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[1]    第一作者,“Resolution Enhancement for Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Under Low SNR via Improved Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remot. Sens., 2010, Vol. 48(10), 3824-3838.

[2]   第一作者, “High Resolution ISAR Imaging with Sparse Stepped-Frequency Waveforms,” IEEE Trans Geosci. Remot. Sens., 2011, Vol. 49(11), 4630-4651.

[3]    第一作者, “A Robust Motion Compensation Approach for UAV SAR Imagery,” IEEE Trans Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol.50, No.8, Aug. 2012.

[4]    第一作者, “High Resolution ISAR Imaging by Exploiting Sparse Apertures,” IEEE Trans Antenna and Propagation, 2012, Vol. 60(2), 997-1008.

[5]    第一作者, “Two-Dimensional Spectrum Matched Filter Banks for High-Speed Spinning Target Three-Dimensional ISAR Imaging”, IEEE. Geosci. Remot. Sens.lett. 2009, Vol. 6(3), 368-372.

[6]    第一作者, “Achieving Higher Resolution ISAR Imaging with Limited Pulses via Compressed Sampling”, IEEE. Geosci. Remot. Sens.lett. 2009, Vol. 6(3), 567-571.

[7]    第一作者, “Wavenumber Autofoucsing for Highly Squinted SAR imaging,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.12(5), May 2012.

[8]    第一作者, “An Adaptive Two-Step Calibration for High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imagery”, IET Proc. Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2010, Vol.4(4),548-559.

[9]    第一作者, “Azimuth Preprocessing for Monostatic and Bistatic Spotlight SAR Imaging Based on Spectral Analysis Convolution,” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2009, Vol. 3(1), 033565.

[10]  第一作者, “SAR Imaging and Doppler Ambiguity Removal with Distributed Microsatellites Arrays,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, Vol. 31(24), 6441–6458.

[11]  第一作者, “Unparallel Trajectory Bistatic Spotlight SAR Imaging”, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences. 2009,Vol. 52(1), 91-99.

[12]  第一作者, “Time-frequency Characteristics-Based Motion Estimation and Imaging for High Speed Spinning Targets via Narrowband Waveforms”, Science China: Information Sciences, 2010. Vol. 53(8), 1487-1702.

[13]  第一作者, “A Fase BP Algorithm With Wavenumber Spectrum Fusion for High-Resolution Spotlight SAR Imaging,” IEEE. Geosci. Remot. Sens.lett. 2009, Vol. 6(3), 567-571., 2014, Vol. 11(9), 1460-1464.

[14]  第一作者, “Phase Adjustment and ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Targets With Sparse Apertures,” IEEE Trans Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2014, Vol. 50(3), 1955-1971.

[15]  第一作者, “Integrating Autofocus Techniques With Fast Factorization Backprojection Algorithm for High Resolution Spotlight SAR Imagery,”IEEE. Geosci. Remot. Sens.lett. 2009, Vol. 6(3), 567-571., 2013, Vol. 10(6), 1394-1398.

[16] 通信作者, Polarimetric Target Decomposition Based on Attributed Scattering Center Model for Synthetic Aperture Radar Targets, IEEE GRSL, 2014.

[17] 通信作者, Precise Cross-Range Scaling for ISAR Images Using Feature Registration, IEEE GRSL 2014.

[18] 通信作者, Sparse aperture inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging of manoeuvring targets with compensation of migration through range cells, IET-RSN, 2014.