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selected publication


  1. Fenghua Li,Hui Li,Ben Niu,Privacy Computing-Theory and Technology, Post& Telecom Press, Springer, 2024.2, ISBN 978-981-99-4942-7
  2. 李晖、朱辉、张跃宇、赵兴文,智能制造的信息安全,清华大学出版社,2022.7,ISBN978-7-302-59842-8
  3. 李凤华、李晖、牛犇,隐私计算理论与技术,人民邮电出版社,2021.4,ISBN978-7-115-56396-5
  4. 李凤华、李晖、朱辉,泛在网络服务安全理论与关键技术,人民邮电出版社,2020.12,ISBN978-7-115-55837-4
  5. 刘建伟、石文昌、李建华、李晖、张焕国、杜瑞颖,网络空间安全导论,清华大学出版社,2020.9,ISBN978-7-302-56297-9
  6. 王育民,李晖,信息论与编码理论(第二版),高等教育出版社,2013.4
  7. 王育民,李晖,信息论与编码理论,高等教育出版社,2005.12


My Google Scholar

My ORCID: 0000-0001-8310-7169

Selected Published Paper



  1. Gan Liu, Xiongtao Sun, Hui Li, Zhen Guo, Yiran Li, Saiqi Pi, Knowledge-enhanced heterogeneous graph attention networks for privacy co-disclosure detection in online social network, Expert Systems With Applications, 2024, online

  2. Ming Zhang, Wenhai Sun, Hui Li, Xiaofeng Wang, Zihao Yang, Chao Qu, Xiaoguang Li, Manipulated Transaction Collision Attack on Execute-Order-Validate Blockchain, IEEE TDSC, 2024, accepted

  3. Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Wenjing Zhang, Qian Chen, Bin Wang, Hui Li, and Xiaodong Lin, CODER: Protecting Privacy in Image Retrieval with Differential Privacy, IEEE TDSC 2024, accepted 
  4. Ziyao Guo, Kai Wang, George Cazenavette, Hui Li, Kaipeng Zhang, Yang You, Towards Lossless Dataset Distillation Via Difficulty-Aligned Trajectory Matching, ICLR 2024    


  1. Haonan Yan, Wenjing  Zhang, Qian Chen, Xiaoguang Li, Wenhai Sun, Hui LI, Xiaodong Lin, RECESS Vaccine for Federated Learning: Proactive Defense Against Model Poisoning Attacks,NeurIPS 2023
  2. Ziyao Guo, Haonan Yan, Hui Li, Xiaodong Lin, Class Attention Transfer Based Knowledge Distillation, CVPR 2023
  3. Xiaoguang Li, Ninghui Li, Wenhai Sun, Neil Gong, Hui Li, Fine-grained Poisoning Attack to Local Differential Privacy Protocols for Mean and Variance Estimation, 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 2023.
  4. Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Wenjing Zhang, Rui Wang, Hui Li, Xingwen Zhao, Fenghua Li,Xiaodong Lin, Automatic Evasion of Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2023,early access,  2023.2 DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3247585, paper link
  5. Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Zelei Cheng, Wenhai Sun and Hui Li, Protecting Regression Models with Personalized Local Differential Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(2): 960-974, 2023
  6. Cao Jin, Zhu Tong, Ma Ruhui, Guo Zhengyang, Zhang Yinghui, Li Hui, A Software-based Remote Attestation Scheme for Internet of Things Devices, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,20(2): 1422-1434 (2023)
  7. Haoyang Wang, Kai Fan, Hongyan Chen, Qi Chen, Kuan Zhang, Fenghua Li, Hui Li, Yintang Yang:Joint Biological ID : A Secure and Efficient Lightweight Biometric Authentication Scheme. IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput. 20(3): 2578-2592 (2023)
  8. Yandong Zheng, Rongxing Lu, Hui Zhu, Songnian Zhang, Yunguo Guan, Jun Shao, Fengwei Wang, Hui Li:SetRkNN: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Set Reverse kNN Query in Cloud. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 18: 888-903 (2023)
  9. Jiaqi Zhao, Hui Zhu, Wei Xu, Fengwei Wang, Rongxing Lu, Hui Li: SGBoost: An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Vertical Federated Tree Boosting Framework. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 18: 1022-1036 (2023)
  10. Yandong Zheng, Hui Zhu, Rongxing Lu, Yunguo Guan, Songnian Zhang, Fengwei Wang, Jun Shao, Hui Li:PGSim: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Graph Similarity Query Over Encrypted Data in Cloud. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 18: 2030-2045 (2023)
  11. Fengwei Wang, Hui Zhu, Guozhang He, Rongxing Lu, Yandong Zheng, Hui Li:Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Arbitrary Polygon Range Query Scheme Over Dynamic and Time-Series Location Data. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 18: 3414-3429 (2023)


  1. Ming Zhang, Zhe sun, Hui Li, Ben Niu, Fenghua Li, Zixu Zhang, Chunhao Zheng, Go-Sharing: A Blockchain-based Privacy-Preserving Framework for Cross-Social Network Photo Sharing, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.9, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2022.3208934

