniform Lagrange Interpolation ", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
- Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "Robust video multicast scheme over wireless network with priority transmission", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications and Processing VI (SPIE 2010), 7810: 781007-1-781007-9. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Ji Lu, Yangli Wang and Chengke Wu, "Robust video transmission scheme based on network coding", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 591-594, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
- Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Efficient Broadcasting for Scalable Video Coding Streaming Using RLNC", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing VI (SPIE 2010),7810: 78100O-1-78100O-5, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
- Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Optimized State-Distortion Extraction for Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 599-602, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
- Hongwei Li, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Yuli Feng, "A Pixel-level Rate Control Algorithm for The Optimal Prediction Residual", Proceedings of IEEE (IIHMSP 2010), pp.603-606, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
- Haiying Liu, Yunsong Li and Song Xiao, "Distributed Compressive Hyperspectral Image Sensing", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 607-610,2010. (EI, ISTP)
- Ji Lu, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, "Efficient Protection Scheme for SVC Content Based on Network Coding", 2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, IAS2009, vol. 2, pp.585-588. (EI, ISTP)
- Ying Feng, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Rui Song, "A refined algorithm for the side information in DVC", Processdings of the4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IIH-MSP 2008, August 15-17, Harbin, China, pp. 675-678. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li, Jianchao Du and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "priority ordering algorithm for scalable video coding transmission over heterogeneous network", In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 25-28, 2008, Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, pp.896-903. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao,Hui wang and C.-C.Jay Kuo,"Priority ordering and packetization for scalable video multicast with network coding", In Proceedings of 8th pacific rim conference on mutimedia (PCM2007), HongKong, China, Dec.11-14,2007, pp.520-529. (EI, ISTP)
- Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust and flexible wireless video multicast with network coding", Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2007), pp.2129-2133, 2007. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Reliable Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, April 18-20, 2006, Vienna, Austria, vol2, pp.84-88. (EI, ISIP)
- Song Xiao, Jechang Jeong, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li and Jianchao Du, “Joint source channel coding for deep space communications” , In Proceedings of workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (WSANE 2006), April 9-12, 2006, Xi’an, China, pp.213-216.
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Error Resilient Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of Data Compression Conference2006, March 28-30, 2006, Snowbird, Utah,pp.472. (ISIP)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jechang Jong, “ Robust Video Communication Based on Source Modeling and Network Congestion Control”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2005, Taipei, Tainwan, pp.488-494. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Chengku Wu and Fang Zhang," A New Multiple Desc[ant]ription la[ant]yered Coding Method Over Ad-hoc Network", in proceedings of Int. Conf. Image Processing ’04 (ICIP’04), Singapore, Oct.24-27, 2004, pp.3229-3232. (EI, ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Fang Zhang and Yaoping Yan, "A New Multiple Desc[ant]ription Coding Method Over Wireless Channel", SPIE Third International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Oct. 2003, Beijing, China. Vol.5286, pp.334-337. (EI, ISIP)
- Fang Zhang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu. "A novel transmission and controlling strategy for progressive streaming video over the wireless Internet", in proceedings of ICCIMA’03, Sep., 2003, Xi’an, P.R.China, pp254-259. (ISTP)
- Song Xiao, Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu, Yusong Li and Yaoping Yan, "A New Robust Multiple Desc[ant]ription Coding Method based on Region of Interest", In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2003, Xi'an, China, pp.501-504. (ISIP)
- Song Xiao, Jianchao Du, Ji Lu, Yunsong Li, "Opportunistic Network Coding Retransmission Algorithm based on Packet Loss Pattern", SPIE 2011,accepted. (EI)
- Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, "A novel video delivery algorithm based on 802.11e EDCA mechanism", SPIE 2011,accepted. (EI)
- 肖嵩,刘婷,杜建超,卢冀,“分集视频码流三维精细粒度排序方法”, 西电学报,已录用。
- 杜建超,肖嵩,吴成柯,"一种基于EDCA的视频数据包动态映射算法",电子与信息学报,已录用。