- XingsiXue, Yuping Wang. Optimizing ontology alignments through a Memetic Algorithm using both MatchFmeasure and Unanimous Improvement Ratio, Artificial Intelligence, 2015, 223: 65-81. (SCI:000353608800003; EI: 20151200667967)(IF:3.333, JCR-Q1)
- Yiu-Wing Leung and Yuping Wang. U-measure: a quality measure for multiobjective programming. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A-Systems and Humans, 33(3): 337-343, 2003. (IF: 0.53, SCI: 000185191900006, EI: 2003427675218)
- Yuping Wang, Chuangyin Dang. An Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Optimization Based on Level-Set Evolution and Latin Squares. IEEE Transations on Evolutionary Computation, 11(5), 579-595, 2007. (IF :2.426, SCI: 000260585900002, EI: 20074110860165)
- Yuping Wang, Yong-Chang Jiao and Hong Li. An evolutionary algorithm for solving nonlinear bilevel programming based on a new constraint-handling scheme. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, 35(2): 221-232, 2005. (IF: 0.706, SCI: 000228566600009, EI: 2005219114344)
- Yiu-Wing Leung, Yuping Wang. An orthogonal genetic algorithm with quantization for global numerical optimization. IEEE Transactions Evolutionary Computation, 5(1): 41-53, 2001. (SCI: 000167371300005, EI: 2003427675218) (IF:1.708, JCR-1)
- Yiu-Wing Leung, Yuping Wang. Multiobjective programming using uniform design and genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, 30(3): 293-304, 2000. (SCI: 000165458600001, EI: 2003047333404) (IF: 0.957, JCR-2
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang and Miao Ye. A new multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm based on decomposition,Information Sciences, 2015:325.(SCI: 000362380600033; EI: 20153801283009) (IF:3.364,JCR-Q2)
- Xingsi Xue, Yuping Wang. Using Memetic Algorithm for Instance Coreference Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2016, 28(2), 580-591. SCI:000369006800022. (IF: 2.476, JCR-Q1)
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang, Miao Ye, Xingsi Xue, and Hailin Liu. An Orthogonal Evolutionary Algorithm with Learning Automata for Multi-objective Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2016, 46(12): 3306-3319. (IF: 3.469, JCR-Q2)
- Miao Ye, Yuping Wang, et al. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Minimum Exposure Path Problem of Wireless Sensor Network Based on a Numerical Functional Extreme Model, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2016, 65(10): 8644-8657. (SCI:000386658000065; EI: 20164202905477)(IF: 1.978, JCR-Q2)
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang. A new uniform evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition and CDAS for many-objective optimization, Knowledge-based Systems, 2015, 85: 131-142. (SCI: 000359331000010;EI: 20152000856885) (IF: 3.325, JCR-Q1)
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang. A new decomposition based evolutionary algorithm with uniform designs for many-objective optimization, Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 30:238-248. (SCI: 000351296200021; EI: 20150800559783)(IF:2.857, JCR-Q1)
- Liping Jia, Yuping Wang and Lei Fan. Multiobjective Bilevel Optimization for Production-distribution Planning Problems Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2014, 21(1): 77-90. (SCI: 000327442400007; EI: 20135017087418)(IF:3.451,JCR-Q1)
- XingsiXue, Yuping Wang, AihongRen and WeichenHao. Optimizing ontology alignments through Memetic Algorithm Based on Partial Reference Alignment, Expert Systems with Applications, 2014, 41(7): 3213-3222. (SCI:000331019800007; EI:20135217128260) (IF: 1.926,JCR-Q1)
- Xiaoli Wang, Yuping Wang and Yue Cui. A New Multi-objective Bi-level Programming Model for Energy and Locality Aware Multi-job Scheduling in Cloud Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014, 36: 91-101. (SCI:000336770700009; EI: 20141917696459)(IF:1.864,JCR-Q1)
- Aihong Ren, Yuping Wang, Xingsi Xue. Interactive programming approach for solving the fully fuzzy bilevel linear programming problem. Knowledge-based Systems, 2016, 99: 103-111 (SCI: 000374603400010 EI: 20161302143745) (IF: 3.325, JCR-Q1)
