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近期发表与本项目相关的主要著作包括: (1) 詹海生,李广鑫,马志欣. 基于ACIS的几何造型技术与系统开发. 北京:清华大学出版社. 2002. (2) 詹海生, 李广鑫, 王鸿利(译). Eric Lengyel(著).3D游戏与计算机图形学中的数学方法.北京:清华大学出版社.2004. (3) 詹海生,李广鑫,周利华. 基于单纯复形的矢量地图多分辨率表示方法.西安电子科技大学学报. 2003,33(5):682-687. (4) 詹海生,周利华.三角网格的统一单分辨率与多分辨率表示方法. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2007,37(1):59-62.(EI071510546983) (5) 詹海生,周利华. 基于Hamiltonian三角剖分的三角网格多分辨率表示,计算机科学,2006,33(12): 214-216. (6) Haisheng Zhan, Guangxin Li.Progressive Transmission of Vector Map Data Based on Polygonal Chain Simplification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006.4282:908-917.(SCI-E) (7) Zhan Haisheng, Ding Zhenguo, Zhou Lihua.Connectivity compression for triangle meshes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Active Media Technology. Chongqing. 2003. 502-507. (EI03427684246,ISTP000183539300070) (8) Zhan Haisheng, Ding Zhenguo, Zhou Lihua.Simplicial multi-complexes based progressive transmission of vector map data. Proceedings of the International Computer Congress 2004 on Wavelet Analysis and its Applications, and Active Media Technology. Chongqing. 2004. 728-737. (EI:04388358391,ISTP:000222211300108). (9) 詹海生,李广鑫,周利华. 一种新的三角网格联接关系压缩方法.第五届中国图形学大会. 西安.2004.456-460. (10) 周水生,詹海生,周利华. 训练支持向量机的Huber近似算法. 计算机学报 2005,28(10):1664-1670.(EI:05489513213) (11) Xu Kun, Zhan Hai-sheng, Web Services Based Personalized Learning Resources Acquisition, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2006. 2(1):217-222.(EI: 063110043482)