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2016-  Professor

School of life science and technology, Xidian University

2016-2017  Humboldt fellowship

Faculty of Physics, Philipps University of Marburg, (Host: Wolfgang J. Parak)

2015-2016  Postdoctoral Associate

Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, SUNY (Host: Paras N. Prasad)

2012 – 2015  Ph. D. 

College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering,

Harbin Engineering University, (Supervisor: Piaoping Yang)

2010 –2012  Engineer

China Aviation Optical-Electrical Technology Co, Ltd

2006 –2010  B. S. (Chemical Engineering and Technology)

College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University


Being reviewer of SCI journals including: Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.、ACS Nano、Adv. Sci.、Biomaterials、Chem. Mater.、Chem. Eng. J. 、Biomater. Sci.、Biomacromolecules、Inorg. Chem.、ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.、J. Lumin.、Part. Part. Syst. Char.、RSC Adv.、Appl. Organomet. Chem.、Mater. Chem. Phys.


My research interest is focused on Biomaterials, Bioimaging, and Cancer Theranostics:

1. Algorithm-guided optimization of various micro/nano- imaging probes.

2. Rare earth luminescent materials and their applications in bio-imaging, early diagnosis, and surgery navigation.

3. The multi-modal imaging properties of up-conversion luminescence, short-wavelength near-infrared, etc..

4. The multi-modal imaging-guided synergistic anti-cancer therapy platform.


Year: 2020

 News! 2020-05 课题组论文Chem. Mater. (doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01031)入选为杂志封面!

8. News! 2020-04 课题组发表论文在Chem. Mater. (doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01031)上,(林碧/刘军/王燕兴并列一作,吕锐婵通讯)(中科院一区,影响因子10.2),将DDSCAT用于精确指导发光粉强度,所设计的梭形结构发光粉具有精准的表面金粒子分布,这一结构与跟光敏剂/免疫检查点阻断剂联合用于诊疗以及线粒体标记。链接:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01031

6. 2020-03 A new paper !课题组发表论文在Langmuir (DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00343)上(蒋雪第一作者,吕锐婵通讯)(中科院二区,JCR一区),通过不同稀土-光热转化剂的对比,深入探讨了吸收/热/发光/稳定性的关系;并入选为杂志封面。 链接: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00343

5.  2020-02 RSC英国皇家化学会对Biomater. Sci., 2020, 8, 1270报道,链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UWe2fOrLAjaGXanjmf5ggg

4. 2020-02 A new paper !! 论文Biomater. Sci. 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9BM02057H入选为杂志封面front cover。


3. 2020-02 生命科学与技术学院吕锐婵教授给绵阳外国语学校高三学子做高考心理疏导。

2.  2020-02 A new paper !!恭喜课题组与陕西肿瘤医院合作,课题组发表论文Biomaterials Science, 2020, 8, 1270-1278(王燕兴博士第一作者,吕锐婵通讯),(中科院二区,JCR一区,IF5.25)稀土复合叶绿素探针用于肿瘤标记、光动力治疗和手术导航!


1. 2020-01 BIT实验室做年终总结、反思不足、保持优势,2020不忘初心,砥砺前行,再创佳绩!


Year: 2019

23.  2019-12 A new paper !! 课题组硕士研究生杨凡等发表论文在Journal of luminescence (中科院二区,IF2.96)!


22. 2019-12 BIT小组吕锐婵“华山学者”菁英人才期满,考核“优秀”!

21. 2019-12 恭喜课题组获资助“医工交叉”横向项目一项!

20. 2019-12 吕锐婵参加“第一届近红外II区光学分子影像学术研讨会”作邀请报告。

19. 2019-11 吕锐婵参加2019年国际肿瘤与生物标记物大会(西安)做邀请报告,并任大会委员。

18. 2019-11  吕锐婵、王燕兴参加Phosphor Safari 2019会议,吕锐婵作invited talk邀请报告。

17. 2019-10-28 BIT实验室组织组内终南山团建活动!

16. 2019-10-18 吕锐婵当选为中国医药生物技术协会造影技术分会委员!

15. 2019-09-24  祝贺冯淼同学获得2018-2019年度国家奖学金!

14. 2019-09  热烈庆祝“生物材料信息转化”BIT( Biomater Infor Trans Lab)实验室成立!

(20).2019.09 A new paper !!"Degradable magnetic-response photoacoustic/up-conversion luminescence imaging-guided photodynamic/photothermal antitumor therapy " published in Biomaterials Science. by authors: Ruichan Lv,* Xue Jiang, Fan Yang, Yanxing Wang, Miao Feng, Jun Liu, and Jie Tian*. DOI: ‪10.1039‬/C9BM00853E

(19).2019.08 A new paper !!"Surface Plasmonic Enhanced Imaging-Guided Photothermal/ Photodynamic Therapy Based on Lanthanide-Metal Nanocomposite Under Single 808 nm Laser" published in ACS Biomaterials Sicence & Engineering. by authors:  Jun Liu; Fan Yang; Miao Feng; Yanxing Wang; Xiangrong Peng; Ruichan Lv*.

and highlighted as the journal cover!!

(18).2019.07 A new paper !!"Improved Red Emission and Short Wavelength Infraed Luminescence Under 808nm Laser for Tumor Theranostics" published in ACS Biomaterials Sicence & Engineering. by authors: Lv, Ruichan*; Feng, Miao; Liu, Jun; Jiang Xue; Yuan, Huijuan; Yan Ruyu; Tian, Jie*.

and highlighted as the journal cover!!

