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Name Title: Hao Dong

Department: School of Mathematics and Statistics

Contact Information

Address: South Campus: 266 Xinglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi\\'an, Shaanxi 710126

North Campus: No. 2 South Taibai Road, Xi\\'an, Shaanxi 710071

Email: donghaoxd@xidian.edu.cn

Tel: 13468772907


Dong Hao, male, born in 1991. I am from Shaanxi Wugong. Currently, I am an associate professor and a master's tutor in mathematics. I have been selected into the Young Talent Fund of Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi, China and the Young Talent Fund of Association for Science and Technology in Xi'an, China. Also, I am the director of computational mathematics Society of Shaanxi Province, the Math Reviewer of American Mathematical Society, the member of Chinese Mathematical Society, the professional member of China Industrial and applied mathematics Society, and the member of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. I am also a member of the Asia Pacific Artificial Intelligence Society, a member of the Mathematics Education Branch of the Chinese Mathematical Society, a member of the Academic Bridge Review Expert Database, a member of the Xi'an Key Laboratory of Scientific Computing and Applied Statistics, an editorial board member of the journal American Journal of Mechanics and Applications, a young editorial board member of the Science Journal of Wuhan University (Science Edition), a young editorial board member of the Journal of Applied Mechanics, and a guest editor of SCI journal Symmetry. 

I have been published in important academic journals at home and abroad, including Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Journal of computational mathematics, Computational Mechanics, Journal of Scientific Computing, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Composite Structures (2 top journals of composite mechanics), Applied Mathematical Modeling (2 famous journals of applied mathematics), Communications in Non linear Science and Numerical Simulation (1 famous journal of applied mathematics), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, etc., published 35 SCI papers (5 papers in JCR Division 1, 18 papers in Division 2, 7 journals in T1 and 9 journals in T2 of the Chinese Mathematical Society), Among them, there are 22 papers by the lead author, 3 papers by the first corresponding author, 3 papers by the co corresponding author, 1 English paper by Communications in Mathematical Research, 1 paper by EI conference, and 3 papers in Chinese. He has presided over the Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Youth Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province One general funded project from the National Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China and one open project from the Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Theory and Application of New Materials Mechanics, two basic research business fees for central universities, two basic research business fees for participating in the general funded project from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one educational science research project from the Provincial Higher Education Association, and two basic research business fees for central universities.



Research Interests

1.Multiscale modeling
2.  Multiscale computation
3.Numerical analysis
4.Machine learning method for material science
5.Numerical computation of nonlocal continuum Mechanics