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang and Miao Ye. A New Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Contraction Method for Many-objective Optimization Problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 245: 191-205. (SCI: 000343613900017,EI: 20143518104891) (IF:1.6, JCR-Q1)
- Aihong Ren , Yuping Wang. Optimistic Stackelberg solutions to bilevel linear programming with fuzzy random variable coefficients, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 67: 206-217. (SCI: 000340221600017, EI: 20143117995253) (IF: 3.058, JCR-Q1)
- Hejun Xuan, Yuping Wang, Zhanqi Xu, Shanshan Hao, Xiaoli Wang. New optimization model for routing and spectrum assignment with nodes insecurity[J]. Optics Communications,2017,389:42-50. (EI: 20165003127324) (IF: 1.48, JCR-Q3)
- Yue Wei, Wang Yuping. A new fuzzy multi-objective higher order moment portfolio selection model for diversified portfolios. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 465: 124-140.(SCI: 000386411700013 EI: 20163602768293) (IF:1.785, JCR-Q2)
- Haiyan Liu,Yuping Wang, Shiwei Guan, Xuyan Liu. A new filled function method for unconstrained global optimization, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Pages 1-14 (IF:0.577,JCR-Q4)
- Xiaofang Guo, Yuping Wang and Xiaoli Wang. An objective reduction algorithm using representative Pareto solution seach for many-objective optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2016, 20(12): 4881-4895. (SCI: 000386611200020,EI: 20152901044720) (IF:1.271, JCR-Q3)
- Xiaoli Wang, Yuping Wang, Yue Cui. An Energy-aware Bi-level Optimization Model for Multi-job Scheduling Problems under Cloud Computing, Soft Computing, 2016, 20(1): 303-317. (SCI: 000367819100023; EI:20144900297433 ) (IF: 1.304,JCR-Q3 )
- Mingzhao Wang, Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang, A Space Division Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Adaptive Multiple Fitness Functions, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 30(3): 1659005(29pages). (SCI: 000371125000007; EI: 20160401849597) (IF:0.669, JCR-Q3)
- Yifang Yang, Yuping Wang, Xingsi Xue. A novel spectral clustering method with superpixels for image segmentation. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(1):161-167. (SCI:000368212200036; EI:20155001675494) (IF: 0.677, JCR-Q4)
- Zhan Peng, Yuping Wang, Xingsi Xue, Jingxuan Wei. An Efficient Algorithm for Suffix Sorting. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2016, 30(6): 1659018(16pages). (SCI:000381291500011 EI: 20161702306022) (IF: 0.915 JCR-Q4)
- Cai Dai, YupingWang, Lijuan Hu, An improved alpha-dominance strategy for many objective optimization problems. Soft Computing, 2016, 20(3), 1105-1111. (SCI: 000372298400021, EI: 20150200412869). (IF:1.63, JCR-Q2)
- Cai Dai, Yuping Wang, Wei Yue. A new orthogonal evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for multi-objective optimization. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2015, 66(10): 1686-1698.(IF:1.225, JCR-Q2)(SCI: 000361034100009,EI: 20153701257355)
- Hui Du, Yuping Wang and Xiaopan Dong. Texture Image Segmentation Using Affinity Propagation and Spectral Clustering, International Journal of Patten Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2015, 29(5). (SCI:000357830200007; EI:20152801019375) (IF:0.915,JCR-Q4)
- Xingsi Xue ,Yuping Wang and Weichen Hao. Optimizing Ontology Alignments by using NSGA-II, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2015, 12(2):176-182. (SCI: 000351567700009)(IF:0.519, JCR-Q4)
- Juan Li, Yuping Wang. A new fast reduction technique based on binary nearest neighbor tree, Neuro Computing, 2015, 149: 1647-1657. (SCI: 000356105100053; EI: 20144300126595)(IF:2.392, JCR-Q2)
- Xingsi Xue, Yuping Wang. Ontology alignment based on instance using NSGA-II, Journal of Information Science, 2015, 41(1):58-70. (SCI: 000347966600005; EI: 20150300430091) (IF:0.878, JCR-Q2)
- Wei Yue, Yuping Wang and Cai Dai. An Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Models with Transaction Cost and Liquidity, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015. (SCI: 000360230600001; EI: 20153501221642) (IF:0.644,JCR-Q3).
