已发表SCI检索论文5篇,其中IEEE Commun./SignalProcess. 杂志3篇,被国际著名刊物IEEE Trans.Wireless Commun.、IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech.以及IEEE ICC/VTC等重要国际会议他引9篇。
[1]Fei F. Cao, Jiandong Li, Comments on “Channel Estimation and Signal Detection for MIMO-OFDM with Time Varying
Channels”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 664-666, Sept. 2009. (SCI: 000269923700014)
[2]Fei F. Cao, Jiandong Li, and Jiawei Yang, On the Relation Between PDA and MMSE-ISDIC, IEEE Signal Processing
Letters, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 597-600. Sept. 2007. (SCI:000248767100006)
[3]Jiandong Li, Fei F. Cao, and Jiawei Yang, Low-Complexity Algorithm for Near-Optimum Detection of V-BLAST
Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 593-596, Sept. 2007. (SCI: 000248767100005)
[4]Fei F. Cao, Zan Li, Jiandong Li, Guanghui Yu, and Xiaohui Li, ISIC-MMSE detector for BICM SM-MIMO systems
with estimated CSI, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.8, no.3, pp. 149-154, Feb. 2011. (SCI: 000287378400007)
[5]Fei F. Cao, Jiandong Li and Guanghui Yu, High-performance detection algorithm for MIMO-OFDM in
doubly selective channels, IEICE Electron. Express, vol.7,no.7, pp. 487-492, April 2010. (SCI: 000277535700003)