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Academic Publications

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Journal Papers
[2024aut] C. Gu, Z. Ma, Z. Li. “Liveness and Deadlock-freeness Verification and Enforcement in Bounded Petri Nets Using Basis Reachability Graphs”, Automatica, 2024, Article 111625.
[2024tac-b] Z. Ma, J. Jiang, K. Cai. “Secret Protections with Costs and Disruptiveness in Discrete-Event Systems Using Centralities”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, in press.
[2024tac-a] Z. Ma, Y. Tong, C. Seatzu. “Verification of Pattern-Pattern Diagnosability in Partially Observed Discrete Event Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, 69(3) 2044-2051.
[2024tase] Y. Hu, Z. Ma, Z. Li. “Design of Supervisors for Partially Observed Discrete Event Systems Using Quiescent Information”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024, in press.
[2023tsmc] L. Yang, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Rumor Containment by Blocking Nodes in Social Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2023, 53(7), 3990-4002.
[2023cep] P. Lv, G. Luo, Z. Ma, S. Li, X. Yin. “Optimal Multi-robot Path Planning for Cyclic Tasks Using Petri Nets”, Control Engineering Practice, 2023, 138, Article 105600.
[2023tac] Y. Tong, Z. Ma. “Verification of k-Step and Definite Critical Observability in Discrete-Event Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023, 68(7), 4305-4312.

[2023lcsys] W. Shi, Z. He, Z. Ma, N. Ran, X. Yin, Security-preserving multi-robot path planning for Boolean specification tasks using labeled Petri nets, IEEE Control System Letters, 2023, 7, 2017-2022.
[2022ral] W. Shi, Z. He, W. Tang, W. Liu, Z. Ma. “Path Planning of Multi-robot Systems with Boolean Specifications Based on Simulated Annealing”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(3), 6091-6098. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000785670500002, EI: 20221511959074)
[2022tsmc] C. Gu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Verification of Nonblockingness in Bounded Petri Nets with Min-Max Basis Reachability Graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(10), 6162-6173. (WOS: 000742676800001, EI: 20220411531805)
[2022aut] Z. Ma, Z. He, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Design of Supervisors for Linear Marking Specifications in Labeled Petri Nets”, Automatica, 2022, 136 (February), Article 110031. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000820880400009, EI: 20214911259675)
[2022tac-b] Z. Ma, M. Zou, J. Zhang, Z. Li. “Design of Optimal Control Sequences in Petri Nets Using Basis Marking Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022, 67(7): 3685-3692. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000818858700046, EI: 20213510843639)
[2022tac-a] Z. Ma, K. Cai. “Optimal Secret Protections in Discrete-Event Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022, 67(6), 2816-2828. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000803343800013, EI: 20213410806865)
[2022lcsys-b] Z. Ma, K. Cai. “On Resilient Supervisory Control Against Indefinite Actuator Attacks in Discrete-Event Systems”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022, 6, 2942-2947. (EI: 20221812062145)
[2022lcsys-a] C. Gu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Non-Blockingness Verification of Bounded Petri Nets Using Basis Reachability Graphs”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022, 6, 1220-1225. (EI: 20213010683337)

