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Research Interests

Projects description:


1. Electromagnetic scattering and micro-manipulation of anisotropic particles by vector Bessel beams;

   Introduction: Compared to the traditional micro manipulation technique based on the Gaussian beam, the micro-manipulation technique based on a vector Bessel beam can achieves a higher efficiency and stability. Different from the isotropic particles, anisotropic particles in the potential well demonstrates several brand new features dates back to its properties of anisotropy. The analysis of scattering properties as well as physical mechanism between a vector Bessel beam and anisotropic particles will provide a significant theoretical support and practical guidance for related technologies, including particle characteristics, particle diagnosis and micro-manipulation technology.


2. Optical characterization of droplets: size, temperature, composition, structure

   Introduction: Optical diagnostic techniques, including Digital Holography (DH), Rainbow Refractermetry, Interferometric Particle Imaging (IPI), and others, are attractive technologies in the detection and recognization of droplets due to the advantages that they are able to realize a non-invasive, non-damage and real-time analysis.



