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1. CR-FH-CPABE: Secure File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme Supporting User Collusion Resistance in Cloud Computing. 2024. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

2. Lower Rounds Lattice-based Anonymous AKA under the seCK model for the IoT. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2024.(SCI 3区)



1. LSPSS: Constructing Lightweight and Secure Scheme for Private Data Storage and Sharing in Aerial Computing. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 2023. (CCF A SCI 2区  IF  12.50)

2. Public-key Inverted-index Keyword Search with Designated Tester and Multi-user Key Decryption in IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

3. Ciphertext Retrieval with Identity Bidirectional Authentication and Matrix Index in IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

4. Quantum-Safe Lattice-based Certificateless Anonymous Authenticated Key Agreement for Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

5. PBFL: Privacy-preserving and Byzantine-robust Federated Learning Empowered Industry 4.0. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

6. FLSG: A Novel Defense Strategy Against Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

7. Fault Tolerant and Collusion-Resistant Lattice based Multidimensional Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Edge-based Smart Grid. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

8. SC-Chain: An Efficient Blockchain Framework for Smart City. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023. (SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

9. EIV-BT-ABE: Efficient Attribute-based Encryption with Black-Box Traceability Based on Encrypted Identity Vector. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

10. Secure and efficient lightweight protocol for emergency vehicle avoidance based on cloud. IEEE Network. 2023. (SCI 1区  IF  19.90)

11. A secure and efficient two-party protocol enabling ownership transfer of RFID objects. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023.(SCI 1区  IF  17.40)

12. Blockchain-based cloud-edge clock calibration in IoT. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2023.(SCI 3区)



1. Joint Biological ID: A Secure and Efficient Lightweight Biometric Authentication Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2022.(CCF A SCI 2区  IF  10.40)

2. Encrypted Data Retrieval and Sharing Scheme in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2022. (SCI 1区  IF  12.60)

3. Secure and Efficient Data Privacy-preserving Scheme for Mobile Cyber Physical Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2022.(SCI 1区  IF  12.60)

4. Data Complexity-based Batch Sanitization Method against Poison in Distributed Learning. Digital Communications and Networks. 2022.(SCI 1区  IF  9.90)

5. A New RFID Ultra-Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Medical Privacy Protection in Smart Living. Computer Communications. 2022.(SCI 3区)

6. Blockchain-based Trust Management for Verifiable Time Synchronization Service in IoT. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2022.(SCI 3区)

7. RUAP: Random Rearrangement Block Matrix-Based Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol for End-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Environment. China Communications. 2022.(SCI 3区)

8. A revocable attribute-based encryption EHR sharing scheme with multiple authorities in blockchain. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2022.(SCI 3区)



1. Anonymous and Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Industrial Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatic. 2021. (SCI 1区  IF  13.90)

2. Blockchain-based Trust Management for Agricultural Green Supply : A Game Theoretic Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021. (SCI 1区  IF  10.90)

3. Secure and Efficient Data Privacy-preserving Scheme for Mobile Cyber Physical Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021. (SCI 1区  IF  12.60)

4. Cloud-based RFID Mutual Authentication Scheme for Efficient Privacy Preserving in IoV. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2021. (SCI 2区  IF  4.41)(2021年7月 ESI高被引论文

5. MSIAP: A Dynamic Searchable Encryption for Privacy-Protection on Smart Grid with Cloud-Edge-End. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 2021.(SCI 2区  IF  10.00)

6.  An Ultra Light Weight and Secure RFID Batch Authentication Scheme for IoMT. Computer Communications. 2021. (SCI 3区  IF  2.816)

7. A Blockchain-Based Privacy Preservation Scheme in Multimedia Network. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2021. (SCI 4区  IF  2.33)

8. PMAB: A Public Mutual Audit Blockchain for Outsourced Data in Cloud Storage. Security and Communication Networks. 2021. (SCI 4区  IF  4.2)

9. Cross-domain Access Control Based on Trusted Third-party and Attribute Mapping Center. Journal of Systems Architecture. 2021.(SCI 3区  IF 3.60)



1. Cloud-based Lightweight Secure RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol in IoT. Information sciences. 2019. (SCI 1区  IF  6.90)

2. A Secure and Verifiable Data Sharing Scheme Based on Blockchain in Vehicular Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2020. (SCI 2区 IF 6.29) 

3. A Collaborative Auditing Blockchain for Trustworthy Data Integrity in Cloud Storage System. IEEE Access. 2020.(SCI 2区 IF 4.80)

4. Privacy-Preserving Searchable Encryption in the Intelligent Edge Computing. Computer Communications. 2020.(SCI 3区  IF 2.816)

5. A Secure and Efficient Outsourced Computation on Data Sharing Scheme for Privacy Computing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2020. (SCI 3区  IF 2.55)

6. A Dynamic and Verifiable Multi-keyword Ranked Search Scheme in the P2P Networking Environment. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2020. (SCI 3区  IF 2.793)

7. A Weight-based k-prototypes Algorithm for Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid. ICC 2020. 2020. (EI)



1. A Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Cloud-based RFID Healthcare Systems. IEEE Network. 2019. (SCI 1区  IF 7.230)

2. Efficient and Privacy Preserving Access Control Scheme for Fog-enabled IoT. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2019. (SCI 1区  IF 6.30)

3. A Blockchain-based Clock Synchronization Scheme in IoT. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2019. (SCI 1区  IF 6.30)

4. An Efficient Multi-Message and Multi-Receiver Signcryption Scheme for Heterogeneous Smart Mobile IoT. IEEE Access. 2019.(SCI 2区 IF 4.80)

