学术信息网 西电导航 关于 使用说明 搜索 系统首页 登录 控制面板 收藏 赵兴文的留言板
  1. Xinyin Xiang, Xingwen Zhao: Blockchain-assisted searchable attribute-based encryption for e-health systems. J. Syst. Archit. 124: 102417 (2022)

  2. Yiyang Hong, Xingwen Zhao, Hui Zhu, Hui Li, A Blockchain-Integrated Divided-Block Sparse Matrix Transformation Differential Privacy Data Publishing Mode,Security and Communication Networks, 2021.

  3. 李德馨; 付溪; 赵兴文,工业物联网中隐私保护的轻量级认证协议,计算机工程与应用,2021

  4. 付溪; 李晖; 赵兴文,网络钓鱼识别研究综述,网络与信息安全学报,2020,6(05).

  5. 何娇丽,赵兴文,基于决策树算法的DNS流量身份识别,计算机工程与应用,2020,56卷

  6. 赵兴文,何娇丽,叶佳宁,马博文,杨旭涵,网络流量识别方案探讨和研究展望,全国信号和智能信息处理与应用学术会议,2019.

  7. Haonan Yan, Hui Li, Mingchi Xiao, Rui Dai, Xianchun Zheng, Xingwen Zhao, Fenghua Li: PGSM-DPI: Precisely Guided Signature Matching of Deep Packet Inspection for Traffic Analysis. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6

  8. Xinyin Xiang, Xingwen Zhao: Continuous leakage-resilient IBE in cloud computing. Int. J. Communication Systems 31(10) (2018)

  9. Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li: Privacy Preserving Data-Sharing Scheme in Content-Centric Networks Against Collusion Name Guessing Attacks. IEEE Access 5: 23182-23189 (2017)

  10. Xingwen Zhao, Jiaping Lin, Hui Li: Privacy-Preserving Billing Scheme against Free-Riders for Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles. Mobile Information Systems 2017: 1325698:1-1325698:9 (2017)

  11. Jiaping Lin, Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li:Target: category-based android malware detection revisited. ACSW 2017: 74:1-74:9

  12. Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li: Privacy Preserving Authenticating and Billing Scheme for Video Streaming Service. CSS 2017: 396-410
  13. Xinyin Xiang, Hui Li, Mingyu Wang, Xingwen Zhao: Efficient multi-party concurrent signature from lattices. Inf. Process. Lett. 116(8): 497-502 (2016)
  14. Xingwen Zhao, Gaofei Zhao, Hui Li.Generic Codes Based Traitor Tracing and Revoking Scheme from Attributes Based Encryption.Accepted by IEEE CIT 2014, Xi'An China.
  15. Xingwen Zhao, Gaofei Zhao, Hui Li. Fully Secure Codes Based Tracing and Revoking Scheme with Constant Ciphertext, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 543-547 (2014) pp 3300-3307. (EI). Full version technical report available here. (pdf).
  16. Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Improvement on A Multi-Channel Broadcast Encryption Scheme. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 427-429 (2013) pp. 2163-2169.(EI)
  17. Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Achieving Dynamic Privileges in Secure Data Sharing on Cloud Storage. Security and Communication Networks. 2014, 7(11):2211-2221.(SCI)
  18. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Generic Codes Based Traitor Tracing Scheme with Revocation
    Ability from Attributes Based Encryption, Technical Report. (pdf)
  19. Xingwen Zhao, Hui Li. Codes Based Tracing and Revoking Scheme with Constant Ciphertext. ProvSec 2012 (Chengdu, China), LNCS 7496, 2012, pp 318-335.(link)
  20. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Tracing and Revoking Scheme for Dynamic Privileges against Pirate Rebroadcast. Computers & Security. 2012, 31(1):59-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2011.11.002. (SCI)
  21. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Haibo Tian. Dynamic Asymmetric Group Key Agreement for Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 2011, 9(5):928-939. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2010.11.002. (SCI)
  22. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Fully CCA2 Secure Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Black-Box Accountable Authority. Journal of Systems and Software. 2012, 85(3):708-716. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2011.09.045. (SCI)
  23. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Traitor Tracing Against Public Collaboration, ISPEC 2011, LNCS 6672, Springer, 2011, pp. 302-316. (EI)
  24. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Times Limited Accountable Anonymous Online Submission Control System from Single-Verifier k-times Group Signature. Informatica. 2012, 31(1): 75-82. (EI)
  25. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. A New Type of ID-based Encryption System and Its Application to Pay-TV Systems. International Journal of Network Security. 2011, 13(3):161-166.
  26. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Analysis on Hu et al.'s Identity-based Broadcast Encryption. International Journal of Network Security. 2011, 13(3):178-180.
  27. Xingwen Zhao. Amendment to a Trace and Revoke Systems with Short Ciphertexts. International Journal of Network Security. 2012, 14(5): 251-256.
  28. Fangguo Zhang, Xingwen Zhao, Xiaofeng Chen. ID-Based Adaptive Oblivious Transfer. WISA 2009, LNCS 5932, Springer, pp. 133-147. (EI)
  29. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Efficient Periodic k-show Anonymous Credential System, The 6th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October 5-6, 2011.
  30. Xingwen Zhao, Fangguo Zhang. Time Selective Designated Confirmer Signature, ChinaCrypt 2009 (中国密码学会2009 年会), Science Press, pp.183-195.