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姓名:刘文康 职位:副教授














发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一作者/通信作者发表高质量SCI论文10余篇。担任现代雷达青年编委,Remote Sensing的Guest Editor,IGARSS2024 Session Chair,以及TGRS,JSTARS, GRS Lett.,《雷达学报》等雷达/遥感领域高质量期刊审稿人。曾获优秀博士论文,CSC-DAAD中德联合博士后奖学金,曾入选雷达学报评选的2023年度十位“雷达未来之星”,入选2024年中国科协青年托举人才计划。







2019.11-2020.11,赴意大利那不勒斯帕斯诺普大学访学,与帕斯诺普大学Vito Pasazio, Gilda Schirinzi, Alessandra Budillon 教授合作开展多航过层析成像质量提升技术研究。与意大利CNR-IREA国家实验室的Gianfranco Fornaro教授一起开展多航过图像相干合成技术研究。


2021.06,曾获得中德CSC-DAAD联合奖学金资助,收到德国慕尼黑工业大学和德国航空航天中心的博士后邀请,合作导师为德国航空航天中心微波雷达中心主任Alberto Moreira教授(未成行)。






  1. Wenkang Liu*, Hang Li, Jinsong Zhang*, Guang-Cai Sun, Hongxu Bian, Jixiang Xiang, Mengdao Xing, On the Role of Scene Coordinate System in Focusing of GEO SAR Data with Fast Time-Domain Algorithm, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 18, 2025. (中科院二区)
  2. Wenkang Liu, Alessandra Budillon*, Vito Pascazio, Gilda Schirinzi, and Mengdao Xing, "Performance Improvement for SAR Tomography Based on Local Plane Model", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 15, 2022. (中科院二区)
  3. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun*, Xiang-Gen Xia, Mengdao Xing, Jixiang Fu and Zheng Bao, Focusing Chanllenges of Ships with Oscillatory Motions and Long Coherent Processing Interval [J], IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 59(8), 2021. (中科院一区)
  4. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun*, Mengdao Xing, Vito Pascazio, Quan Chen and Zheng Bao, 2-dimensional Beam Steering Method for Squinted High-orbit SAR [J], IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 59(6), 2021. (中科院一区)
  5. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun*, Mengdao Xing, H. Li, and Zheng Bao. Focusing of MEO SAR Data Based on Principle of Optimal Imaging Coordinate System [J]. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 58(8), 2020. (中科院一区)
  6. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun*, Xiang-Gen Xia, Dong You, Mengdao Xing, and Zheng Bao. Highly-squinted MEO SAR Focusing Based on Extended Omega-K Algorithm and Modified JTDR[J]. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2019, 57(11): 9188–9200. (中科院一区)
  7. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun*, Xiang-Gen Xia, Jianlai Chen, Liang Guo, and Mengdao Xing. A Modified CSA Based on Joint Time-Doppler Resampling for MEO SAR Stripmap Mode[J]. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2018, 56(6): 3573–3586. (中科院一区)
  8.  刘文康, 孙光才, 陈溅来, 邢孟道, 高轨星机BiSAR分辨率分析及成像参数优化设计[J], 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(12): 3152-3158.
  9.  刘文康, 孙光才, 陈溅来, 邢孟道, 一种高轨SAR带宽与合成孔径时间的设计方法[J], 西安电子科技大学学报, 2017, 44(5): 31-66.
  10. 刘文康,景国彬,孙光才,陈权,邢孟道,基于两步方位重采样的中轨SAR聚焦方法[J], 电子与信息学报, 201941(1): 138-142.
  11. Wenkang Liu, Hang Li, Hongxu Bian, Guang-Cai Sun, Mengdao Xing, Optimal Scene Coordinate System For GEO SAR Focusing with Fast Timedomain Algorithm[C], International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2024), Athens, Greece, 2024. (Oral Presentation)
  12. W. Liu, G. Fornaro, V. Pascazio, G. Schirinzi and M. Xing, "Coherent Reconstruction of Multi-Pass Cosmo-Skymed Images," In proc. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 11-16 July 2021, 2021, pp. 5191-5194.
  13. W. Liu, A. Budillon, V. Pascazio, G. Schirinzi and M. Xing, "Performance Improvement of SAR Tomography in Urban Scenarios Based on Local-Plane GLRT," In proc. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 11-16 July 2021, 2021, pp. 3081-3084.
  14. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai, Mengao Xing and Vito Pascazio, An Efficient MEO SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Principle of Optimal Imaging Coordinate System[C], International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2020), Hawaii, America, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
  15. Wenkang Liu, Mengao Xing and Guang-Cai, Challenges of Ship Focusing with Long Coherence Processing Interval[C], International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2019), Yokohama, Japan,2019: 763-766. (Oral Presentation)
  16. Wenkang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun, Jianlai Chen, Mengao Xing, GEO Spaceborne-airborne BiSAR Resolution Analysis and Bandwidth and Synthetic Aperture Time Design[C], 2016 IEEE 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS (ICSP2016), Chengdu, China, 2016: 71-76. (Oral Presentation)



