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[15]  G. Wu, Z. You, Z. Zha, Y. Zhang: Several new classes of optimal ternary cyclic codes with two or three zeros.  Accepted by Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2024. 

[14] 伍高飞, 张玉清. 基于循环码的秘密共享方案. 密码学报. 2024, 11(4): 895-910.

[13]  G. Wu, K. Feng, N. Li, T. Helleseth, New results on the -1 conjecture on cross-correlation of $m$-sequences based on complete permutation polynomials, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 69(6):4035-4044, 2023(CCF A类期刊)

[12]  G. Wu, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, Several classes of optimal p-ary cyclic codes with minimal distance four,Finite Fields and Their Applications, 92, 102275, 2023. (中科院SCI二区期刊,CACR B类期刊)

[11]  G. Wu, N. Li, Several classes of permutation trinomials over $f_{5^n}$ from Niho exponents, Cryptogr. Commun., 11(2): 313-324 (2019).(WOS:000462209100012 )
[10]  G. Wu, M. G. Parker, On Boolean functions with several flat spectra, Cryptogr. Commun., 11(5): 853-880 (2019).WOS:000480489100002
[9]  G. Wu, N. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Liu: Several classes of negabent functions over finite fields. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(3): 038102:1-038102:3(WOS:000417486900011 )
[8]  G. Wu, Y. Zhang, X. Liu: New complementary sets of length 2^m and size 4. Adv.in Math.of Comm. 10(4): 825-845 (2016).(WOS:000390093800010)
[7]  L. Wang, G. Wu: Several classes of optimal ternary cyclic codes with minimal distance four. Finite Fields and Their Applications 40: 126-137 (2016).(WOS:000377052300009)
[6]  G. Wu, N. Li, T. Helleseth, Y. Zhang, Some classes of complete permutation polynomials over Fq, Sci. China Math., 58(10), 2015, pp. 2081-2094.(WOS:000361765300004 )
[5]  G. Wu, N. Li, T. Helleseth, Y. Zhang, Some classes of monomial complete permutation polynomials over finite fields of characteristic two. Finite Fields Appl., 2014, (28):148-165.(WOS:000335124800012 )
[4]  G. Wu, M. G. Parker, A complementary construction using mutually unbiased bases, Cryptogr. Commun. 2014, (1): 3-25.(WOS:000330803200002 )

[3]. Z. Wang, M. G. Parker, G. Gong, G. Wu, On the PMEPR of the binary Golay sequences of length  2^m, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. 60, No.4, pp.2391-2398, April 2014.(WOS:000333099400028 )

[2]. Z. Wang, G. Wu, H. Li, Improved PMEPR bound on near-complementary sequences constructed by Yu and Gong, Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 73-75, Jan. 2013.(WOS:000318235200045 )
[1]  G. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, Construction of near-complementary sequences with low PMEPR for peak power control in OFDM, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, 2012, (11): 1881-1887.(WOS:000311011900011 )


[1]  Z. Wang, G. Wu, D. Ma: A new method to construct Golay complementary set by paraunitary matrices and Hadamard matrices, SETA 2016.
[2]  G. Wu, M. Parker: Constructions of Boolean funcitons with two flat spectra, SETA 2016.
[3]  G. Wu, Z. Wang. Construction of near-complementary sequences of length , International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications, Bangalore, India, Sep. 13-18, 2015.

[4]. G. Wu, Z. Wang. New near-complementary sequences with low pmepr for peak power control in OFDM, International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications, pp. 96-99, Guilin, China, Oct. 10-14, 2011.

[5] Yongbo Xia, Tor Helleseth, Gaofei Wu: A Note on Cross-Correlation Distribution Between a Ternary m -Sequence and Its Decimated Sequence. SETA 2014: 249-259.