  2. Yao Wang,Tao Gu,Yu Zhang,Minjie Lyu,Tom H. Luan,Hui Li, Enabling Secure Touch-to-Access Device Pairing based on Human Body's Electrical Response, Mobicom 2022
  3. Ruhui Ma, Jin Cao, Yinghui Zhang, Chao Shang, Lihui Xiong, Hui Li, A Group-based Multicast Service Authentication and Data Transmission Scheme for 5G-V2X, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,DOI:10.1109/TITS.2022.3197767
  4. Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Gewei Zheng, Hui Li and Fenghua Li, Key-Value Data Collection with Distribution Estimation under Local Differential Privacy, Security and Communication Networks, August, 2022
  5. Jiaqi Zhao, Hui Zhu, Fengwei Wang, Rongxing Lu, Zhe Liu, Hui LI, PVD-FL: A Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Decentralized Federated Learning Framework, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol.17, pp.2059-2073,2022, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2022.3176191. paper link

  6. Jiaqi Zhao, HuiZhu, Fengwei Wang, Rongxing Lu, Hui Li, Jingwei Tu, JieShenCORK: A privacy-preserving and lossless federated learning scheme for deep neural network, Information Sciences, Volume 603, July 2022, Pages 190-209

  7. H Yan, X Li, H Li, J Li, W Sun, F Li, Monitoring-based Differential Privacy Mechanism Against Query Flooding-based Model Extraction Attack, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(4): 2680-2694, 2022

  8. Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Ziyao Guo, Hui Li, Fenghua Li, Xiaodong Lin, etal,ARCANE: An Efficient Architecture for Exact Machine Unlearning,IJCAI-2022:4006-4013

  9. Qi Xu;Hui Zhu;Yandong Zheng;Jiaqi Zhao;Rongxing Lu;Hui Li,An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Route Matching Scheme for Carpooling Services, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022,DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2022.3168661

  10. Jin CaoSheng LiRuhui MaYuxi HanYueyu ZhangHui Li, RPRIA: Reputation and PUF-based Remote Identity Attestation Protocol for Massive IoT Devices, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3164174

  11. Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Rui Dai, Hui Li, Xingwen Zhao and Fenghua Li, MARS: Automated Protocol Analysis Framework for Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(8):5957-5970, 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2022.3160296
  12. Xiongpeng RenJin CaoMaode MaHui LiYinghui Zhang,A Novel PUF-Based Group Authentication and Data Transmission Scheme for NB-IoT in 3GPP 5G Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,9(5):3642-3656. 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3098224

  13. J Tang, H Zhu, R Lu, X Lin, H Li, F Wang, DLP: Achieve Customizable Location Privacy with Deceptive Dummy Techniques in LBS Applications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(5): 6969-6984, 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3115849

  14. Y Sun, J Cao, M Ma, Y Zhang, H Li, B Niu, Eap-ddba: Efficient anonymity proximity device discovery and batch authentication mechanism for massive d2d communication devices in 3gpp 5g hetnet, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(1):370-387, 2022, 10.1109/TDSC.2020.2989784


  1. Kai Fan, Qi Chen, Ruidan Su, Kuan Zhang, Haoyang Wang, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, MSIAP: A Dynamic Searchable Encryption for Privacy-Protection on Smart Grid with Cloud-Edge-End, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2021.12
  2. L Li, D Shi, R Hou, H Li, M Pan, Z Han, To talk or to work: Flexible communication compression for energy efficient federated learning over heterogeneous mobile edge devices, IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10
  3. Y Luo, H Li, R Ma, Z Guo, A Composable Multifactor Identity Authentication and Authorization Scheme for 5G Services, Security and Communication Networks 2021
  4. F Wang, H Zhu, R Lu, Y Zheng, H Li, A privacy-preserving and non-interactive federated learning scheme for regression training with gradient descent, Information Sciences 552, 183-200.
  5. B Niu, Q Li, H Wang, G Cao, F Li, H Li, A Framework for Personalized Location Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  6. B Zhao, K Fan, K Yang, Z Wang, H Li, Y Yang, Anonymous and Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Industrial Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  7. L Li, D Shi, X Zhang, R Hou, H Yue, H Li, M Pan, Privacy Preserving Participant Recruitment for Coverage Maximization in Location Aware Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing



  1. L Li, D Shi, R Hou, X Li, J Wang, H Li, M Pan, Data-driven optimization for cooperative edge service provisioning with demand uncertainty, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (6), 4317-4328
  2. W Zhang, B Jiang, M Li, R Tandon, Q Liu, H Li, Aggregation-based location privacy: An information theoretic approach, Computers & Security 97, 101953
  3. F Wang, H Zhu, R Lu, Y Zheng, H Li, Achieve Efficient and Privacy-preserving Disease Risk Assessment over Multi-outsourced Vertical Datasets, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
  4. BEN NIU, Y Chen, Z Wang, B Wang, H Li,Eclipse: preserving differential location privacy against long-term observation attacks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  5. D Zhu, H Zhu, X Liu, H Li, F Wang, H Li, D Feng, CREDO: Efficient and privacy-preserving multi-level medical pre-diagnosis based on ML-kNN, Information Sciences 514, 244-262
  6. W Li, B Niu, J Cao, Y Luo, H Li, A personalized rangesensitive privacypreserving scheme in LBSs, Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 32 (5), e5462
  7. J Cao, Z Yan, R Ma, Y Zhang, Y Fu, H Li, LSAA: a lightweight and secure access authentication scheme for both UE and mMTC devices in 5G networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (6), 5329-5344
  8. K Fan, Q Pan, K Zhang, Y Bai, S Sun, H Li, Y Yang, A secure and verifiable data sharing scheme based on blockchain in vehicular social networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 5826-5835



