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Name: Dr. Jingxuan Wei

Associate Professor

Department: School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University

Contact Information

Address: Mail box 179, School of Computer Science and Technology,

Xidian Uni. Xi'an, China.

Email: wjx@xidian.edu.cn

Address: Main Building I 429


2010/10~2011/10: Visiting researcher with the Artificial Intelligence Research Group in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington.

2010/05~2010/07: Assistant researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

2012~so far: Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science, Xidian Uni., China

2009~2011:  Lecturer in the School of Computer Science, Xidian Uni., China

2003~2009:  Master and Ph.d in the School of Science, Xidian Uni., China. Major in Artificial Intelligence.

1999~2003:  Bachelor of Science in the School of Science , Shaanxi Normal Uni., China. Major in applied mathematics.

Research Interests

1.More effective evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms

2.Optimization in dynamic environment

3.Evolutionary multiobjective approaches to constraint handling

4.Particle swarm optimization (PSO)


1. Combinatoria Mathematics : Undergraduate students, Autumn, 2009.

2. Modern Algebra: Autumn, 2009.

3. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence: Semester 1, 2011 (Tutor)

4. Combinatoria Mathematics : Postergraduate students, Autumn, 2012.


I have been granted the following research fundings :

1. Research on uncertain multi-objective optimizatoin problems by PSO, supported by National Science Foundation of China. NSFC (No.61203372) 2013.01-2015.12. PI: Jingxuan Wei

2. Research On Grid Security Problems under Dynamic Environments, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. (No. 72005502) 2010.9~2012.9. PI: Jingxuan Wei

3. Research on dynamic multi-objective optimization problems, supported by overseas returnee research funding. 2013-2015. PI: Jingxuan Wei

Professional activities

1. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

2. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B

3. Reviewer for IEEE Conference on  Evolutionary Computation.

4. Member of IEEE