1. Di Wang, Quan Wang, and Xinbo Gao*. Robust and Flexible Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search[J]. special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.2017.
2. Deyu Lin*, Quan Wang. A game theory based energy efficient clustering routing protocol for WSNs[J]. Wireless Networks, Volume 23, Issue 4, pp.1101-1111, 2017.
3. Nan Luo, Quan Wang*. Fast slicing orientation determining and optimizing algorithm for least volumetric error in rapid prototyping[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.83, No.5, pp.1297-1313, 2016.
4. Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang, Zhang Jiyang. Parallel design and implementation of Error Diffusion Algorithm and IP core for FPGA[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.75, No.8, pp.4723–4733, 2016.
5. Jinhui Liu, Quan Wang*,Ying Zhang, Gang Liu, Bo Wan. Modeling operation amplifier based on VHDL-AMS for TID effect[J]. Nuclear Science and Techniques,Vol.27, Issue 2, 2016.
6. Deyu Lin, Quan Wang*, Deqin Lin, Yong Deng. An energy-efficient clustering routing protocol based on evolutionary game theory in wireless sensor networks[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 11, Issue 11, 2015.
7. Jizhao Liu*, Quan Wang. Position Prediction Based Frequency Control of Beacons in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Special issue on Location-Related Challenges and Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2015.
8. Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang. Effective Task Scheduling and IP Mapping Algorithm for Heterogeneous NoC-Based MPSoC[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2014, 2014.
9. Nan Luo, Quan Wang*. Fast self-repairing region growing surface reconstruction algorithm for unorganised point cloud data[J]. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.56, No.2, pp.121-131, 2017.
10. Deyu Lin, Quan Wang*, Jizhao Liu. An energy-efficient sink deployment scheme aiming at extending the lifespan for wireless sensor networks[J]. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol.9, No.8, pp77-86, 2016.
11. Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang. Heterogeneous Honeycomb-like NoC Topology and Routing based on Communication Division[J]. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol.8, No.1, pp19-26, 2015.
12. Jizhao Liu, Quan Wang. A Network Coding Based Privacy-Preservation Scheme for Online Service Access in VANET[J]. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol.8, No.5, pp.185-194, 2014.
13. 林德钰, 王泉*, 刘伎昭. 无线传感网的移动与静态sink相结合的节能策略[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,Vol.48, No.11, pp.162-168, 2016.
14. 杨鹏飞,王泉*.片上网络异构多核系统任务调度与映射[J].西安交通大学学报,Vol.49, No.6, pp.72-76, 2015.
15. 罗楠, 王泉*, 刘红霞. 一种快速 3D 打印分层方向确定算法[J]. 西安交通大学学报, Vol.49, No.5, pp.140-146, 2015.
16. 刘伎昭, 王泉*. 车载自组网中联盟博弈的虚假数据检测策略[J]. 西安交通大学学报, Vol.49, No.2, pp.69-73, 2015.
17. Zhao Huang, Quan Wang. MSIPS:Multi-tiered Security IPs Architecture for Secure SoC Design[C]. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications(NaNA 2017),pp.203-207, Oct.16-19, 2017, Kathmandu City, Nepal.
18. Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang*, Wei Li, Zhibin Yu and Hongwei Ye. A Fault Tolerance NoC Topology and Adaptive Routing Algorithm[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems(ICESS 2016), 13-14 Aug , 2016, Chengdu, China.
19. Pengfei Yang, Quan Wang*, Xin Mi and Jingwei Li. An Improved BLP Model With More Flexibility[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems(ICESS 2016), 13-14 Aug, 2016, Chengdu, China.
20. Quan Wang, Pengfei Yang, Yuanyuan Jiang, Ling Huang and Geyi Zhang. A Topology Structure Repair Algorithm for Triangular Mesh Model[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems(ICESS 2016), 13-14 Aug, 2016, Chengdu, China.
21. Quan Wang, Pengfei Yang, Wenjing Han, Qi Wei and Ni Wang. A Slicing Method for the AMF Model using Topology Structure[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems(ICESS 2016), 13-14 Aug, 2016, Chengdu, China.
22. Quan Wang, Pengfei Yang, Ling Huang, Qi Wei and Yongtao Liang. An Adaptive Slicing Thickness Adjustment Method Based on Cloud Point in 3D Printing[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems(ICESS 2016), Aug 13-14, 2016, Chengdu, China.
23. Hongwei Ye, Quan Wang,Pengfei Yang, Wei Li, Zhibin Yu.The Design and Implementation of A NoC System Based on SoCKit. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications(NaNA 2016),pp.145-148, 23-25 July 2016, Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan.
1. 一种基于连续多页文本图像水印嵌入与提取方法,专利号:201510069878.5,发明人:王泉、万波、潘蓉、李建平、陈瑞林、艾平;
2. 一种分层方向自适应快速选取方法,专利号:ZL201410566821.1,发明人:王泉、刘红霞、罗楠、杨鹏飞、万波;
3. 一种基于支持向量机的彩色半色调图像水印算法,专利号:ZL201110195380.5,发明人:王泉、李建英、潘蓉、郑海红、杨鹏飞、李姗姗、张克丰、罗楠、张健美;
4. 网络安全打印系统及打印方法,专利号:ZL201010013625.3,发明人:王泉、黄钰龑、周海静、翁海涛、杨鹏飞、潘忠斌;
5. 基于像素块奇偶校验和块误差分散的半调水印方法,专利号:ZL201210434246.0,发明人:郑海红、王泉、王义峰、陈瑞琳、潘蓉、谢琨、罗雪梅、万波;
6. 一种基于单幅图像的真随机数序列生成方法,专利号:ZL201310015116.8,发明人:刘刚、王泉、杜冲、田冬东、张敬、佘陈承;
7. 一种频域和空域相结合的半调水印方法,专利号:ZL201310192123.5,发明人:郑海红、王泉、李建平、潘蓉、王义峰、罗雪梅、谢琨、万波;
8. 用于通用打印机的打印监控系统及方法,专利号:ZL201310089232.4,发明人:万波、王义峰、马天骏、王泉、刘刚、饶嫱、田玉敏、潘蓉;
9. 一种基于多幅未标定图像的三维点云重建方法,申请号:201611111611.9,发明人:王泉、 杨鹏飞、 田玉敏、 魏琪、 黄领;
10. 一种基于超体素的点云数据分割方法,申请号:201611111975.7,发明人:王泉、杨鹏飞、田玉敏、罗楠、姜媛媛;
11. 一种基于FPGA的改进彩色矢量误差扩散方法,申请号:201611111565.2,发明人:王泉、杨鹏飞、田玉敏、万波、米鑫、李伟;
12. 一种基于IBIS的集成电路总剂量效应建模方法,申请号:201610824474.7,发明人:王泉、刘太彬、刘锦辉、李静月、刘刚;
13. 一种基于VHDL-AMS的电路辐照效应建模方法,申请号:201610824342.4发明人:王泉、李苗蕊、刘锦辉、李静月、刘刚;
14. 一种基于连续多页文本图像水印嵌入与提取方法,申请号:201510069878.5,发明人:王泉、万波、潘蓉、李建平、陈瑞林、艾平;