- Yuping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung, Xiaozhi Gao, Wang, Patrick and Liu Hailin. Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Applications, Selected Papers from CIS2013, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.(SCI: 000355426400001; EI: 20152100860691)( IF:0.644,JCR-Q3)
- Juan Li, Yuping Wang. Prototype selection based on multi-objective optimisation and partition strategy, International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2015, 17(3):163-176. (SCI: 000352853500003)(IF:0.454, JCR-Q3)
- Yuping Wang. Introduction. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2014, 21(1): I-I. (SCI: 000327442400001; EI: 20135017087419)(IF:3.451,JCR-Q1)
- Fei Wei, Yuping Wang and Hongwei Lin. A new filled function method with two parameters for global optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2014, 163(2): 510-527. (SCI: 000343160900009) ( IF: 1.423, JCR-Q1)
- Jie Zhang, Yuping Wang and Junhong Feng. A hybrid clustering algorithm based on PSO with dynamic crossover, Soft Computing, May 2014, 18(5):961-979. (SCI:000334522300009; EI:20141717605799).(IF:1.124,JCR-Q2)
- Aihong Ren, Yuping Wang and Xingsi Xue. An interval programming approach for the bilevel linear programming problem under fuzzy random environments, Soft Computing, May 2014, 18(5):995-1009.(SCI: 000334522300011, EI: 20141717605801)(IF:1.124,JCR-Q2)
- Xingsi Xue, Yuping Wang and WeichenHao. Using MOEA/D for Optimizing Ontology Alignments, Soft Computing, 2014, 8(8):1589-1601. (SCI:000339391000010, EI:20143218024855) (IF:1.124,JCR-Q2)
- Xingsi Xue, Yuping Wang, Weichen Hao and Jun Hou. Optimizing Ontology Alignments through NSGA-II without using Reference Alignment. Computing and Informatics. 2014, 33(4): 857-876. (SCI: 000346950300007)(IF:0.524,JCR-Q4)
- Fei Wei , Yuping Wang. A Smoothing Function Method with Uniform Design for Global Optimization. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2014, 10(2): 385-399. (SCI: 000336418500008; EI:20133216580367)(IF:0.697,JCR-Q2)
- Ning Dong, Yuping Wang. Hybrid Multiobjective Differential Evolution Incorporating Preference Based Local Search, International Journal of Computational Intelligence systems, 2014, 7(4):733-747. (SCI: 000342309300012, EI: 201436055638) (IF: 0.451,JCR-Q4)
- Ning Dong, Yuping Wang. An Unbiased Bi-objective Optimization Model and Algorithm for Constrained Optimization. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2014, 28(8):1459008(24 pages) (SCI: 000346223100009; EI: 20152100859858)
- Yifang Yang ,Yuping Wang. Simulated Annealing Spectral Clustering Algorithm for Image Segmentation, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2014,25(3):514-522. (SCI: 000339089700019, EI: 20143017972451) (IF: 0.654,JCR-Q4)
- Ning Dong, Yuping Wang. A Memetic Differential Evolution Algorithm based on Dynamic Preference for Constrained Optimization Problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014(2014), Article ID: 606019, 15 pages. (SCI: 000337399900001)(IF: 0, JCR-Q3)
- Cai Dai, YupingWang. A New Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition of the Objective Space for Multiobjective Optimization, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014. (SCI :000330507500001)(IF: 0, JCR-Q3)
- Xiaoli Wang, Yuping Wang, Yue Cui. Energy and Locality Aware Load Balancing in Cloud Computing. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2013, 20(4): 361-374. (SCI:000324343100004; EI:20134016793264) (IF:3.37,JCR-Q1)
- Ren Qing-Dao-Er-Ji, Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang. Inventory Based Two-Objective Job Shop Scheduling Model and Its Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. Applied Soft Computing. 2013,13(3):1400-1406. (SCI: 000314664900008 ; EI: 20133416650305). (IF:2.14, JCR-Q1)
- Hongwei Lin, Yuping Yang, Lei Fan, Yuelin Gao. A new discrete filled function method for finding global minimizer of the integer programming, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2013, 219(9): 4371–4378. January. (SCI: 000312366700021, EI: 20125115825815) (IF:1.349, JCR-Q1)
- Yanni Li, Yuping Wang, Peng Jiang, Zhengsong Zhang. Multi-Objective Optimization Integration of Query Interfaces for the Deep Web Based on Attribute Constraints. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2013, 86(2013):38-60 (SCI: 000320353700003; EI: 20132216373862) (IF:1.59, JCR-Q2)
