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Some courses for undergraduates, including

  • Sensor Technologies(传感器技术);
  • Electric Machinery and Towage(电机与拖动);
  • Microcomputer Principle and System Design(微机原理与系统设计);
  • Design of Application Specific Integrated Chips(专用集成电路设计);
  • Data Structure and Database Technology(数据结构与数据库技术);
  • Programmable Controller(可编程控制器);
  • MATLAB and System Simulation(MATLAB与系统仿真);
  • Professional English(专业英语), etc.

Some courses for graduates, including

  • Reliability of MEMS(MEMS可靠性);
  • MEMS Design(MEMS设计);
  • Advances of MEMS & NEMS(微纳机电系统前沿);
  • Microfluidic Chip Labs and its Applications(微流控芯片实验室技术及应用);
  • Nanomaterials and Nanodevices(纳米材料与纳米器件), etc.