My ORCID:0000-0001-8310-7169
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Selected Publication
Haoyang Wang, Kai Fan, Hongyan Chen, Qi Chen, Kuan Zhang, Fenghua Li, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, Joint Biological ID : A Secure and Efficient Lightweight Biometric Authentication Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TDSC.2022.3186999, paper link
Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Gewei Zheng, Hui Li and Fenghua Li, Key-Value Data Collection with Distribution Estimation under Local Differential Privacy, Security and Communication Networks, 2022, accepted
Jiaqi Zhao, Hui Zhu, Fengwei Wang, Rongxing Lu, Zhe Liu, Hui LI, PVD-FL: A Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Decentralized Federated Learning Framework, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol.17, pp.2059-2073,2022, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2022.3176191. paper link
Jiaqi Zhao, HuiZhu, Fengwei Wang, Rongxing Lu, Hui Li, Jingwei Tu, JieShen,CORK: A privacy-preserving and lossless federated learning scheme for deep neural network, Information Sciences, Volume 603, July 2022, Pages 190-209
Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Ziyao Guo, Hui Li, Fenghua Li, Xiaodong Lin, etal,ARCANE: An Efficient Architecture for Exact Machine Unlearning,IJCAI-2022
Qi Xu;Hui Zhu;Yandong Zheng;Jiaqi Zhao;Rongxing Lu;Hui Li,An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Route Matching Scheme for Carpooling Services, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022,DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2022.3168661
Jin Cao; Sheng Li; Ruhui Ma; Yuxi Han; Yueyu Zhang; Hui Li, RPRIA: Reputation and PUF-based Remote Identity Attestation Protocol for Massive IoT Devices, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2022, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3164174
Haonan Yan, Xiaoguang Li, Rui Dai, Hui Li, Xingwen Zhao and Fenghua Li, MARS: Automated Protocol Analysis Framework for Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2022.3160296
Cao Jin, Zhu Tong, Ma Ruhui, Guo Zhengyang, Zhang Yinghui, Li Hui, A Software-based Remote Attestation Scheme for Internet of Things Devices, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2022, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2022.3154887
Xiongpeng Ren; Jin Cao; Maode Ma; Hui Li; Yinghui Zhang,A Novel PUF-Based Group Authentication and Data Transmission Scheme for NB-IoT in 3GPP 5G Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,9(5):3642-3656. 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3098224
Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Zelei Cheng, Wenhai Sun and Hui Li, Protecting Regression Models with Personalized Local Differential Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,DOI:10.1109/TDSC.2022.3144690
J Tang, H Zhu, R Lu, X Lin, H Li, F Wang, DLP: Achieve Customizable Location Privacy with Deceptive Dummy Techniques in LBS Applications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(5): 6969-6984, 2022, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3115849
Y Sun, J Cao, M Ma, Y Zhang, H Li, B Niu, Eap-ddba: Efficient anonymity proximity device discovery and batch authentication mechanism for massive d2d communication devices in 3gpp 5g hetnet, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(1):370-387, 2022, 10.1109/TDSC.2020.2989784
1. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li, Maple: scalable multi-dimensional range search over encrypted cloud data with tree-based index, ASIA CCS '14, Tokoyo, Japan
2. Boyang Wang ; Ming Li ; Sherman S. M. Chow ; Hui Li, A Tale of Two Servers: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Computation over Cloud Data under Multiple Keys, 2th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, 2014.10, San Fransico,USA
3. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li and Fenghua Li. Tree-based Multi-Dimensional Range Search on Encrypted Data with Enhanced Privacy, 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,Beijing, China
4. Niu, Ben ;Zhu, Xiaoyan; Weihao,Li,Li, Hui, EPcloak: An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Spatial Cloaking Scheme for LBSs, IEEE MASS 2014, Philadelphia, USA,2014.10
5. Niu, Ben ; Li, Qinghua; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Hui, A fine-grained spatial cloaking scheme for privacy-aware users in Location-Based Services, ICCCN, September 25, 2014, Shanghai, China
6. Zhu, Hui ; Huang, Rong; Liu, Ximeng; Li, Hui, SPEMR: A new secure personal electronic medical record scheme with privilege separation, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014, p 700-705, 2014,
7. Zhu, Xiaoyan ; Chi, Haotian; Jiang, Shunrong; Lei, Xiaosan; Li, Hui, Using dynamic pseudo-IDs to protect privacy in location-based services, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 2307-2312, 2014,
8. Zhu, Hui; Huang, Cheng; Li, Hui, MPPM: Malware propagation and prevention model in online SNS, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia
9. Zhu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Jie; Jiang, Shunrong; Chen, Zengbao; Li, Hui, Efficient Weight-based Private Matching for proximity-based mobile social networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia,2014
10. Lai, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Lu, Rongxing; Jiang, Rong; Shen, Xuemin, SEGR: A secure and efficient group roaming scheme for machine to machine communications between 3GPP and WiMAX networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 1011-1016, 2014
11. Niu B, Zhang Z, Li X and Li H, Privacy-Area Aware Dummy Generation Algorithms for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014
12. Sun W, Yu S, Lou W, Hou T Y, and Li H, Protecting Your Right: Attribute-based Keyword Search with Fine-grained Owner-enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014
13. Niu B, Li Q, Zhu X, Cao G and Li H, Achieving k-anonymity in Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada
14. Zhang, Yinghui ; Zheng, Dong; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Jin; Li, Hui, Computationally efficient ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with constant-size ciphertexts, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8782, p 259-273, 2014
1. Niu B, Zhu X, Lei X, Zhang W, and Li H, EPS: Encounter-Based Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
2. Niu B, Zhu X, Liu J, Li Z, and Li H, Weight-aware Private Matching Scheme for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
3. Zhu X, Chi H, Niu B, Zhang W, Li Z, and Li H, Mobicache: When k-anonymity meets cache, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
4. Niu B, Zhu X, Zhang T, Chi H, and Li H, P-match: Priority-aware Friend Discovery for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks, in Proc. of IEEE MASS, pp.351-355, 2013
5. Boyang Wang, Sherman S.M. Chow, Ming Li, Hui Li, Storing Shared Data on the Cloud via Security-Mediator, ICDCS 2013
6. Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Ming Li, Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Cloud Data Supporting Group Dynamics, ICC 2013.