- Mingzhao Wang, Xiaoli Wang, Kun Meng, Yuping Wang. New Model and Genetic Algorithm for Divisible Load Scheduling in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 27(7):1359005 (18pages). DOI: 10.1142/S0218001413590052 (SCI:000327353700010; EI: 20134817028594)(IF:0.562, JCR-Q4)
- Jie Zhang, Yuping Wang, Junhong Feng. Attribute Index and Uniform Design Based Multiobjective Association Rule Mining with Evolutionary Algorithm. Scientific World Journal,2013. 2013. (SCI: 000318935900001). (IF:1.73, JCR-Q2)
- Li Yanni, Wang Yuping, Bu Jintao, E-FFC: An Enhanced Form-Focused Crawler for Domain-Specific Deep Web Databases, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. Feb 2013, 40(1): 159-184. (SCI: 000313657900008, EI: 20130415945178) (IF: 0.833, JCR-Q3)
- Xiaofang Guo,Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang, Using objective clustering for solving many-objective optimization problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2013. DOI:10.1155/2013/584909 (SCI: 000319584100001; EI: 20132416413959) (IF:1. 383, JCR-Q2)
- Xiaofang Guo,Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang, Using objective clustering for solving many-objective optimization problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2013. DOI:10.1155/2013/584909 (SCI: 000319584100001; EI: 20132416413959) (IF:1. 383, JCR-Q2)
- Xiaofang Guo,Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang, Using objective clustering for solving many-objective optimization problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2013. DOI:10.1155/2013/584909 (SCI: 000319584100001; EI: 20132416413959) (IF:1. 383, JCR-Q2)
- Ren Qing-Dao-Er-Ji, Yuping Wang. Inventory Based Bi-Objective Flow Shop Scheduling Model and Its Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. doi:10.1155/2013/976065, 2013. (SCI: 000317819900001; EI: 20132016324257). (IF:1. 383, JCR-Q2)
- Guoqiang Chen, Yuping Wang, Jingxuan Wei. A New Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Community Detection in Dynamic Complex Networks [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/161670. (SCI: 000320255600001, EI:20132616456314) (IF:1. 383, JCR-Q2)
- Fei Wei and Yuping Wang. A new filled function method with one parameter for global optimization, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013(2013). (SCI:000320814100001, EI:20133216580367)(IF:1.383, JCR-Q2)
- Aihong Ren, Yuping Wang and Fei Jia. A hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm and Nelder-Mead Simplex method for solving a class of nonlinear bilevel programming problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 2013.(SCI: 000323449800001) (IF: 0.834, JCR-Q3)
- Ren Qing-dao-er-ji, Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang. A new hybrid genetic algorithm for job shop scheduling problem. Computers & operations Research. 39(10), 2291-2299. 2.12, Oct. (SCI:000301313900003; EI: 20120414718493)(IF: 1.720, JCR-3)
- Wang Xiaoli, Wang Yuping, Hai Zhu. Energy-efficient multi-job scheduling model for cloud computing and its genetic algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2012, 2012. 1-16. (SCI:000301419100001; EI: 20121114866557 )(IF: 1.383)
- Li Yanni, Wang Yuping, Bao Liang, FACC:A Novel Finite Automata Based on Cloud Computing for the Multiple Longest Common Subsequences Search, Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2012, v2012: 1-17. DOI:10.1155/2012/310328, (SCI: 000310903000001; EI:20124915745647) (IF: 1.383)
- Fan Lei, Wang Yuping. A minimum-elimination-escape memetic algorithm for global optimization: MEEM, International Journal of Innovative Computing. Information and Control, 8(5), 3689-3704, 2012. May. (SCI: 000305169200018, EI: 20122015031192)
- Dang Chuangyin, Sun Yabin, Wang Yuping, Yang Yang. A deterministic annealing algorithm for the minimum concave cost network flow problem, Neural Networks, 24(7): 699-708, 2011, Sep. (SCI: 000294397200004, EI: 20113114199817)(IF: 1.955, JCR-2)
- Lin Hongwei, Wang Yuping, Fan Lei. A filled function method with one parameter for unconstrained global optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(7): 3776-3785, 2011. Dec. (SCI: 000297375100076, EI: 20114414473256)
