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  • Courses:
  1. Graduate courses: MEMS design (degree course), vibration control (degree course), micro-scale mechanics, micro-nano technology
  2. Undergraduate courses: engineering mechanics (compulsory course), MEMS packaging technology (compulsory course), numerical control technology, mechanical CAD/CAM
  • Teaching awards
  1. Tian Wenchao, Liu Huanling, Zhang Daxing, Electronic Packaging Structure Design, First Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2019
  2. Tian Wenchao, Jia Jianyuan, Gao Hongwei, Cao Yanrong, Cui Chuanzhen, facing the international high-end manufacturing field, creating a first-class electronic packaging technology professional training mechanism, second prize of school-level excellent teaching achievements, 2017
  3. Tian Wenchao, Lou Lifei, MEMS, Second Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2017
  4. Tian Wenchao, School-level Outstanding Contribution Award, 2015
  5. Create a new undergraduate major in electronic packaging technology, cultivate high-end electronic manufacturing innovative talents, first prize of school-level outstanding teaching achievements, 2014
  6. Highlight professional characteristics, pay attention to practical links, cultivate high-quality electronic packaging professional and technical personnel, second prize of school-level outstanding teaching achievements, 2012
  7. Tian Wenchao, Principle, Design and Analysis of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), Second Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2011
  • Teaching Reform Project
  1. Tian wenchao, Wang weidong, Shi jing, Wang yongkun, 《MEMS Design》excellent course construction, 2020.1
  2. Tian Wenchao, MEMS and Packaging Technology Teacher Course, 2017
  3. Tian Wenchao, Wang Yongkun, Shi Jing, Facing the construction of "double first-class", build a professional training system for composite electronic packaging technology, key project, 2016
  4. Tian Wenchao, etc., adapt to national needs, highlight electromechanical characteristics, improve electronic packaging technology, school-level teaching reform, key project, 2013
  • Teaching Reform Paper
  1. Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Research Report on Research and Development and Social Needs of Electronic Packaging Graduates, China Electronics Education, 2017, 2: 10-17
  2. Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Investigation report on the cultivation of electronic packaging technology colleges and talent institutions, China Electronics Education, 2017, 3: 86-95
  • Textbook project
  1. Tian Wenchao, MEMS/NENS and Advanced Packaging Technology, 2020, Xidian University Press (Key support from Xidian Science and Technology Monograph Publishing Fund)
  2. Tian Wenchao, Packaging Design, School-level Excellent Graduate Textbook Project, Key Project, 2015
  3. Tian Wenchao, Micro-Electro-Mechanical and Micro-System, School-level Excellent Graduate Textbook Project, Key Project, 2014
  4. Tian Wenchao, etc., electronic packaging structure design, school-level textbook project, key project, 2014
  5. Tian Wenchao, etc., MEMS principle, design and analysis, school-level textbook project, key project, 2012
  • New experiment new equipment project
  1. Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Cui Hao, Research on Electrical Characteristics of Wire Bonding in IC Packaging, General Project, 2017
  2. Tian Wenchao, Wang Yongkun, Chen Zhiqiang, Development of reconfigurable antenna package based on MEMS radio frequency switch, key project, 2016
  3. Jing Shi, Wenchao Tian, ​​Yongkun Wang, Preparation of high-performance KNN ceramics for vibration energy harvesting, general project, 2016
  • "National Innovation" and "Provincial Innovation" guidance
  1. Song Chenghao, etc., Collection and Verification of Metro Planning Route Based on APP Application, "Guochuang", 2017
  2. Liu Chunlin et al. Research on the switch control system of frequency reconfigurable antenna based on STM32, "Guochuang", 2017
  3. Yu Zhongwei, etc., Intelligent Fire Monitor Automatic Tracking and Servo Drive System Design, "Guochuang", 2014
  4. Cao Yifan, etc., Non-contact Infant Surface Temperature Tester, "Guochuang", 2014
  5. Lou Shunxi, etc., Multifunctional Precision Stress-Strain Optical Tester, "Shenchuang", 2013
  6. Li Zhi, etc., Multifunctional PCB Deformation and Testing Institution, "Provincial Innovation", 2013
  7. Yuan Wenda, etc., 128-channel data acquisition display alarm system, "Provincial Creation", 2013