  1. R Ma, J Cao, D Feng, H Li, S He, FTGPHA: Fixed-trajectory group pre-handover authentication mechanism for mobile relays in 5G high-speed rail networks, IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 69 (2), 2126-2140
  2. F Li, H Li, B Niu, J Chen, Privacy computing: concept, computing framework, and future development trends, Engineering 5 (6), 1179-1192
  3. K Fan, S Sun, Z Yan, Q Pan, H Li, Y Yang, A blockchain-based clock synchronization Scheme in IoT, Future Generation Computer Systems 101, 524-533
  4. F Wang, H Zhu, X Liu, R Lu, J Hua, H Li, H Li, Privacy-preserving collaborative model learning scheme for E-healthcare, IEEE Access 7, 166054-166065 9         2019
  5. J Cao, M Ma, H Li, R Ma, Y Sun, P Yu, L Xiong, A survey on security aspects for 3GPP 5G networks, IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 22 (1), 170-195
  6. X Li, H Li, H Zhu, M Huang, The optimal upper bound of the number of queries for Laplace mechanism under differential privacy, Information Sciences 503, 219-237
  7. K Fan, H Xu, L Gao, H Li, Y Yang, Efficient and privacy preserving access control scheme for fog-enabled IoT, Future Generation Computer Systems 99, 134-142
  8. J Cao, P Yu, X Xiang, M Ma, H Li, Anti-quantum fast authentication and data transmission scheme for massive devices in 5G NB-IoT system, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 9794-9805
  9. J Cao, M Ma, Y Fu, H Li, Y Zhang, CPPHA: Capability-based privacy-protection handover authentication mechanism for SDN-based 5G HetNets, IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing
  10. F Khan, H Li,Ensuring trust and confidentiality for adaptive video streaming in ICN, Journal of Communications and Networks 21 (6), 539-547
  11. Y Li, Z Wang, Y Li, R Deng, B Chen, W Meng, H Li, A closer look tells more: a facial distortion based liveness detection for face authentication, Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications
  12. J Cao, M Ma, Y Fu, H Li, Y Zhang, CPPHA: Capability-based privacy-protection handover authentication mechanism for SDN-based 5G HetNets, IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing
  13. R Ma, J Cao, D Feng, H Li, Y Zhang, X Lv, PPSHA: Privacy preserving secure handover authentication scheme for all application scenarios in LTE-A networks, Ad Hoc Networks 87, 49-60
  14. F Li, Z Sun, A Li, B Niu, H Li, G Cao,Hideme: Privacy-preserving photo sharing on social networks,IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 154-162
  15. K Fan, S Zhu, K Zhang, H Li, Y Yang, A lightweight authentication scheme for cloud-based RFID healthcare systems, IEEE Network 33 (2), 44-49
  16. S Ding, J Cao, C Li, K Fan, H LiA novel attribute-based access control scheme using blockchain for IoT, IEEE Access 7, 38431-38441
  17. W. Zhang, M. Li, R. Tandon and H. Li, "Online Location Trace Privacy: An Information Theoretic Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 235-250, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2018.2848659.


  1. K Fan, J Wang, X Wang, H Li, Y Yang,Secure, efficient and revocable data sharing scheme for vehicular fogs,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (4), 766-777,2018
  2. K Fan, W Wang, W Jiang, H Li, Y Yang,Secure ultra-lightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol based on transparent computing for IoV,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (4), 723-734,2018
  3. Q Han, C Li, H Li, Efficient and robust attribute-based encryption supporting access policy hiding in Internet of Things, Future Generation Computer Systems 83, 269-277,2018
  4. S Ding, C Li, H Li,A Novel Efficient Pairing-free CP-ABE Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography for IoT,IEEE Access,2018
  5. K Fan, X Wang, K Suto, H Li, Y Yang,Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext Retrieval in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing,IEEE Network 32 (3), 52-57,2018
  6.  K Fan, W Jiang, H Li, Y Yang,Lightweight RFID Protocol for Medical Privacy Protection in IoT,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (4), 1656-1665,2018
  7. X Liu, H Zhu, R Lu, H Li,Efficient privacy-preserving online medical primary diagnosis scheme on naive bayesian classification,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (2), 334-347,2018
  8. F Shan, H Li, F Li, Y Guo, B Niu,HAC: Hybrid Access Control for Online Social Networks,Security and Communication Networks 2018