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2.Dai Fengzhou and Liu Hongwei. An Adaptive Weighted Rank Order Detector for Spatially Distributed Target[J]. Signal Processing. 2012,Sep,92(9):2327-2331.
3.Dai Fengzhou, Liu Hongwei, Wu Shunjun. Generalized adaptive subspace detector for range-Doppler spread target with high resolution radar[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Information.Sciences, 2011,54(1):172-181.
4.Dai Fengzhou, Liu Hongwei, Wang Penghui, Xia Shuangzhi. Adaptive waveform design for range-spread target tracking [J].IET electronics letters,2010,46(11):394-395.
5.Dai Fengzhou, Liu Hongwei, Wu Shunjun. Subband Implementation for Wideband Radar Clutter Suppression and Target HRRP Enhancement [J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics,2010,19(2):381-385.
6. Hong Ling, Dai Fengzhou and Liu Hongwei. Sparse-based Doppler-only Snap Shot Imaging for Roational Object[J]. Signal Processing. 2013, 93(4):731-741.
7. Dai Fengzhou, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Wu Shunjun. Detection Performance Comparison for Wideband and Narrowband Radar in Noise[C]. IEEE International Radar Coference, Washington DC, May, 10-14, 2010.794-798.
8. Dai Fengzhou, Liu Hongwei, Wu Shunjun. Matched illumination waveforms design for range-spread target in heterogeneous clutter plus noise[C]. IEEE International Radar Coference, Chengdu,Oct, 24-27, 2011.584-597.