- 贾俊秀,王晨,吴涛,陈少华. 考虑大众健康数据共享回报的数据定价决策,运筹与管理,2024.
- 贾俊秀,侯毅姝,杜黎. 考虑转诊率的健康服务质量及定价决策研究,中国管理科学,2024.
- 贾俊秀,赵学科. 政府补贴下新能源汽车供应链电池续航能力及回收策略研究,系统工程学报,2022, 37(3):330-344.
- Junxiu Jia,Luyao Hao, Shaohua Chen, Tao Wu. Vehicles manufacturer’s pricing strategies considering service level of car-sharing modes,Annals of Operations Research, 2022, 315(2):1755–1773.
- Shaohua Chen, JunxiuJia. Pricing and introductory scarcity strategies based on consumers' response, International Transactions in Operational Research,2020, 27(4):2081-2111.
- Junxiu Jia,Shaohua Chen, Zhiwu Li. Dynamic pricing and time-to-market strategy in a service supply chain with online direct channels,Computers & Industrial Engineering 2019,127(1):901-913.
- 贾俊秀,孟庆钦,吴涛. 考虑电商平台潜在需求信息共享的促销及定价策略研究,管理学报,2021, 18(10):1562-1572.
- Cliff T, Ragsdale(著),贾俊秀(译).电子表格建模与决策分析(Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics,第8版),北京:电子工业出版社. 2019.
- 温馨, 贾俊秀.顾客参与研发过程的价值共创机理与策略研究. 运筹与管理,2018, 27(11):105-115.
- 贾俊秀, 沈萍, 杜黎. 基于网络顾客行为意向的物流服务供应链定价策略. 运筹与管理,2014, 23(4):41-50.
- 贾俊秀, 袁泽. 两级库存控制下的供应链动态定价和订购策略. 系统工程学报, 2014, 29(3): 393-403.
- Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀), Jiang Zhang. Dynamic ordering and pricing strategies in a two-tier multi-generation durable goods supply chain,International Journal of Production Economics,2013, 114(1): 135-142.
- 贾俊秀(著). 供应链订购和定价决策理论与方法,北京:科学出版社,2013
- Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀), Qiying Hu. Dynamic ordering and pricing for a perishable goods supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011, 60(2): 302-309.