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Basic information

Pro Jianzhuang Niu

Master Instructor 

Work unit : P.E Department


Jianzhuang Niu, Male and born in April 1960. Graduated from  Xi’an Physical Education University(bachelor degree) in 1982 and Northeast Normal University (Institutions of higher learning teaching assistant training course ) in1986. Received master degree from Xi'an Institute of Physical Education in1990. After graduation in 1982,  he has been with P.E Department at Xidian University,  a lecturer from 1982 to1993, an associate professor from 1993 to 1999,  a  professor from 1999, 1996-2006 vice-director of Sports Department. Major position: Master Instructor.  Research area: Sports Biomechanics and Movement Training. A expert group member in the Sports equipment bidding in department of finance ShanxiProvince. Director in China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Scientific research committee member of Gymnastics association. LudongUniversity (visiting scholar),  MudanjiangNormal University(visiting scholar), Editorial board member of Sports mathematics and sports system engineering magazine. 

Research area

1. Sport Biomechanics  

2. Science of sports training


Address: P.E Department,  Xidian University, NO.2 S.Taibai Road, Xi’an City 

Email: jzhniu@126.com 

Tel: 029-88201294 

Office: Gymnasium of Xidian University