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一、期刊论文(Journal Paper)

[22] Ying Ju, Suheng Tian, Mingjie Yang, Tong-Xing Zheng, Qingqi Pei, Zhi Chen, and Jinhong Yuan, "Physical Layer Security in Terahertz Indoor Communication Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3502435.(中科院一区)

[21] Tong-Xing Zheng, Xin Chen, Lan Lan, Ying Ju, Xiaoyan Hu, Rongke Liu, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, and Tiejun Cui, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Secure Integrated Radar and Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3514663. (中科院一区)

[20] 吴建军, 孙黎, 王东晖, 严学强, 刘斐, 赵明宇, 俱莹, 路献辉, 任婧, 吴越, 沈军, 吴桦, 汪广超, "面向6G网络的内生安全架构和关键技术思考," 中国科学: 信息科学, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 2881-2904, 2024.

[19] 俱莹, 陈宇超, 田素恒, 刘雷, 李赞, 裴庆祺, 王明阳, "毫米波车联网多基站多用户下的安全传输方案," 通信学报, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 84-99, 2024.

[18] 莫定涛, 俱莹*, 李文进, 张亚生, 何辞, 董飞虎, "面向卫星网络的流量分类方法研究," 计算机工程, 2024.

[17] Ying Ju, Zipeng Gao, Haoyu Wang, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Mianxiong Dong, Shahid Mumtaz, and Victor C. M. Leung, "Energy-Efficient Cooperative Secure Communications in mmWave Vehicular Networks Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 14460-14475, Oct. 2024.(中科院一区)

[16] Ying Ju, Zhiwei Cao, Yuchao Chen, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Shahid Mumtaz, Mianxiong Dong, and Mohsen Guizani, "NOMA-Assisted Secure Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks with Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 2627-2640, Mar. 2024.(中科院一区)

[15] Ying Ju, Wenhui Liu, Mingjie Yang, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Ning Zhang, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong, and Victor C.M. Leung, "Physical Layer Security in Full-Duplex Millimeter Wave Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2816-2829, Feb. 2024.(中科院二区)

[14] Ying Ju, Mingjie Yang, Chinmay Chakraborty, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Ming Xiao, and Keping Yu, "Reliability-Security Tradeoff Analysis in mmWave Ad Hoc Based CPS," ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 20, no. 2, Jan. 2024. (CCF B类期刊,ESI高被引论文,热点论文

[13] Ying Ju, Yuchao Chen, Zhiwei Cao, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Ming Xiao, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong, and Victor C.M. Leung, "Joint Secure Offloading and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Edge Computing Network: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 5555-5569, May 2023. (中科院一区,ESI高被引论文

[12] Jie Yin, Yang Xiao, Qingqi Pei, Ying Ju, Lei Liu, Ming Xiao, and Celimuge Wu, "SmartDID: A Novel Privacy-preserving Identity based on Blockchain for IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 6718-6732, Apr. 2023. (中科院一区,ESI高被引论文

[11] Ying Ju, Haoyu Wang , Yuchao Chen, Tong-Xing Zheng, Qingqi Pei, Jinhong Yuan, and Naofal Al-Dhahir, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Joint Beam Allocation and Relay Selection in MmWave Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 1997-2012, Apr. 2023. (中科院二区)

[10] Ying Ju, Guoxue Zou, Haowen Bai, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Celimuge Wu, and Sattam Al Otaibi, "Random Beam Switching: A Physical Layer Key Generation Approach to Safeguard mmWave Electronic Devices," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 594-607, Aug. 2023.(中科院二区)

[9] Tong-Xing Zheng, Yating Wen, Hao-Wen Liu, Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, Kai-Kit Wong, and Jinhong Yuan, "Physical-layer Security of Uplink mmWave Transmissions in Cellular V2X Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9818-9833, Nov. 2022.(中科院一区)

[8] Chen Chen, Zhan Liao, Ying Ju, Ci He, Keping Yu, and Shaohua Wan, "Hierarchical Domain-Based Multicontroller Deployment Strategy in SDN-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 4864-4879, Dec. 2022. (中科院二区)

