Ph.D, Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor, director of laboratory
School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian Univ,Software Engineering
office:Xidian University, north campus, the west main building, III-511
Research interests:roboto, Embedded Multi-core System Research, SLAM,Deep Learning & Computer Vision
Ph.D, Professor, Master's Supervisor。
School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian Univ, Computer Software and Theory /
office: Xidian University, north campus, the west main builiding III-511
Research Interests:Computer Vision, Semantic Structural Graph, big data
Ph.D, Lecturer, Master's Supervisor
School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian Univ, Software Engineering
office:Xidian University, north campus, the west main building, III-517
Research Interests:Deep Learning,gesture recognition
Ph.D, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor。
School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian Univ, Software Engineering
office:Xidian University, north campus, the west main building, III-517
Research Interests:deep learning, image processing, distributed image coding
Ph.D, researcher, 公安部第三研究所物联网技术研发中心主任,西安电子科技大学软件学院“华山学者”讲座教授
office:Xidian University, north campus, the west main building, III-511
Research Interests:Computer Vision, AI, Internet of Things Applications, big data processing
Ph.D, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor
School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian Univ
office:Xidian University, the main building, I-152
Research Interests:Intelligent Transportation, image processing, computer vision