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Representative papers published in international journals since 2010

[1]  Yan B; Ma J, Wu D; Wriggers P. The analyses of dynamic response and reliability for failure dependent stochastic micro-resonator with thermoelastic coupling effects[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 77: 1168-1187.

[2] Ma J, Liu B, Wriggers P, Gao W, Yan B. The dynamic analysis of stochastic thin-walled structures under thermal-structural-acoustic coupling[J]. Computational Mechanics, 2019

[3] Ma J, Du WY, Wriggers P, et. al. Multiscale finite element analysis of uncertain-but-bounded heterogeneous materials at finite deformation[J]. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2018, 149(9): 15-31

[4] Ma J,Wriggers P,Li L.Homogenized thermal properties of 3D composites with full uncertainty in the microstructure[J].Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2016,57(2):369-387.

[5] Ma J,Sahraee S,Wriggers P,et al.Stochastic multiscale homogenization analysis of heterogeneous materials under finite deformations with full uncertainty in the microstructure[J].Computational Mechanics,2015,55(5):819-835.

[6] Ma J,Zhang S,Wriggers P,et al.Stochastic homogenized effective properties of three-dimensional composite material with full randomness and correlation in the microstructure[J].Computers & Structures, 2014,144(C):62-74.

[7] Ma J,Zhang J Li L,et al.Random homogenization analysis for heterogeneous materials with full randomness and correlation in microstructure based on finite element method and Monte-carlo method[J].Computational Mechanics, 2014,54(6):1395-1414.

[8] Ma J,Wriggers P,Gao W,et al.Reliability-based optimization of trusses with random parameters under dynamic loads[J].Computational Mechanics, 2011,47(6):627-640.

[9] Ma J,Temizer I,Wriggers P.Random homogenization analysis in linear elasticity based on analytical bounds and estimates[J]. International Journal of Solids & Structures, 2011,48(2):280-291.

[10] Ma J,Gao W,Wriggers P,et al.Structural dynamic optimal design based on dynamic reliability[J]. Engineering Structures,2011,33(2):468-476.