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Name Title   Junmin Li, Prof., Dr.

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Contact Information

Address: 208W room, Xinyuan Building II Zone, South Campus

Email: jmli@mail.xidian.edu.cn

Tel: 81891371


 Professor Li Junmin was born in 1965, in Qishan, Shaanxi Province, China. He received the Bachelor Science Degree and Master Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from  Xidian University, in 1987 and 1990, respectively, and the Ph. D. degree in Systems Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 1997. He has been a Professor with Xidian University since 2002. He was a senior research associate with City University of Hong Kong (in 2000-2001, and 2002). He has authored and / or coauthored more than 280 referred technical papers. Among of them, there are more than 100 papers are indexed by SCI. The cited number of published papers is more than 1300.  His current research interests include robust and adaptive control, optimal control, iterative learning control, hybrid systems and networked  MAS.

Research Interests
  • Adaptive Control and Intelligent Control


  • Hybrid Systems Control Theory


  • Fuzzy Hybrid Control Theory


  • Networked Control Systems and Complex Networked Control


  • Advanced Control Theory(Fault Toilet Control and Non-fragile Control)