[7] Haoyu Wang, Ying Ju*, Ning Zhang, Qingqi Pei, Lei Liu, Mianxiong Dong, and Victor C.M. Leung, "Resisting Malicious Eavesdropping: Physical Layer Security of mmWave MIMO Communications in Presence of Random Blockage," IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 16372-16385, Sep. 2022. (中科院一区)

[6] Zhan Liao, Chen Chen, Ying Ju, Ci He, Jiange Jiang, and Qingqi Pei, "Multi-Controller Deployment in SDN-Enabled 6G Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network," Remote Sensing, 14(5): 1076, 2022. (中科院二区)

[5] Ying Ju, Yanzi Zhu, Hui-Ming Wang, Qingqi Pei, and Haitao Zheng, “Artificial noise hopping: A practical secure transmission technique with experimental analysis for millimeter wave systems,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 5121-5132, Dec. 2020. (中科院二区)

[4] Ying Ju, Haoyu Wang, Qingqi Pei, and Hui-Ming Wang, “Physical layer security in millimeter wave DF relay systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 5719-5733, Dec. 2019.(中科院一区)

[3] Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, Tong-Xing Zheng, Qinye Yin, and Moon Ho Lee, "Safeguarding millimeter wave communications against randomly located eavesdroppers," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2675-2689, Apr. 2018.(中科院一区

[2] Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, Tong-Xing Zheng, and Qinye Yin, “Secure transmissions in millimeter wave systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 2114-2127, May 2017.(中科院一区

[1] 俱莹, 殷勤业, 陈媛, 杨骞, “发射聚焦式的多天线跳空安全通信技术,” 西安交通大学学报, 2015, 49(6): 22-26. 


二、会议论文(Conference Paper)

[30] Xiaolong Xu, Ying Ju*, Yulong Tu, Lei Liu, Yi Gong, Jianbo Du, and Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, "Secure Beamforming and Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory Design for UAV-Assisted ISAC," in Proc. ACM Mobicom WKSHPS, Washington, D.C., USA, 2024.

[29] Jiawei Hu , Ying Ju*, Haoyu Wang, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Yinbo Guo and Celimuge Wu, "Multi-RIS Intelligent Collaboration Empowered Secure MmWave D2D Communication," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Cape Town, South Africa, 2024.

[28] Yiting Yan, Ying Ju*, Jiawei Hu, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Celimuge Wu and Ning Zhang, "Secure mmWave-NOMA Multi-BS Vehicular Communications Using Cooperative Jamming," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Cape Town, South Africa, 2024.

[27] Jiawei Hu, Ying Ju*, Haoyu Wang, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Y. G. Shee, Xiaojie Zhu and Celimuge Wu, "UAV-RIS-Aided Energy-Efficient and QoS-Aware Emergency Communications Based on DRL," in Proc. IEEE VTC, Washington DC, USA, 2024.

[26] Yiting Yan, Ying Ju*, Suheng Tian, Lei Liu, Jie Feng, Jianbo Du, Qingqi Pei, and Celimuge Wu, "Secure NOMA-Assisted Multi-User mmWave Vehicular Communications Using Artificial Noise," in Proc. IEEE VTC, Singapore, 2024.

[25] Haowen Bai, Ying Ju*, Jiawei Hu, Haoyu Wang, Qingqi Pei, Mian Ahmad Jan and Celimuge Wu, "User Schedule and Single-User RIS Allocation in QoS-Aware MmWave Vehicular Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 2024.

[24] Jiange Jiang, Chen Chen, Long Wang, Hailong Hou, Congjian Deng, Ying Ju, and Xiaojie Zhu, "Heterogeneous Spatio-temporal Series Forecasting using Dynamic Graph Neural Networks for Flood Prediction," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 2024, pp. 1-6.

