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Research and Honor Awards

[1]Received theSecond Class Award of Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province, promulgated by the committee for scientific & technological awards of Shaanxi Province, China in 2005.

[2]Received the First Class Award of Higher College Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province, promulgated by the Department of Education in Shaanxi Province, China in 2005.

[3]Received the Second Class Award of Higher College Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province, romulgated by the Department of Education in Shaanxi Province, China in 2008.

[4]In 2008, directed the following students together with  Houjian Tang: Xuepan Zhang,Bin Li and Wu Wen, awarded the First Prize of the cup of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education in Group A; Congzhi Yan, Ye Wang and Xun Han, awarded the First Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Educationin Group A; Bin Xu, Fengjun Zhao and Hongbo Zhang, awarded the First Prize of Shaanxi Divisionof the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education in Group A.

[5]In 2009, directed Congzhi Yan, Ye Wang and Xun Han, awarded the Second Prize of the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling. (Honorable Mention)

[6]In 2009, directed the following students together with Banghe Han: Yuesheng Xu, Wenliang Geng and Zhigang Yu, awarded the Second Prize of the cup of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group; Can Gong,Peng Jiang and Dongxue Wang, awarded the Second Prize of the cup of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group; Ming Jang,Yi Zhou and Qi Zhao, awarded the First Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group; Ting Guan, Jingnan Xiao and Jianhua Yi, awarded the First Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group.

[7]In 2010, directed Can Gong, Yi Zhou and Yue Cao, awarded the First Prize of the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling.(Meritorious Winner)

[8]In 2010, directed the following students together with Banghe Han: Zhennan Xie,Pubin Zhong and Yu Chen, awarded the First Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group; Lei Wu, Baohua Shi and Wenhua Yong, awarded the Second Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group; Jiajia Sun, Jingya Pan and Jiefeng Chen, awarded the Second Prize of Shaanxi Division of the National College Students' Mathematical Modeling Competition of Higher Education Undergraduate Course Group.

[9] In 2011, directed Zhennan Xie, Pin Zhao and Fuxin Li, awarded the First Prize of the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling;

[10] In 2012, directed Yanni Zhang, Yiangliu Lu and Xing Shu, awarded the First Prize of the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling; directed Jueming Liu, Xiaoqing Gao and Yiding Wang, awarded the Second Prize of  the International  Mathematical Contest in Modeling.