- Lin Hongwei, Wang Yuping and Wang Xiaoli. An auxiliary function method for global minimization in integer programming, Mathematical problems in engineering, v2011, 2011. Dec. ( SCI: 000298793600001;EI: 20120214679596) (IF: 0.689)
- Wang Yuping, Li Hong, Dang Chuangyin. A New Evolutionary Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Bilevel Programming Problems and Its Global Convergence, Informs Journal On Computing, 23(4): 618-629, 2011, Fall. (SCI: 000296758200010) (IF: 1.172/2011, JCR-3)
- Li Hecheng, Wang Yuping. An Evolutionary Algorithm with Local Search for Convex Quadratic Bilevel Programming Problems, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 5(2): 139-146, 2011. (SCI: 000295658200019,)(IF: 0.642)
- Wu Yan, Wang Yuping, Liu Xiaoxiong. Multi-population Based Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization Problems. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 59(2): 127-144, 2010. Aug. (SCI:000280080700002)
- Wang Yuping. A Uniform Enhancement Approach for Optimization Algorithms: Smoothing Function Method. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 24(7):1111-1131, 2010.Nov.( SCI:000284478600006, EI: 20104813433720)
- Wei Jingxuan, Wang Yuping. An Infeasible Elitist Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization and Its Convergence. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 24(3): 381-400, 2010. May. (SCI:000280376500003, EI: 20102713055600)
- Wu Yan, Wang Yuping, Liu Xiaoxiong, Jimin Ye. Multi-population and diffusion UMDA for dynamic multimodal problems. Journal of Systems Engineering And Electronics 21(5):777-783,2010.OCT.(SCI:000283633200010,EI:20104613379734)
- Wei Jingxuan, Wang Yuping, Wang Hua. A Hybrid Particle Swarm Evolutionary Algorithms for Constrained Multi-objective Optimization. Computing and Informatics, 29(5): 701-718, 2010. Aug. (SCI: 000284193200001)
- Liu Hai-Lin, Wang Yuping and Cheung Yiu-Ming. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm using min-max strategy and sphere coordinate transformation. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 15(3): 361-384, 2009. (IF: 0.349, SCI: 000268910300003)
- Ming Liang, Wang Yuping and Cheung Yiu-Ming. A new quantifying crossover with ternary representation. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 343-360, 2009. (IF:0.349 ,SCI: 000268910300002)
- Liu Chun'an and Wang Yuping. Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for dynamic nonlinear constrained optimization problems. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 20(1): 204-210, 2009. (IF:0.269, SCI: 000264104500031, EI: 20104113277962)
- Liu Chun-An and Wang Yuping. A new dynamic multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 4(8): 2087-2096, 2008. (IF: 2.791, SCI: 000258427400024)
- Yuping Wang, Chuangyin Dang. An evolutionary algorithm for dynamic multi-objective optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 205(1): 6-18 , 2008 (IF: 0.961, SCI: 000260585900002, EI: 20084311657343)
- Li Hecheng and Wang Yuping. Exponential distribution-based genetic algorithm for solving mixed-integer bilevel programming problems. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 19(6): 1157-1164, 2008. (IF:0.000, SCI: 000262348400016, EI: 20090511886876)
- Wei Jingxuan and Wang Yuping. Multi-objective fuzzy particle swarm optimization based on elite archiving and its convergence. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 19(5): 1035-1040, 2008. (IF: 0.000, SCI: 000260726300029, EI: 20090511886857)
- Wei Jingxuan and Wang Yuping. Multi-objective fuzzy particle swarm optimization based on elite archiving and its convergence. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 19(5): 1035-1040, 2008. (IF: 0.000, SCI: 000260726300029, EI: 20090511886857)
- Wang YP and Han LX and Li YH and Zhao SG. A new encoding based genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem. Engineering Optimization, 38(1):1-13, 2006. (SCI: 000234385000001, EI: 2006039646559, IF: 0.557)
- YifangYang, Yuping Wang. Spectral Clustering Algorithm Based on Kernel Fuzzy Similary Measure. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition.(Accepted).