[23] Suheng Tian, Ying Ju*, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Ning Zhang, Celimuge Wu, and Shahid Mumtaz, "Secure Terahertz Indoor Communications Using Blockage Feature-Based Artificial Noise in 6G," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 7261-7266.

[22] Guorun Yao, Chen Chen, Cong Li, Ci He, Shi Bai, Ying Ju, and Qingqi Pei, "Accessible Distributed Hydrological Surveillance and Computing System with Integrated End-Edge-Cloud Architecture," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp.1-6.

[21] Suheng Tian, Ying Ju*, Mingjie Yang, Lei Liu, Jie Feng, Qingqi Pei, Mian Ahmad Jan, and Celimuge Wu, "Blockage-Based Cooperative Jamming for Secure Terahertz Transmissions in Indoor Networks," in Proc. IEEE VTC, Hong Kong, 2023, pp. 1-5.

[20] Ying Ju, Zhiwei Cao, Yuchao Chen, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, and Shahid Mumtaz, "Energy Efficient Secure Offloading in NOMA-aided Vehicular Networks Using A3C Learning," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 6114-6119.

[19] Ying Ju, Zipeng Gao, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Keping Yu, and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, "Secure mmWave Vehicular Communications with DRL-Based Joint Relay and Jammer Selection," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 5221-5226.

[18] Haoyu Wang, Haowen Bai, Ying Ju, and Lee Swindlehurst, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Secure MEC Service in Vehicular Networks with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," in Proc. Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-6.

[17] Jiaxin Song, Ying Ju*, Yuqi Wang, Yanlong Zou, Congjian Deng, Xiaoming Yuan, and Chen Chen, "Blockchain Identity Authentication-Aided Trustworthy Multicast Routing Strategy for LEO Satellite Networks," in Proc. IEEE iThings, Hainan, China, 2023, pp. 1-6.

[16] Qiangqiang Sun, Gengxiong Lian, Zhiwei Cao, Xiangsheng Zeng, Zhiyao Lv, Lei Liu, Ying Ju and Tong-Xing Zheng, "Deep Reinforcement Learning based Secure Communication and Computing Resource Allocation for Grid Cyber-Physical System," in Proc. IEEE IoTCIT, Xuzhou, China, 2023.

[15] Jiaxin Song, Ying Ju*, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Celimuge Wu, Mian Ahmad Jan, and Shahid Mumtaz, "Trustworthy and Load-Balancing Routing Scheme for Satellite Services with Multi-Agent DRL," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS, New York, NY, USA, 2023, pp. 1-6.

[14] Mingjie Yang, Ying Ju*, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Keping Yu, and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, "Secure mmWave C-V2X Communications Using Cooperative Jamming," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp. 2686-2691. 

[13] Ying Ju, Yulong Tu, Tong-Xing Zheng, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, Arpit Bhardwaj, and Keping Yu, "Joint Design of Beamforming and Trajectory for Integrated Sensing and Communication Drone Networks," in Proc. ACM Mobicom WKSHPS, Sydney, Australia, 2022, pp. 55-60.

[12] Ying Ju, Yuchao Chen, Zhiwei Cao, Haoyu Wang, Lei Liu, Qingqi Pei, and Neeraj Kumar, "Learning Based and Physical-layer Assisted Secure Computation Offloading in Vehicular Spectrum Sharing Networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS, New York, NY, USA, 2022, pp. 1-6.

[11] Ying Ju, Haoyu Wang, Yuchao Chen, Lei Liu, Tong-Xing Zheng, Qingqi Pei, and Ming Xiao,"DRL-based beam allocation in relay-aided multi-user mmwave vehicular networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS, New York, NY, USA, 2022, pp. 1-6.

[10] Ying Ju, Mingjie Yang, Wenhui Liu, Qingqi Pei, Tong-Xing Zheng and Hui-Ming Wang, "Safeguarding MmWave Systems Using Full-Duplex Jamming Receiver," in Proc. IEEE VTC, Helsinki, Finland, 2022, pp. 1-6.