  1. Chen C, Liu W*, Gao Y, Cui L, Chen Q, Fu J, Xing M. An Imaging Method for Marine Targets in Corner Reflector Jamming Scenario Based on Time–Frequency Analysis and Modified Clean Technique. Remote Sensing. 2025; 17(2):310. (中科院二区)
  2. Jinsong Zhang*, Mengdao Xing, Wenkang Liu* and Guangcai Sun, Joint Exploitation of Coherent Change Detection and Global-Context Capturing Network for Subtle Changed Track Detection with Airborne SAR, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17, 2024, 8324-8338. (中科院二区)
  3. Hang Li, Wenkang Liu*, G. C. Sun, Guangcai Sun, Changhong Chen, Mengdao Xing, Zhenhua Zhang and Jie Zhang, Concept of Spaceborne Ocean Microwave Dual-Function Integrated Sensor for Wind and Wave Measurement, Remote Sensing, 16(8), 2024. (中科院二区)
  4. Lin Hao, Wenkang Liu*, Mengdao Xing*, Ning Li and Yishan Lou, “Ghosting Suppression with the Joint Sub-channel BP Image Reconstruction for Non-uniform Sampling SAR,“ IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 62,2024. (中科院一区)
  5. Yishan Lou, Wenkang Liu*, Mengdao Xing*, Hao Lin, Xiaoxiang Chen and Guang-Cai Sun, "A Novel Motion Compensation Method Applicable to Ground Cartesian Back-Projection Algorithm for Airborne Circular SAR" IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 61, 2023. (中科院一区)
  6. Yuhui Deng, Hui Wang*, Guang-Cai Sun, Yuqi Wang, Wenkang Liu*, Jun Yang and Mengdao Xing, "A High-Resolution Airborne SAR Autofocusing Approach Based on SR-PGA and Subimage Resampling With Precise Hyperbolic Model," IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens., vol. 16, no. pp. 2327-2338, 2023. (中科院二区)
  7. Yuhui Deng, Mengdao Xing*, Guang-Cai Sun*, Wenkang Liu, Ruoming Li and Yong Wang, "A Processing Framework for Airborne Microwave Photonic SAR With Resolution Up To 0.03 m: Motion Estimation and Compensation," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 60, no. pp. 1-17, 2022.
  8. Jixiang Xiang, Xiaojie Ding, Guang-Cai Sun *, Zijing Zhang, Mengdao Xing and Wenkang Liu*, "An Efficient Multichannel SAR Channel Phase Error Calibration Method Based on Fine-Focused HRWS SAR Image Entropy," IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens., vol. 15, no. pp. 7873-7885, 2022. (中科院二区)
  9. Quan Chen, Wenkang Liu*, Guangcai Sun*, Xiaoxiang Chen, Liang Han, Mengdao Xing, "A Fast Cartesian Back-Projection Algorithm Based on Ground Surface Grid for GEO SAR Focusing," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 60, no. pp. 1-14, 2022. (中科院一区)
  10. N. Li, G.-C. Sun, B. Li, W. Liu, J. Yang, M. Xing and Z. Bao, "High squint multichannel SAR imaging algorithm for high speed maneuvering platforms with small-aperture," Signal Process., vol. 185, no. pp. 108078, 2021/08/01/. 2021.