- Xuyan Liu, Yuping Wang, Haiyan Liu, A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Variable Grouping and Uniform Design for Global Optimization, Journal Of Computer. (Accepted)
- Miao Ye, Yuping Wang and Jingxuan Wei. Hybrid particle swarm algorithm for minimum exposure path problem in heterogeneous wireless sensor network, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2015,8(1):73-81.(EI: 20150200410905).
- Mingzhao Wang, Yuping Wang, Xiaoli Wang and Zhen Wei, Forecast and Analyze the Telecom Income Based on ARIMA Model, The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9(1): 2559-2564. (EI: 20163902849187)
- Ning Dong, Yuping Wang. Biased Multiobjective Differential Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10 (5): 1939-1946. (EI: 20142117743837)
- Juan Li, Yuping Wang. A new fast reduction technique based on binary nearest neighbor tree, Neurocomputing. 2014, 149(1): 1647-1657. (EI: 20144300126595)
- Guo Xiaofang,Wang Yuping. A Hybrid Simplex Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on A New Fitness Assignment Strategy. Journal of Computers,2013, 8(2):284-289, Feb. doi:10.4304/jcp.8.2.284-289 (EI:20130616001436)
- Wang Yuping, Chen Guoqiang. A centrality measure based on two la[ant]yer neighbors for complex networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 9: 1 (2013) 25–32 (EI: 20130515954082)
- Chen Guoqiang, Wang Yuping, Liu Shenghua. A centrality measure of complex networks based on resource flow[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2013,22(3):400-409. ( EI: 20134516948652)
- Ren Qing-Dao-Er-Ji, Wang Yuping. A New Immune Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Journal of Computational Information Systems. Feb 2013, 9(3):1011-1018. (EI: 20131516191824)
- Fan Lei, Wang Yuping and Wang Meijuan. A multi-objective genetic algorithm based on elliptical crossover and square search for constrained multi-objective optimization problems, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(4): 1391-1398, 2012. April. (EI: 20121614949699)
- Zhang Jie, Wang Yuping, Feng Junhong. A Novel Hybrid Clustering Algorithms with Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(21): 8827-8834, 2012, Nov (EI: 20124515655488)
- Lin Hongwei, Wang Yuping, Gao Yuelin, Auxiliary function without parameter for solving integer programming problems, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(22):9369-9376, 2012, Nov (EI: 20124815723769)
- Lin Hongwei, Wang Yuping, Wang Xiaoli, Gao Yuelin. A new filled functionmethod for global optimization with box constraint, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 9(10), 2843-2853. 2012, Sep(EI:20124215586786)
- Wang Xiaoli, Wang Yuping, Zhu Hai. Energy-efficient task scheduling model based on MapReduce for cloud computing using genetic algorithm. Journal of Computers, 7(12): 2962-2970, 2012, Dec. (EI:20125215848156)
- Chen Guoqiang, Yuping Wang, Yang Yifang. Community detection in complex networks using immune clone selection algorithm, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 5(6): 182-189, 2011. June .(EI: 20112814133888)
- Zhu Hai, Wang Yuping, Ma Zhanxin, Li Hecheng. Grid Dependent Tasks Security Scheduling Model and DPSO Algorithm, Journal of Networks, 6(6): 850-857, 2011. Jun (EI: 20112414062670)
- Jia Liping, Wang Yuping, Dong Ning.Solving multiobjective bilevel linear programming by multi-parent genetic algorithm, ICIC Express Letters, 5(7): 2281-2286, 2011. July.(EI: 20112714120091)
- Li Hecheng, Wang Yuping. A Genetic Algorithm for Solving Linear-Quadratic Bilevel Programming Problems, Advanced Materials Research, 186: 626-630, 2011. Mar. (EI: 20110713658328)
- ZhuHai,Wang Yuping,Fan Lei;Wang,Xiaoli. Grid Independent Task Scheduling Multi-objective Optimization Model and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Computers, 5(12): 1907-1915, 2010. Dec (EI: 20105113508707)
- Liping Jia,Yuping Wang ,Ning Dong. A Novel Memetic Algorithm for Nonlinear Bilevel Programming with Inequality Constraints for the Upper Level. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 7(6):1279-1286,2010.Jun. (EI:20110313600309)
- Li Hecheng, Wang Yuping. Genetic algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear bilevel programming problems, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),14, 115-118, 2007 . (EI: 20072210627319)