[9] Haoyu Wang, Ying Ju*, Qingqi Pei, and Hui-Ming Wang, “Secrecy outage analysis of artificial-noise-aided mmWave transmissions in the presence of blockage,” in Proc. IEEE VTC, Helsinki, Finland, 2021, pp. 1-6. 

[8] Ying Ju, Xiayi Qiu, Yuan Chen, Ke-Wen Huang, Qinye Yin, and Hui-Ming Wang, "Beamforming design for interference management in millimeter wave cellular networks with partial CSI," in Proc. IEEE WCSP, Nanjing, China, 2017, pp. 1-6.

[7] Ying Ju, Yuan Chen, Xiayi Qiu, and Qinye Yin, "Enhancing direction-finding accuracy for shortwave fixed stations," in Proc. IEEE WCSP, Nanjing, China, 2017, pp. 1-5.

[6] Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, Tong-Xing Zheng, Yi Zhang, Qian Yang, and Qinye Yin, “Secrecy throughput maximization for millimeter wave systems with artificial noise,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Valencia, Spain, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[5] Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, Tong-Xing Zheng, and Qinye Yin, “Secure transmission with artificial noise in millimeter wave systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[4] Tong-Xing Zheng, Qian Yang, Yi Zhang, Ying Ju, Hui-Ming Wang, and Pengcheng Mu, “Outage and throughput analysis of multi-antenna transmissions in heterogeneous cellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[3] Yi Zhang, Qian Yang, Tong-Xing Zheng, Hui-Ming Wang, Ying Ju, and Yue Meng, “Energy efficiency optimization in cognitive radio inspired non-orthogonal multiple access,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Valencia, Spain, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[2] Xiaoyan Hu, Pengcheng Mu, Bo Wang, Zongmian Li, Hui-Ming Wang, and Ying Ju, "Secrecy rate maximization for SIMO wiretap channel with uncoordinated cooperative jamming under secrecy outage probability constraint," in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[1] Ying Ju, Qinye Yin, Qian Yang, Yuan Chen, and Hui-Ming Wang, “Transmission focusing: A multi-antenna space hopping technique,” in Proc. IEEE ICSPCC, Ningbo, China, 2015, pp. 1-5.



[29] 俱莹, 胡嘉伟, 王浩宇, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 一种智能反射面辅助的无人机应急通信方法、系统、设备和介质: 中国, 202411272370.0. 申请

[28] 俱莹, 涂玉龙, 徐小龙, 裴庆祺. 一种通感一体化无人机网络中的物理层安全传输方法及系统: 中国, 202410215216.3. 申请

[27] 俱莹, 胡嘉伟, 王浩宇, 白皓文, 裴庆祺. 一种智能反射面中继辅助的车联网功率分配和用户调度方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202311556800.7. 申请

[26] 俱莹, 李文进, 宋佳鑫, 何辞, 张亚生, 董飞虎. 一种基于时变图的保证业务端到端时延的业务传输方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202311539212.2. 申请

[25] 裴庆祺, 尹洁, 肖阳, 俱莹, 马立川, 刘雪峰, 赵搏文, 冯杰, 刘雷. 一种跨链身份管理方法及系统: 中国, 202311458999.X. 申请

[24] 裴庆祺, 尹洁, 夏龙云, 肖阳, 刘雪峰, 马立川, 俱莹. 一种面向分布式身份管理的撤销方法: 中国, 202310012874.8. 申请

[23] 裴庆祺, 尹洁, 肖阳, 刘雪峰, 马立川, 俱莹. 一种基于安全多方计算的分布式身份信任管理方法: 中国, 202310012462.4. 申请

[22] 俱莹, 田素恒, 陈宇超, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 一种毫米波车联网多基站多用户场景下的安全传输方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202311297728.0. 申请

[21] 俱莹, 田素恒, 杨明婕, 闫旖婷, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 一种基于阻塞特征的太赫兹协作干扰安全通信方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202311223486.0. 申请

[20] 俱莹, 田素恒, 刘雷, 裴庆祺, 王明阳, 梁军学, 刘涛. 一种基于阻塞特性的太赫兹物理层安全传输方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202311223490.7. 申请