[2021nahs] Z. He, Z. Ma. “Performance Safety Enforcement in Stochastic Event Graphs against Boost and Slow Attacks”, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2021, 41 (August), Article 101057. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000659281400024, EI: 20212010349765)
[2021aut-d] Z. Ma, X. Yin, Z. Li. “Verification and Enforcement of Strong Infinite- and k-Step Opacity Using State Recognizers”, Automatica, 2021, 133 (November), Article 109838. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000702835200040, EI: 20213310784320)
[2021aut-c] Y. Hu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Diagnosability Enforcement in Labeled Petri Nets Using Supervisory Control”, Automatica, 2021, 131 (September), Article 109776. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000675832700001, EI: 20212710587933)
[2021aut-b] Z. Ma, X. Yin, Z. Li. “Marking Diagnosability Verification in Labeled Petri Nets”, Automatica, 2021, 131 (September), Article 109713. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000674621200044, EI: 20212610575696)
[2021aut-a] Z. He, Z. Ma, W. Tang. “Performance Safety Enforcement in Strongly Connected Timed Event Graphs”, Automatica, 2021, 128 (June), Article 109605. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000640388800019, EI: 20211410166683)
[2021tac-b] Z. Ma, X. Yin, Z. Li. “Marking Predictability and Prediction in Labeled Petri Nets”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021, 66(8), 3608-3623. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000678334500016, EI: 20203909232912)
[2021tac-a] Z. Ma, G. Zhu, Z. Li. “Marking Estimation in Petri Nets Using Hierarchical Basis Reachability Graphs”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021, 66(2), 810-817. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000613403900028, EI: 20210609887865)
[2021jas] Z. He, Z. Ma, Z. Li., A. Giua. “Parametric Transformation of Timed Weighted Marked Graphs: Applications in Optimal Resource Allocation”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2021, 8(1), 179-188. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000594739100015, EI: 20204909591393)
[2020tac-c] Y. Hu, Z. Ma, Z. Li. “Design of Supervisors for Active Diagnosis in Discrete Event Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(12): 5159-5172. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000595526300011, EI: 20205109648497)
[2020tac-b] Z. Ma, G. Zhu, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Computation of Admissible Marking Sets in Weighted Synchronization-Free Petri Nets by Dynamic Programming”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(6): 2662-2669. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000542947800028, EI: 20194007488688)
[2020tac-a] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Marking Estimation in a Class of Time Labeled Petri Nets”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(2): 493-506. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000472526400001, EI: 20190806529446)
[2019deds] Z. He, M. Liu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “An Improved Approach for Marking Optimization of Timed Weighted Marked Graphs”, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2019, 29(2): 127-143. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000472526400001, EI: 20190806529446)
[2017tac-b] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Characterization of Admissible Marking Sets in Petri Nets with Conflicts and Synchronizations”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(3): 1329-1341. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000395924300022, EI: 20171103444853, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[2017tac-a] Z. Ma, Y. Tong, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Basis Marking Representation of Petri Net Reachability Spaces and Its Application to the Reachability Problem”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(3): 1078-1093. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000356871400004, EI: 20155201734474, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[2016aut] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Petri Net Controllers for Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints with Floor Operators”, Automatica, 2016, 74 (December): 238-246. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000389087200028, EI: 20164002875779)
[2015aut] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Comments on ‘Maximally Permissive Supervisor Synthesis Based on a New Constraint Transformation Method’ ”, Automatica, 2015, 51 (January): 131-134. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000348015500016, EI: 20150300420825)
[2015tac] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Design of Optimal Petri Net Controllers for Disjunctive Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(7): 1774-1785. [OneDrive][TencentDoc] (WOS: 000356871400004, EI: 20155201734474, ESI Highly Cited Paper)


[2022jxdu] M. Zou, Z. Ma. “An Efficient Method to Design Optimal Control Sequences in Petri Nets”, in Chinese, Journal of Xidian University, 2023, 49(3): 199-205. (EI: 20222612303029)
[2016jxdu] Z. Ma, Y. Tong. “Supervisor Synthesis in Petri Nets Based on Basis Marking Graphs”, in Chinese, Journal of Xidian University, 2016, 43(6): 68-73. (EI: 20165203176180)
[2015jxduZ. Jiang, X. Zhang, Z. Ma. “Capacity Optimization for Power Storage Systems in Smart Grids”, in Chinese, Journal of Xidian University, 2015, 42(6): 106-112. (EI: 20160101750463)


Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
[2024wodes] B. Cui, Z. Ma, A. Giua, X. Yin, “Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning for Cyclic Tasks Using Petri Nets”, 17th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’24), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2024, accepted and to appear.
[2023cdc/lcsysW. Shi, Z. He, Z. Ma, N. Ran, X. Yin, “Security-preserving multi-robot path planning for Boolean specification tasks using labeled Petri nets”, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’23), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2023. A joint submission of IEEE L-CSS, see [2023lcsys].
[2023ifac] Z. Ma, K. Cai, “Optimal Secret Protection in Discrete Event Systems with Dynamic Clearance Levels”, 22nd IFAC World Congress (IFAC’23), Yokohama, Japan, 2023: 3579-3584.
[2023ricai] H. Jiang, Z. Huang, Z. Ma, Z. Zhang, J. Wu, X. Ping, “Multi-UAV Trajectory Planning and Tracking Via Improved Informed-RRT* and MPC Algorithms”, 5th International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Control and Artificial Intelligence (RICAI), Hangzhou, China, 2023: 583-588.

