(21) 磁性双层结构中观测到的增强SOT诱导的反对称磁阻及其在低温纳米自旋震荡中的应用在ACS Applied Nano Materials 发表。Haijiao Harsan Ma*, Yue-Qi Wang, et al., Emergent Antisymmetric Magnetoresistance in Ferromagnetic Ni/Pt Bilayers with Enhanced Spin–Orbit Torque Efficiency: Implications for Low-Temperature Nano-oscillators, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 22, 25759–25765. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.4c04911
(20) 马海蛟副教授指导的本科生朱伟在SCI三区期刊IEEE ACCESS上成功发表了题为Cascade and Extensible In-Memory Arithmetic Computing in 2T1R ReRAM Arrays Using Time-Sum-Logic Design的论文。面对传统的冯诺依曼计算架构所面临的问题和存储墙瓶颈问题,该论文提出了一套全新的基于非易失存储忆阻器的存内逻辑计算架构和与之对应的忆阻器阵列结构,对进一步提高忆阻器存内逻辑计算的速度和效率具有重要意义。
W. Zhu et al., Cascade and Extensible In-Memory Arithmetic Computing in 2T1R ReRAM Arrays Using Time-Sum-Logic Design, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 104081-104090, 2024, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10604864
(19) 自支撑二维钛酸锶中实现室温铁电及电场调控面外极化研究工作发表在APL Materials发表。Yueying Zhang, Lei Wang, et al.,Room-temperature electric field induced out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization in strain-free freestanding 2D SrTiO3 membranes. APL Mater. 11, 041103 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0144758
(18) 反铁磁绝缘体中的反常逆自旋霍尔效应在Physical Review Applied发表:
Yupeng Hui, Yueying Zhang, Yue-Qi Wang, Xin Gan, Lei Wang, et al.,Room-temperature anomalous inverse spin Hall effect in an easy-plane antiferromagnetic insulator for Néel-vector manipulation and detection. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 18, 034032 (2022)
(17) 点接触金属氧化物异质结中的可控忆阻器和负微分电导的工作在Advanced Intelligent Systems发表。
Gan, X., Zhang, Y., Hui, Y., Liu, S., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Hao, Y. and Ma, H.H. (2022), Controlling Memristance and Negative Differential Resistance in Point-Contacted Metal–Oxides–Metal Heterojunctions: Role of Oxygen Vacancy Electromigration and Electron Hopping. Adv. Intell. Syst. 2200020. https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202200020
(16) 可控制备量子拓扑零能态及其调控的工作在应用物理快报Applied Physics Letters发表!Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 192601 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0067709
(15) 二维钛酸锶薄膜制备及其物理研究的工作在Advanced Optical Materials发表并在封底刊出。Yuguo Zhang#, Haijiao Harsan Ma*#, Xin Gan, Yupeng Hui, Yueying Zhang, Jie Su*, Ming Yang, Zhaosheng Hu, Juanxiu Xiao, Xiaoli Lu, Jincheng Zhang, Yue Hao. Emergent Midgap Excitons in Large Size Freestanding Two-Dimensional Strongly Correlated Perovskite Oxide Films. Advanced Optical Materials. Volume9, Issue10, 2100025. May 19, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.
(14) 课题组关于绝缘钛酸锶中导电畴壁的导电机制研究的工作在物理评论快报发表。H.J. Harsan Ma*, J. F. Scott*, Non-Ohmic Variable-Range Hopping and Resistive Switching in SrTiO3 Domain Walls. Physical Review Letters. 124,146601 (2020)
(13) Z.X. Lim, **, H.J., Harsan Ma, et al., Magnetic Anisotropy of a Quasi Two-dimensional Canted antiferromagnet. 2020年1月
(12) Pinyun Yi, Haijiao Harsan Ma*, et al., A Dual-bit Spin Dice based on Spin-Orbit-Torque in Perpendicular Magnetic Multil[ant]ayers. IEEE Magnetics Letters 10, 1-5 (2019). DOI: 10.1109/LMAG.2019.2944123 量子随机数
(11) H. J. Harsan Ma*, P. Yang, Z. S. Lim, Ariando, Mott variable range hopping and bad-metal in lightly doped spin-orbit Mott insulator BaIrO3, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 2, 065003 (2018).
