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Dr. Decheng Liu

Associate Professor

School of Cyber Engineering

Xidian University


Address: 266 Xinglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710126, China

Email: dchliu@xidian.edu.cn



Decheng Liu is currently with the School of Cyber Engineering at Xidian University. He received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (June 2021) in Intelligence Information Processing, Xidian Unversity, supervised by Prof. Xinbo Gao. He received the Bachelor Degree (July 2016) in Electronic Information Engineering, Xidian University.

His research interests include computer vision and intelligence security, specially for cross-modality face analysis, forgery detection and adversarial learning. I have published more than 30 papers on top journals and conferences such as ICCV, ICML, AAAI, IJCAI, ACM MM, IEEE TNNLS, TIFS, TMM, TIP, TCSVT, Pattern Recognition etc. He also served for a number of journals and conferences.

Chinese Website Link: https://web.xidian.edu.cn/dchliu/index.html

IIP Lab. Website Link: https://iip-xdu.github.io/index.html


Trustworthy Biometrics Analysis

  • Heterogeneous face recognition
  • Cross-modality image synthesis
  • Face Attribute Analysis
  • Re-Identification
  • Biometric Identity Attack

Visual Information Security& Privacy

  • Forgery Detection
  • Adversarial Attack and Denfense
  • Face Anonymization
  • Face Encryption
  • Federated Learning
Selected Publications
  1.  Decheng Liu, Xinbo Gao, Chunlei Peng, Nannan Wang, Jie Li. Universal Heterogeneous Face Analysis via Multi-Domain Feature Disentanglement, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 2023. (CCF A,中科院一区Top期刊)

  2. Decheng Liu, Zhan Dang, Chunlei Peng, Yu Zheng, Shuang Li, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao. FedForgery: Generalized Face Forgery Detection with Residual Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. 18, pp. 4272-4284, 2023. (Code) (CCF A,中科院一区Top期刊)

  3. Decheng Liu, Zeyang Zheng, Chunlei Peng, Yukai Wang, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao. Hierarchical Forgery Classifier On Multi-modality Face Forgery Clues. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM), 2023.  (Code) (CCF B,中科院一区Top期刊)

  4. Decheng Liu, Weizhao Yang, Chunlei Peng, Nannan Wang, Ruimin Hu, Xinbo Gao.  Modality-agnostic Augmented Multi-Collaboration Representation for Semi-supervised Heterogenous Face Recognition, ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2023. (CCF A,顶级国际会议)

  5. Zhigang Su, Dawei Zhou, Nannan Wang*, Decheng Liu*, Zhen Wang, Xinbo Gao. Hiding Visual Information via Obfuscating Adversarial Perturbations, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023. (CCF A,顶级国际会议)

  6. Decheng Liu, Xinbo Gao, Chunlei Peng, Nannan Wang and Jie Li. Heterogeneous Face Interpretable Disentangled Representation for Joint Face Recognition and Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE TNNLS), 2022. (CCF B,中科院一区Top期刊)

  7. Decheng Liu, Xinbo Gao, Nannan Wang, Chunlei Peng, Jie Li. Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition, Pattern Recognition (PR), 2021. (CCF B,中科院一区Top期刊)

  8. Decheng Liu, Xinbo Gao, Nannan Wang, Jie Li, Chunlei Peng. Coupled attribute learning for heterogeneous face recognition, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE TNNLS), 2020. (CCF B,中科院一区Top期刊)

  9. Decheng Liu, Nannan Wang, Chunlei Peng, Jie Li, and Xinbo Gao. Deep Attribute Guided Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018. (CCF A,顶级国际会议)

  10. Decheng Liu, Jie Li, Nannan Wang, Chunlei Peng, Xinbo Gao. Composite components-based face sketch recognition, Neurocomputing, 2018. (中科院二区期刊)