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  1. [1]  Xin Wu, Jianqi Zhang, Chen Yang, and Xi Huang. Real-time mid- wavelength infrared scene rendering with a feasible BRDF model [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2015, 68:124–133. 

  2. [2]  Xin Wu, Jianqi Zhang. Signature simulation of infrared target by tracing multiple areal sources [J]. Applied Optics, 2015, Vol. 54, No. 17. 

  3. [3]  Xin Wu, Bormin Huang, Lizhe Wang, and Jianqi Zhang. GPU-based accel- eration of the hyperspectral signal subspace identification by minimum error (HySime) [J]. IEEE Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015

  4. [4]  Xin Wu, Jianqi Zhang, Xi Huang, and Delian Liu. GPU-accelerated real-time IR smoke screen simulation and assessment of its obscuration [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2012, 55(1) : 150 – 155.

  5. [5]  Xin Wu, Jianqi Zhang, Xi Huang, and Delian Liu. Separable convolution tem- plate (SCT) background prediction accelerated by CUDA for infrared small target detection [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2013, 60 : 300 – 305.

  6. [6]  Xin Wu, Xiaorui Wang, Jianqi Zhang, and Chen Yang. Analysis of the fea- tures and reconstruction of a high resolution infrared image based on a multi- aperture imaging system [J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125(19) : 5888 – 5892. 

  7. [7]  吴鑫张建奇刘德连黄曦何国经. CUDA 架构下高效红外图像背 景预测方法 [J]. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2012, 38(6) : 44 – 51.

  8. [8]  吴鑫张建奇杨琛. JetsonTK1平台实现快速红外图像背景预测算法[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2015, 44(9).

  9. [9]  Chen Yang, Xiaorui Wang, Yin Xu, Xin Wu, Yujiao Chen, and Jianqi Zhang. Analysis of information transfer property and aliasing and overlapping elim- ination methods in integral Fourier holography [J]. Applied Optics, 2013, 52(19) : 4728 – 4737. 

  10. [10]  Xi Huang, Jianqi Zhang, Shaoze Zhang, and Xin Wu. GPU-based high- precision real-time radiometric rendering for IR scene generation [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2014, 65 : 134 – 143. 

  11. [11]  黄曦张建奇张绍泽吴鑫.目标高真实感红外图像生成方法[J].红外与 激光工程, 2013, 42(4): 1084-1088.