学术信息网 西电导航 关于 使用说明 搜索 系统首页 登录 控制面板 收藏 惠调艳的留言板

[1]惠调艳.研发人员工作满意度与绩效关系实证研究(CSSCI) [J].科学学与科学技术管理,2006(5).






[7]胡新,惠调艳.基于回归分析法的外商直接投资绩效实证研究-以陕西为例[J].统计与信息论坛(CSSCI),2010(6) .


[9]胡新,王彩萍,惠调艳,林茂青.西部地区制造业与东南亚国家承接国际产业转移优势比较研究--以重庆、陕西为例[J]. 华东经济管理(CSSCI),2013(8)

[10] 惠调艳,周瑞姣,胡新.A股与港股IPO定价合理性比较研究[J].财会研究,2011(1).




[14]Studies on the performance appraisal for the Software engineers (EI: 20090111834546).The 4th  International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing,October12-17,2008.

[15]Study on the relationship between the fund managers characteristic and fund performance(EI: 20110913705081).The 2ndinternational conference on information science and engineering, December 4-6,2010.

[16]Study on the industrial transfer of  Shaanxi Province(EI: 20110913704397) .The 2ndinternational conference on information science and engineering, December 4-6,2010.

[17]Research on the development of Internet Publishing Industry in Shannxi Province(ISTP:000284809900051),2010 International Conference On Industry Engineering and Management, Mar26-28,2010.

[18]A Comparative Study on Sub-sectors of Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry in Shaanxi Province(ISI: 000259113600091),2008 International Conference On Industry Cluster Development and Management, June27-30,2008.