[2022wodes-b] P. Lv, G. Luo, X. Yin, Z. Ma, S. Li, “Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning for Cyclic Tasks Using Petri Nets”, 16th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’22), Prague, Czechia, 2022: 9-15.
[2022wodes-a] M. Zou, Y. Tong, Z. Ma, “PNBA: A Software for Marking Estimation and Reconfiguration in Petri Nets Using Basis Marking Analysis”, 16th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’22), Prague, Czechia, 2022: 180-187.
[2022icaibd] R. Nan, X. Zhu, D. Wang, Z. Ma, “A Realization of Self-face Diagnosis Algorithm Based on Chinese Medicine Theory”,  5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2022), Chengdu, China, 2022, 205-210.

[2022acc] J. Jiang, Z. Ma, K. Cai, “Secret Protections in Discrete-Event Systems with Minimum Costs”, 2022 American Control Conference (ACC’22), Atlanta, USA, 2022, 3740-3745.
[2021cdc/lcsys] C. Gu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Non-Blockingness Verification of Bounded Petri Nets Using Basis Reachability Graphs”, 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’21), Austin, USA, 2021. A joint submission of IEEE L-CSS, see [2022lcsys-a].
[2020cdc-b] Z. Ma, J. Zhang. “Determining Optimal Control Sequences for Reconfiguration in Petri Nets”, 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’20), Virtual (online), 2020, 4485-4491. (EI: 20210509848156)
[2020cdc-a] Z. Ma, X. Yin, Z. Li. “Marking Diagnosis in Labeled Petri Nets Using Basis Diagnosers”, 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’20), Virtual (online), 2020, 4479-4484. (EI: 20210509848067)
[2020ifac] L. Yang, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Rumor containment by blocking nodes in social networks”, IFAC 2020 World Congress (IFAC’20), Virtual (online), 2020, Oral Presentation.
[2019cdc] C. Gu, Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Verification of Nonblockingness in Bounded Petri Nets with a semi-Structural Approach”, IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’19), Nice, France, 2019, 6718-6723. (EI: 20201408369463)
[2019case-b] Y. Hu, Z. Ma, Z. Li. “Active Diagnosis of Petri Nets Using Q-Diagnoser”, IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE’19), Vancouver, Canada, 2019, 203-208. (EI: 20194107517745)
[2019case-a] Z. Ma, Z. He, Z. Li. “Supervisory Control in Partially Observable Petri Nets with Sensor Reduction”, IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE’19), Vancouver, Canada, 2019, 189-194. (EI: 20194107517567)
[2018wodes] Z. Ma, Z. He, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Design of Monitor-based Supervisors in Labelled Petri Nets”, 14th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’18), Sorrento Coast, Italy, 2018: 374-380. (EI: 20183005584446)
[2017cdc] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Computation of Admissible Marking Sets in Weighted State Machines by Dynamic Programming”, 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’17), Melbourne, Australia, 2017: 4847-4852. (EI: 20181805127767)
[2017ifac] Z. Ma, Y. Tong, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Marking Estimation in Labelled Petri Nets by the Representative Marking Graph”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017: 11175-11181. (EI: 2005108874929)
[2016acc] Y. Tong, Z. Ma, Z. Li, C. Seatzu, A. Giua, “Verification of Language-Based Opacity in Petri Nets Using Verifier”, 2016 American Control Conference (ACC’16), Boston, USA, 2016: 757-763. (EI: 20164302948709)
[2016wodes] Y. Tong, Z. Ma, Z. Li, C. Seatzu, A. Giua. “Supervisory Enforcement of Current-State Opacity with Uncomparable Observations”, 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’16), Xi’an, China, 2016: 313-318. (EI: 20163302716651)
[2015cdc] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “A Method to Verify the Controllability of Language Specifications in Petri Nets Based on Basis Marking Analysis”, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’15), Osaka, Japan, 2015: 1675-1681. (EI: 20161402197152)
[2015acc] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “A Constraint Transformation Technique in Petri Nets with Backward-Conflict-Free Uncontrollable Structures”, 2015 American Control Conference (ACC’15), Chicago, USA, 2015: 365-370. (EI: 20153701252581)
[2014ifac] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “An Approach to Determine Controllability of Monolithic Supervisors”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa,  2014: 2429-2434. (EI: 20152200885658)
[2014wodes] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “A Constraint Transformation Technique for Petri Nets with Certain Uncontrollable Structures”, 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES’14), Cachan, France, 2014: 66-72. (EI: 20154501491425)
[2013etfa] Z. Ma, Z. Li, A. Giua. “Petri Net Controllers for Disjunctive Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints”, 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’13), Cagliari, Italy, 2013: 1-8. (EI: 20135217133640)

Last updated: September 20, 2023