(17) 2019.06 Mesoporous semiconductors combined with up-conversion nanoparticles for enhanced photodynamic therapy under near infrared light”. published in "Rsc Adv.", 2019. 9(30): p. 17273-17280. by authors: .Yang Fan,  Liu Jun,  Jiang Xue,  Wu Weiwei,  Wang Zhenni,  Zeng Qi, Lv Ruichan*.

(16) 2019.05 A new paper !!When the Semiconductor Utilized as the NIR Laser-Responsive Photodynamic/ Photothermal Theranostic Agent Integrated with Upconversion Nanoparticles” published in ACS Biomaterials Sicence & Engineering” (IF: 4.4). by Author(s): Lv Ruichan, Wang Yanxing, Liu Jun, Feng Miao, Yang Fan, Jiang Xue, Tian Jie .  DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b00438

and highlighted as the journal cover!!

(15) 2019.04 A new paper !!Searching for the Optimized Luminescent Lanthanide Phosphor Using Heuristic Algorithms” published in “Inorg. Chem." (IF: 4.7). by Author(s): Lv Ruichan*, Xiao Liyang, Wang Yanxing, Yang Fan, Tian Jie*, Lin Jun*.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00667

  2019-04-10  Welcome our fresh graduate students: Lin Bi, Dai Ruiyi, Xu Danyang, Peng Xiangrong, Sun Song!!

   (14) 2018.11 A new paper !!Up-Conversion Luminescence Properties of Lanthanide-Gold Hybrid Nanoparticles as Analyzed with Discrete Dipole Approximation” published in “Nanomaterials” (IF:3.5). by Author(s): Lv Ruichan*, Feng  Miao, Wolfgang J. Parak.  DOI: 10.3390/nano8120989

      (13) 2018.11 A new paper !!Highly Erbium-Doped Nanoplatform with Enhanced Red Emission for Dual-Modal Optical-Imaging-Guided Photodynamic Therapy” published in “Inorganic Chemistry” (IF:4.7). by Author(s): Feng  Miao, Lv Ruichan*, Xiao Liyang, Hu Bo, Zhu Shouping, He Fei, Yang Piaoping*, Tian Jie*.DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b02257

      (12) 2018.10 A new paper !! “Optimization of Red Luminescent Intensity in Eu3+-Doped Lanthanide Phosphors Using Genetic Algorithm” published in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering(IF:4.43). by  Lv Ruichan*;Xiao Liyang; Jiang Xue; Feng Miao; Yang Fan; Tian Jie*. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00513

      (11) 2018.10 A new paper !! “A Multilevel Nanoarchitecture Exhibiting Biosensing for Cancer Diagnostic by Dual Modal Switching of Optical and Magnetic Resonance Signals” published in ACS Applied Bio Materials by Lv Ruichan*; Feng Miao; Xiao Liyang; Damasco Jossana; Tian Jie*; Prasad  Paras*DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.8b00429

      (10)  2017.11 A new paper   “ Stable ICG-loaded upconversion nanoparticles: silica core/shell theranostic nanoplatform for dual-modal upconversion and photoacoustic imaging together with photothermal therapy” published in “Scientific Reports” (IF:  4.26).  Lv Ruichan, Wang Depeng, Xiao Liyang, Chen Guanying, Xia Jun, Paras N. Prasad.  2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16016-x

       (9) 2017.10 A new paper  “Dopamine-mediated photothermal theranostics combined with up-conversion platform under near infrared light” published in “Scientific Reports” (IF:  4.26), Lv Ruichan, Yang Piaoping, Chen Guanying, Gai Shili, Xu Jiating, Paras N. Prasad. 2017. 7: 13562

       (8) Oral presentation. 2017.05.13  Lv Ruichan participated in the “2017 Humboldt Kolleg on Smart Materials: From Molecules to Engineering” (Beijing), and made an oral presentation named “Rare Earth Based Mesoprous Materials for Theranostics”.

       (7) 2017.05.03  Lv Ruichan finished the postdoc work with Prof. Wolfgang J. Parak, and came back to Xidian University.

(6) 2017.02 A new paper!! “In Situ Growth Strategy to Integrate Up-Conversion Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall CuS for Photothermal Theranostics” published in “ACS Nano” (IF: 13.33). 2017, 11, (1), 1064-1072.  

(5) 2016.10 Lv Ruichan finished the postdoc with Prof. Paras N. Prasad in ILPB (SUNY at buffalo).

(4) (Oral) Highly stable upconversion imaging guided photothermal therapy inspired by transferred dopamine under single NIR light, 8th annual postdoc research research symposium, Buffalo, June 10, 2016.

(3) (Poster)  A Yolk-like Multifunctional Platform for Multimodal Imaging and Synergistic Therapy Triggered by a Single Near-Infrared Light , China Nanomedicine 2015, Hangzhou, April 6-9, 2015.


                             Philipps-Universität Marburg:   Prof. Wolfgang J. Parak


(2) (Poster) Lutecium Fluoride Hollow Mesoporous Spheres with Enhanced Up-Conversion Luminescent Bioimaging and Light-Triggered Drug Release by Gold Nanocrystals, Phosphor Safari 2014, Kunming, November 8-10, 2014.

CIAC researcher: Jun Lin


(1) (Poster) Surfactant-Free Synthesis, Luminescent Properties, and Drug-Release Properties of LaF3 and LaCO3F Hollow Microspheres, 29th Annual Seminar Chinese Chemical Society, Beijing, August 4-7, 2014.


Ruichan Lv        Professor

Humboldt Fellowship

Department: School of life science and technology

Email: rclv@xidian.edu.cn

Research Interests

