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  • Shaanxi, Thousand Talents Program (Long term),  2018.
  • Award of Governors of Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto, Japan, November, 2017.
  • Recognition Award: X.F. Liang, at the 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2016.
  • Outstanding Paper Award: C.C. Zhang, X.F. Liang, T. Matsuyama, "Mixed-Motion Segmentation using Helmholtz Decomposition" at the 16th Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2013.
  • Outstanding Research Award: C.C. Zhang, X.F. Liang, T. Matsuyama, "What are you looking for on faces?" at Kyoto University ICT innovation 2013.