Jiayi Liu
Assistant Professor
Resesarch Team:Mobile Computation and Communication
School of Telecommunication Engineering
Xidian University
Address: Main Building I-334, North Campus, Xidian University
Email: jyliu@xidian.edu.cn
Jiayi Liu obtained the Bachelors of Science degree in Electronic Engineering from Xidian University in Xi'an China, in 2007. She received her Master of Science and Ph.D, both in Computer Science, from Telecom-Bretagne (now known as IMT-Atlantique) and Rennes 1 University, France, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Her Ph.D supervisor is Proffessor Gwendal Simon. Since 2014, She works as Lecturer in Xidian University, School of Telecommunication Engineering. Her current research group is Mobile Computation and Communication (MCC), the leader of the group is Professor Qinghai Yang. Her research interests include content distribution mechanism, CDN network, ICN network, content distribution in the 5G network, Mobile Edge Computing, 5G network slicing, 360-degree video delivery, network resource management and optimization, network system simulations.