[19] 俱莹, 高梓朋, 刘雷, 裴庆祺, 王明阳, 刘涛, 梁军学, 汪波. 一种毫米波联合中继转发与协作干扰的物理层安全传输方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202310602565.6. 申请

[18] 俱莹, 宋佳鑫, 张亚生, 何辞, 董飞虎. 一种低轨卫星网络可信负载均衡路由方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202310379081.X. 申请

[17] 俱莹, 白皓文, 王浩宇, 裴庆祺. 一种智能反射表面辅助的车联网安全计算卸载方法、系统、设备及介质: 中国, 202310276875.3. 申请

[16] 刘雷, 赵梓彤, 张悦, 冯杰, 俱莹, 李红宁, 陈晨, 裴庆祺. 一种车载环境下智能协同任务计算和按需资源分配方法: 中国, 202310109857.6. 申请

[15] 俱莹, 王钰琦, 宋佳鑫, 张亚生, 何辞, 董飞虎. 基于虚拟拓扑的低轨卫星网络的组播路由切换方法: 中国, 202211621811.4.  申请

[14] 俱莹, 杨明婕, 田素恒, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 基于传输阻塞的毫米波车联网协作干扰的传输方法: 中国, 202211484362.3. 授权

[13] 俱莹, 曹植伟, 陈宇超, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 一种非正交多址接入辅助的车联网低能耗安全卸载方法: 中国, 202211490486.2. 授权

[12] 俱莹, 涂玉龙, 郑通兴, 杨明婕, 裴庆祺. 通感一体化无人机网络中联合轨迹与波束形成的设计方法: 中国, 202211175700.5. 申请

[11] 李红宁, 王玉琪, 裴庆祺, 俱莹, 刘雷. 一种微电网多策略调度方法、系统、介质、设备及终端: 中国, 202210621554.8. 申请

[10] 李红宁, 魏少康, 王明远, 裴庆祺, 冯杰, 刘雷, 俱莹. 电网节点可信度信息测定评估方法、系统、设备及终端: 中国, 202111223045.1. 申请

[9] 李红宁, 赵豪爽, 纪楚新, 裴庆祺, 刘雷, 俱莹, 冯杰. 一种可防御频谱感知数据伪造攻击的快速共识方法及系统: 中国, 202111315062.8. 授权

[8] 俱莹, 曹植伟, 陈宇超, 王浩宇, 刘雷, 裴庆祺, 王励成. 车联网安全计算卸载及资源分配方法、计算机设备及终端: 中国, 202210253563.6. 申请

[7] 俱莹, 刘文卉, 杨明婕, 裴庆祺. 一种全双工 MIMO 物理层安全传输方法: 中国, 202210240142.X, 2024. 授权

[6] 俱莹, 杨明婕, 刘文卉, 裴庆祺. 一种全双工 MISO 物理层安全传输方法、系统及应用: 中国, 202210237824.5. 授权

[5] 俱莹, 陈宇超, 王浩宇, 杨明婕, 刘雷, 裴庆祺. 基于中继激励机制的车联网协作通信方法、系统及终端: 中国, 202210186335.1. 申请

[4] 俱莹, 邹国学, 白皓文, 裴庆祺. 一种随机波束切换的毫米波物理层密钥生成方法及系统: 中国, 202110797867.4, 2022. 授权

[3] 俱莹, 陈宇超, 王浩宇, 裴庆祺. 毫米波车联网联合波束分配和中继选择方法、系统及设备: 中国, 202110997198.5, 2022. 授权

[2] 俱莹, 夏峰, 丁鲜花, 刘宝生, 赵延安. 短波固定监测站测向数据修正方法: 中国, 201310434854.6, 2017. 授权

[1] 殷勤业, 俱莹, 陈媛, 杨骞, 王慧明. 发射聚焦式的多天线跳空安全通信方法: 中国, 201510044229.X, 2017. 授权