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近年来,在Nature Biomedical Engineering、Gut以及Nature communications等著名学术期刊发表的代表性论文如下:

(1) Exploring prognostic indicators in the pathological images of hepatocellular carcinoma based on deep learning. Gut,2020.9合作医院:复旦大学附属中山医院,IF=19.8共同通讯),提出了挖掘肝癌病理预后相关特征的新方法;


(2) Predicting gastric cancer outcome from resected lymph node histopathology images using deep learning. Nature Communications,2021.3(合作医院:上海龙华医院、HJ军医大学附属长海医院,IF=12.1,共同通讯),研发了针对胃癌淋巴结病理临床诊断与精准亚分期的AI系统; 


(3) Dense anatomical annotation of slit-lamp images improves the performance of deep learning for the diagnosis of ophthalmic disorders. Nature Biomedical Engineering,2020.6(合作医院:中山大学中山眼科中心,IF 18.9,共同通讯),提出了基于眼睛解剖结构先验知识的密集标注方法。