  11. G. C. Sun, Y. Liu, J. Xiang, W. Liu, M. Xing and J. Chen, "Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Algorithms: An Overview," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, vol. no. pp. 2-25, 2021.
  12. Bowen Bie, Yinghui Quan, Guang-Cai Sun, Wenkang Liu, Mengdao Xing, A Modified Range Model and Doppler Resampling Based Imaging Algorithm for High Squint SAR on Maneuvering Platforms[J], IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters., 2019.
  13. Jianlai Chen, Mengdao Xing, Guangcai Sun, Yuexin Gao, Wenkang Liu, Liang Guo, Yang Lan. Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR Using an ASE-Velocity Model Based on MOCO Principle[J]. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2018, 56(7): 3963 – 3975.
  14. Jianlai Chen, Guangcai Sun, Mengdao Xing, Jun Yang, Chong Ni, Yu Zhu, Weiping Shu, Wenkang Liu. A Parameter Optimization Model for Geosynchronous SAR Sensor in Aspects of Signal Bandwidth and Integration Time [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, 13(9): 1374-1378.
  15. 陈权,孙光才*,刘文康,. 基于时频联合尺度变换的中轨SAR斜视成像方法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术,2020,42(2):309-314. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2020.02.08.
  16. 李航, 刘文康*, 孙光才*, 邢孟道. 基于成像坐标系优化的中轨星载SAR成像方法[J]. 雷达学报,2020,9(5):856-864. DOI:10.12000/JR20098.
  17. 陈权,刘文康*,孙光才,李东旭,邢孟道. 基于超大幅宽的高轨SAR加速BP成像方法. [J]. 电子与信息学报.2022, 44(9):3136:3143.
  18. 陈权,孙光才,刘文康, 邢孟道, 基于地理坐标系的星载聚束SAR快速BP成像方法[C], 第八届高分辨率对地观测学术年会组委会.第八届高分辨率对地观测学术年会论文集, 2022:9. DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.019415.
  19. 闫群, 孙光才, 刘文康*, 兰朋伟, 朱元凯和邢孟道. 中轨SAR 舰船动目标特性分析与定位技术[J]. 现代雷达, 2024, 46(10): 8-15.
  20. Hang Li, WenKang Liu, Guang-Cai Sun, MengDao Xing, ZhenHua Zhang, Jie Zhang, A Time Sequence Design Method Using a Phased Array Antenna to Simultaneously Realize Three Functions of Scatterometer, Spectrometer and SAR," In proc. 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 07-12 July 2024, 2024, pp. 7797-7800.
  21. H. Li, W. Liu, G. Sun, M. Xing, Z. Zhang and J. Zhang, "Double-mode Integrated System for Observing Sea-surface Wind Field," In proc. 2021 2nd China International SAR Symposium (CISS), 3-5 Nov. 2021, 2021, pp. 1-4.
  22. H. Li, W. Liu, G. Sun, M. Xing, Z. Zhang and J. Zhang, "Design of Double-Mode Integrated Microwave Remote Sensor for Ocean Wave Observation," In proc. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 11-16 July 2021, 2021, pp. 8077-8080.
  23. H. Li, W. Liu, G. Sun, M. Xing, Z. Zhang and J. Zhang. Design of a New Sensor Integrating Scatterometer and SAR to Observe Sea Surface Wind Field[C]. 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar), 2021: 2990-2993.
  24. Q. Chen, W. Liu, G. C. Sun, M. Xing and B. Bie. A Surface Grid Fast BP Method for Spaceborne SAR Imaging[C]. 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar), 2021: 543-546.



1. 星载合成孔径雷达体制设计
2. 雷达成像算法
3. 层析三维成像
4. 新体制雷达设计
5. 雷达波形设计