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  1. 图论:在图论的历史中,还有一个最著名的问题--四色猜想。这个猜想说,在一个平面或球面上的任何地图能够只用四种颜色来染色,使得没有两个相邻的国家有相同的颜色。在图论的研究历史中,基于这个猜想衍生出了多种染色问题,如点染色、边染色、全染色、均匀染色等。我们近期关注的重点的是图的均匀染色与图的划分问题,以及使用概率方法、代数方法、机器证明等工具解决图论问题。
  2. 复杂网络:世界皆互联,关联关系也错综复杂,图被公认为是描述复杂世界相互关系的最有力的数学模型。社会网络、经济网络、交通网络、互联网、蛋白质相互作用网等虽呈现的一些普遍现象,但是各自的规律也很明显。揭示网络拓扑结构的形成机制,探索网络的演化规律和整体行为,认识网络内部深奥的动力学特性,挖掘网络展现出的广泛、潜在的应用价值等问题正引起国内外学术界的高度重视。我们力求从数学的角度来研究相关的问题和算法 [引用]
  3. 信息编码理论:编码理论是在研究信息传输过程中信号编码规律的数学理论。编码理论与信息论、数理统计、概率论、随机过程、线性代数、近世代数、数论、有限几何和组合分析等学科有密切关系,已成为应用数学的一个分支。我们力求从图与组合学的角度来赋予信息编码理论的前沿研究方向。

2017级:牛 蓓  beiniu # stu.xidian.edu.cn 

2018级:李 艳  y.li # stu.xidian.edu.cn 

2019级:张华强  hqzhangmath # stu.xidian.edu.cn 

2020级:毕慧敏  hmbi # stu.xidian.edu.cn

2020级:齐梦珂  mkqi # stu.xidian.edu.cn

2021级:李科杰  sdulkj # hotmail.com

2022级:陈 萍  pchenn # stu.xidian.edu.cn



(with Kejie Li) Strong edge coloring of outerplane graphs with independent crossings. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. ACCEPTED.

(with Mengke Qi) Conflict-free incidence coloring of outer-1-planar graphs. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. ACCEPTED.

(with Huimin Bi) Defective incidence coloring of graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation 443 (2023) #127781.

(with Bei Niu) An Improvement of the Bound on the Odd Chromatic Number of 1-Planar Graphs, In: Q. Ni and W. Wu (eds) Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management. AAIM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13513 (2022) 388-393.

(with Huaqiang Zhang, Bei Niu, Bi Li) Fast algorithm of equitably partitioning degenerate graphs into graphs with lower degeneracy, Theoretical Computer Science 905 (2022) 18-30. 

(with Bei Niu, Yan Li, Bi Li) Equitable vertex arboricity conjecture holds for graphs with low degeneracy, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 37 (2021) 1293-1302.

(with Yan Li) The structure and the list 3-dynamic coloring of outer-1-planar graphs, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 23(3) (2021) #4.

(with Mengke Qi) Incidence coloring of outer-1-planar graphs. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. ACCEPTED.

(with Huimin Bi) Incidence coloring of Mycielskians with fast algorithm, Theoretical Computer Science 878-879 (2021) 1-10.

(with Huaqiang Zhang) Theoretical aspects of equitable partition of networks into sparse modules, Theoretical Computer Science 871 (2021) 51-61.

(with Huaqiang Zhang) The structure and the bondage number of three classes of beyond-planar graphs (in Chinese). Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Chinese Series. ACCEPTED.

(with Bi Li and Bei Niu) Complexity of Tree-Coloring Interval Graphs Equitably. In: Zhang Z., Li W., Du DZ. (eds) Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management. AAIM 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12290 (2020) 391-398.

(with Bei Niu) Equitable partition of graphs into induced linear forests, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39(2) (2020) 588-581.

(with Bei Niu) Light edges in 1-planar graphs of minimum degree 3, Discrete Mathematics, 343(2) (2020) #111664.

(with Bei Niu) On (p,1)-total labelling of some 1-planar graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory41 (2021) 531–558.

(with Bei Niu)  Linear arboricity of NIC-planar graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 35(4) (2019) 924–934.

(with Bei Niu and Jiguo Yu) A structure of 1-planar graph and its applications to coloring problems, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35(3) (2019) 677-688. 

(with Yan Li)  Dynamic list coloring of 1-planar graphs, Discrete Mathematics 344(5) (2021) #112333.

(with Bei Niu) Equitable tree-O(d)-coloring of d-degenerate graphs.  arXiv:1908.05069 

(with Yan Li) Equitable list tree-coloring of bounded treewidth graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 855 (2021) 61–67.

(with Yan Li) List dynamic coloring of sparse graphs and K4-minor-free graps

(with Bei Niu) Equitable partition of plane graphs with independent crossings into induced forests,  Discrete Mathematics, 343(5) (2020) #111792.

(with Weichan Liu, Chen Gong and Lifang Wu) A note on the vertex arboricity of signed graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 106 (2018) 251-258.

(with Weichan Liu) Total coloring of outer-1-planar graphs: the cold case. In: Zhang Z., Li W., Du DZ. (eds) Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management. AAIM 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12290 (2020) 469-480. 

(with Xue Deng, Jiaqiang Ma, Chenggang Wang, and Renfeng Zhou) on r-equitable colorings of bipartite graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 103 (2017) 161-165.

张欣, 李艳,  稀疏图与系列平行图的列表动态染色, 应用数学学报45(4) (2022) 552-559. 

张华强, 张欣, 牛蓓,三类超越可平面图的结构及其约束数,应用数学学报44(6) (2021) 838-846. 

牛蓓, 张欣, 反d-退化图中的点不交3-圈, 山东大学学报(理学版), 55(9) (2020) 51-53. 

李艳, 张欣, 外1-平面图的均匀边染色,计算机工程与应用,55(24) (2019) 37-40.

宫辰,武丽芳,刘维婵,张欣, 不含特殊子式的符号图的选择数, 计算机工程与应用,54(16) (2018) 55-58.

刘维婵, 张欣, 外1-平面图的均匀点荫度,计算机工程与应用,54(10) (2018) 51-53.

张欣,刘维婵,1-平面图及其子类的染色,运筹学学报,21(4) (2017) 135-152.