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Prof Juan Ma : Supervisor of PHD student Humboldt scholar

Dortoral Discipline : Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

Master's Discipline : Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

Work Unit: School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering


Contact Information


Email: jma@xidian.edu.cn;

Tel: 13186126251



2002-2004    School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Mechanical Manufacturing and

                      Automation, Graduate student

2004-2006     School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Mechanical Manufacturing and

                      Automation, Ph.D. Candidate

Study abroad experience

2009-2010    University of Hanover, Germany, School of Mechanical Engineering, Postdoctoral, Funded by

                     China scholarship council

2013-2014    University of Hanover, Germany, School of Mechanical Engineering, Humboldt scholar, Funded

                     by the German Humboldt foundation

Professional Experience

2006-2009      School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Lecturer

2009-2015      School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Associate Professor

2015-Present  School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Professor


Research Interests

1. Mechanical analysis of multi-field coupled composites based on the homogenization method:

      In the case of multifield coupling, the macroscopic mechanical properties of composites are more complex. Thehomogenization method based on the multi-scale finite element method establishes the effective relationship between themicrostructure properties and the macroscopic response of materials, which is the premise and foundation of the reliabilityanalysis and optimization design of composite material structures in the future.

2. Fracture mechanics analysis of composite materials based on extended finite element method:

      Based on the extended finite element method, crack generation, propagation, evolution and fracture mechanism are takeninto account from the perspective of the microstructure of composite materials, the correlation between the fracture failure andthe microstructural crack is established organically, which makes the structural fracture failure analysis go to a higher anddeeper level.

3. Dynamic analysis of multi. field coupled mechanical structure and optimization design based on reliability:

      Dynamic response analysis of mechanical structures under multi-field coupled loads such as force, heat, noise and otherdynamic load excitation is the precondition of structural reliability and failure. criterion: Structural optimization based ondynamic reliability is the ultimate goal and choice of structural design.

4. Reliability analysis of large antenna structure systerm: .

      Human exploration of the universe requires a variety of spaceborne antennas or large antenna structures on the ground, inparticular, the former is more dificult than the latter due to its complex mechanical structure, variable shape and various failuremechanisms. Reliability analysis and prediction of them are crucial for completing the intended function of the. antennastructure.