7. Wenhai Sun, Bing Wang, Ning Cao, Ming Li, Wenjing Lou, Thomas Hou and Hui Li, Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-based Ranking, ASIACCS 2013
8. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Duncan S. Wong and Hui Li, Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption Supporting Efficient Decryption Test, ASIACCS 2013, distinguished paper award
9. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, INFOCOM 2013, Apr.15-19, Turin, Italia.
10. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Hui Li, An Ultralightweight and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Mobile RFID Systems, IEEE WCNC 2013
11. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Haotian Chi, Hui Li, plus:$ Privacy-Preserving Pseudo-Location Updating System in Location-Based Services, IEEE WCNC 2013
1. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Unified Handover Authentication between Heterogeneous Access Systems in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
2. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, A Group-based Authentication and Key Agreement for MTC in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
3. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Gmatch: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Group Matching in Social Networks,IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
4. Zhao Xingwen,Li Hui,Codes based tracing and revoking scheme with constant ciphertext,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 7496 LNCS, p318-335, 2012, Provable Security - 6th International Conference, ProvSec 2012, Proceedings
5. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Knox: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Shared Data with Large Groups in the Cloud, ACNS 2012, LNCS 7341, 507-525,June 26-29, Singapore
6. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud, IEEE Cloud 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.June 24-29, 2012.
7. Kai Fan, Libin Zhao, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, Smart-blocking File Storage Method in Cloud Computing, IEEE ICCC 2012, Beijing, August 15-18, 2012.
1. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Hui Li, Jin Cao, Identity Based Construction for Secure and Efficient Handoff Authentication Schemes in Wireless Networks, The 2011 FTRA World Convergence Conference, Korea, DEC 12-15, 2011
2. Sun, Yuhua; Wang, Zilong; Li, Hui; Yan, Tongjiang, On the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period 3<sup>4k</sup>-1 and its decimated sequence by (3<sup>2k</sup>+1)<sup>2</sup>/20, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications, IWSDA'11, p 48-51, 2011, EI 20121214883358
3. Li, Zhanhu ; Fan, Kai; Li, Hui,Concurrent signature protocol on conic curve over ring Zn, Source: 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011 - Proceedings, p 194-197, 2011, EI 20114714544163
4. Niu, Ben , Li, Hui; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Chao, Lv, Security analysis of some recent authentication protocols for RFID, Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011, p 665-669, 2011,
1. Yong Wang, Hui Li and Xiyuan Wang. Performance Analysis of Optimal Antenna Scheme in Transmit Diversity Systems. The 6th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'10), Yantai, August, 2010, Vol. 6, 2793-2797. EI 20104613380415
2. Yong Wang, Hui Li. Full Rate and Full Diversity STBC in Decode-and-Forward Relay Systems. The 2010 International Conference on Communications and Intelligence Information Security, Nanning, October, 2010, 135-138.
3. Can Mo, Hui Li, Hui Zhu, A steam pattern matching method for traffic analysis, ICST E-Forensics 2010, Shanghai
4. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma, A security enhanced authentication and key distribution protocol for wireless networks, in IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security, 2010.12,EI 20110913697828
5. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma, An Efficient Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with One-Time Key, INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops , 2010
1. Zhou Yejun, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng, Secure Error-Correction Network Coding in a Randomized Setting,ISA2009,LNCS 5576,pp570-577
2. ZhuHui, LiHui, WangYumin. An Efficient Fast Authentication Protocol. IEEE 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security. 2009, 12.
3. Li, Xiaoqing, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng and Zhang Weidong. An Efficient Anonymous Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The 5th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Volume II, pp. 287–290, 2009.
4. Lv Chao, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng. Analysis the Properties of TLS Based on Temporal Logic of Knowledge, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2009.
2008 and before
1. Wang Ying, Li Hui, Du Xinjun, Wang Yumin, The design of optimal period interleaver, Proceedings-International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, Proceedings-22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops/Symposia, AINA 2008, 2008, p 413-415
2. Wang Ying, Du Xinjun, Li Hui, Zhu Xiaoyan, Tail-biting theory for turbo codes, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006
3. Li Hui, Shenqing, A Token Based Single Sign-on protocol, CIS 2005, Part II, LNAI 3802, Springer-Verlag 2005.12
4. Wang Meng, Li Hui, Liu Zhijing, Efficient Identity Based Proxy-Signcryption Schemes with Forward Security and Public Verifiability,ICCNMC 2005, LNCS Springer Verlag 2005.8.
2010 and before