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Software to be download

Tools available for the research in this site are freeware. For more functions of these tools the readers may address to the authors.

1. VCRMEll2D

VCRMEll2D is the first realization of the Vectorial Complex Ray Model - VCRM developed by the author. By introducing the property of the Wavefront in the geometrical optics model, the VCRM can calculate very precisely the interaction of a wave of any form with a object of smooth surface and size much larger than the wavelength of the incident beam.

VCRMEll2D is designed to predict the scattering of a plane wave by an ellipsoid in the plane of symmetry. With this software, we can follow step by step the path of rays in a particle and to check the variation of the curvature radii of the wavefront by the divergence / convergence on the particle surface. It also allows to calculate the scattering diagrams  in all directions.

The scattering diagram calculated by the VCRM is compared in this figure with a experimental result

Download the software and the manual from here. The zip file containing executable and parameter files. 

The original version of the software is licenced under n°IDDN.FR.001.130023.000.R.P.2014.000.30000

2. ABSPhere

ABSphere is based on the rigorous theory to calculate various physical quantities in the interaction of a light beam with a homogeneous spherical particle or with a concentric layered refractive index gradient. The user-friendly interface facilitates the usagee of the software and the interpretation of results.
ABSphere allows to calculate: (1) scattering diagrams, (2) radiation pressure (force) and torque exerted by a beam of light on the particle, (3). internal and external electromagnetic fields, (4). extinction, scattering and absorption sections. The forms of the beam considered in ABSphere: (1) circular Gaussian beam. (2) elliptical Gaussian beam. (3) Dungnut beam of 4 different polarizations, (4). Bessel beam (5). Any form of a beam defined by the beam shape provided by the user with a file.

Download the software and the manual from here

The original version of the software is licenced under  n°IDDN.FR.001.130022.000.R.P.2014.000.30000