(10) Haijiao Harsan Ma*, Muhammad Imran, Zhiya Dang*, Zhaosheng Hu*, Growth of Metal Halide Perovskite, from Nanocrystal to Micron-Scale Crystal: A Review, Crystals 2018, 8(5), 182; doi: 10.3390/cryst8050182 [Invited Review] ============================================================================================
============================ PhD & Postdoc in SG and DE==========================
(9) Ma, H. J. Harsan*; Zhou, J.; Yang, M.; Liu, Y.; Zeng, S. W.; Zhou, W. X.; Zhang, L. C.; Venkatesan, T.; Feng, Y. P.; Ariando, Giant crystalline anisotropic magnetoresistance in nonmagnetic perovskite oxide heterostructures, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2017.4.20, 95(15)
(8) Zhou, W. X.; Zhou, J.; Li, C. J.; Zeng, S. W.; Huang, Z.; Ma, H. J. Harsan; Han, K.; Lim, Z. S.; Wan, D. Y.; Zhang, L. C.; Venkatesan, T.; Feng, Y. P.; Ariando, Electron-soft phonon scattering in n-type SrTiO3 , PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2016.11.10, 94(19)
(7) Ma, H. J. Harsan; Scharinger, S.; Zeng, S. W.; Kohlberger, D.; Lange, M.; Stoehr, A.; Wang, X. Renshaw; Venkatesan, T.; Kleiner, R.; Scott, J. F.; Coey, J. M. D.; Koelle, D.; Ariando, Local Electrical Imaging of Tetragonal Domains and Field-Induced Ferroelectric Twin Walls in Conducting SrTiO3 , PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2016.6.20, 116(25)
(6) Zeng, Shengwei; Lu, Weiming; Huang, Zhen; Liu, Zhiqi; Han, Kun; Gopinadhan, Kalon; Li, Changjian; Guo, Rui; Zhou, Wenxiong; Ma, Haijiao Harsan; Jian, Linke; Venkatesan, Thirumalai; Ariando, Liquid-Gated High Mobility and Quantum Oscillation of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at an Oxide Interface, ACS NANO, 2016.4, 10(4): 4532~4537
(5) Ma, H. J. Harsan*; Zeng, S. W.; Annadi, A.; Huang, Z.; Venkatesan, T.; Ariando, Tuning the conductivity threshold and carrier density of two-dimensional electron gas at oxide interfaces through interface engineering, AIP ADVANCES, 2015.8, 5(8)
(4) Zeng, S. W.; Huang, Z.; Lv, W. M.; Bao, N. N.; Gopinadhan, K.; Jian, L. K.; Herng, T. S.; Liu, Z. Q.; Zhao, Y. L.; Li, C. J.; Ma, H. J. Harsan; Yang, P.; Ding, J.; Venkatesan, T.; Ariando, Two-dimensional superconductor-insulator quantum phase transitions in an electron-doped cuprate, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2015.7.6, 92(2)
(3) Ma, H. J. Harsan*; Venkatesan, T.; Wang, S. J.; Ariando*, Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra of bil[ant]ayer two-dimensional electron gases in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superlattices: coexistence of Auger recombination and single-carrier trapping , AIP ADVANCES, 2015.6, 5(6)
(2) Ma, H. J. Harsan*; Huang, Z.; Lu, W. M.; Annadi, A.; Zeng, S. W.; Wong, L. M.; Wang, S. J.; Venkatesan, T.; Ariando*, Tunable bil[ant]ayer two-dimensional electron gas in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superlattices, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2014.7. 7, 105(1)
(1) Annadi, A.; Huang, Z.; Gopinadhan, K.; Wang, X. Renshaw; Srivastava, A.; Liu, Z. Q.; Ma, H. Harsan; Sarkar, T. P.; Venkatesan, T.; Ariando, Fourfold oscillation in anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces: Effect of carrier confinement and electric field on magnetic interactions , PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2013.5.14, 87(20)