5. A Novel Attribute-Based Access Control Scheme Using Blockchain for IoT. IEEE Access. 2019.(SCI 2区 IF 9.00)(2023年8月 ESI高被引论文

6.A Secure Cross-domain Access Control Scheme in Social Networks. ICC 2019. 2019. (EI)



1. Lightweight RFID Protocol for Medical Privacy Protection in IoT. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2018. (SCI 1区  IF  6.764)

2. Blockchain-based Secure Time Protection Scheme in IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2018. (SCI 1区  IF 11.33)

3. Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext Retrieval in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing. IEEE NETWORK. 2018.(SCI 1区  IF  7.230)

4. Blockchain based Efficient Privacy Preserving and Data Sharing Scheme of Content-Centric Network in 5G. IET Communications. 2018.(SCI 4区 IF 1.061)

5. Privacy protection smartcard authentication scheme in cloud computing. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2018. (SCI 4区 IF 0.325)

6. Secure Authentication Protocol for Mobile Payment. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2018.(SCI 4区  IF  1.250)

7. MedBlock: Efficient and Secure Medical Data Sharing via Blockchain. Journal of Medical Systems. 2018.(SCI 3区  IF  2.532)(2021年7月 ESI高被引论文

8. Cross-Domain based Data Sharing Scheme in Cooperative Edge Computing. IEEE EDGE 2018, 2018. (EI)

9. Secure Time Synchronization Scheme in IoT based on Blockchain. Blockchain 2018, 2018. (EI) (录取率15.3%)



1. Proxy-assisted access control scheme of cloud data for smart cities. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2017.(SCI 3区 IF 2.395)

2. Secure, Efficient and Revocable Data Sharing Scheme for Vehicular Fogs. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 1.0)

3. Privacy Protection based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-based Services. China Communications. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 0.424)

4. Secure Ultra-lightweight RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol Based on Transparent Computing for IoV. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 1.0)

5. ULMAP: Ultra-lightweight NFC Mutual Authentication Protocol With pseudonyms in the tag for IoT in 5G. Mobile Information Systems. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 1.462)

6. Secure and private key management scheme in big data networking. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 1.0)

7. NFC Secure Payment and Verification Scheme with CS E-Ticket. Security and Communication Networks. 2017.(SCI 4区 IF 0.806)

8. An Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Scheme for Mobile Commerce. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2017. (SCI 4区 IF 1.0)

9. Multi-Keyword Fuzzy and Sortable Ciphertext Retrieval Scheme for big data. IEEE GLOBECOM 2017.2017.(EI)



1. Lightweight and ultralightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol with cache in the reader for IoT in 5G. Security and Communication Networks. 2016. (SCI 4区 IF 0.806)

2. Cloud-Based Lightweight RFID Healthcare Privacy Protection Protocol. IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. 2016.(EI)

3. Privacy Protection based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-based Services. ICCC 2016. 2016.(EI)

4. NFC Secure Payment and Verification Scheme for Mobile Payment. WASA 2016. 2016.(EI)



1. Adaptive Sensing Private Property Protection Protocol Based on Cloud. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2015. (SCI 4区 IF 0.906)

2. A secure RFID application revocation scheme for IoT. IEICE Transactions on information and systems. 2016. (SCI 4区 IF 0.226)

3. Ciphertext retrieval in super-peer p2p network. IEEE GLOBECOM 2015. 2015. (EI)

4. RFID secure application revocation for IoT in 5G. IEEE TrustCom-15. 2015.(EI)

5. ULRAS: Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Scheme for Mobile Device. WASA 2015. 2015.(EI)

6. Secure and Efficient Personal Health Record Scheme Using Attribute-Based Encryption. CSCloud 2015. 2015. (EI)

7. Cloud Storage Architecture with me[ant]ta-Data Service la[ant]yer in Cloud Computing. CSPS 2014. 2015. (EI)



1. RSEL: Revocable secure efficient lightweight RFID authentication scheme. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2014. (SCI 4区 IF 0.845)

2. Efficient ID-based registration protocol featured with user anonymity in mobile IP networks. IEEE transactions on wireless communications. 2010. (SCI 2区 IF 4.951)

3. Mobile IP registration in certificateless public key infrastructure. IET information security. 2007. (SCI 4区 IF 0.623)

4. Watermarking protocol of secure verification. Journal of electronic imaging. 2007. (SCI 4区 IF 1.061)

5. Steganography scheme for m-commerce. Electronics Letters. 2005. (SCI 4区 IF 1.038)

6. Fairness electronic payment protocol. International journal of grid and utility computing. 2012. (EI)

7. A new proxy blind signature scheme. International journal of grid and utility computing. 2012. (EI)

8. A Fair Non-repudiation Protocol without TTP on Conic Curve over Ring Zn. Advances in information sciences and service sciences. 2012. (EI)

9. Perfect concurrent signatures scheme on conic curve over ring Zn. International journal of digital content technology and its applications. 2012. (EI)

10. Secure buyer-seller watermarking protocol. IEEE proceedings of information security. 2006. (EI)

11. LRMAPC: a lightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol with cache in the reader for IoT. CIT 2014. 2014. (EI)

12. An Adaptive Feedback Load Balancing Algorithm in HDFS. INCos 2013. 2013. (EI)

13. Smart-blocking file storage method in cloud computing. ICCC 2012. 2012. (EI)

14. ESLRAS: a lightweight RFID authentication scheme with high efficiency and strong security for Internet of Things. INCos 2012. 2012. (EI)

15. Abuse-freeness electronic payment protocol. INCos 2011. 2011. (EI)

16. Forward Secure Proxy Blind Signature Scheme. INCos 2011. 2011. (EI)

17. Concurrent Signature Protocol on Conic Curve over Ring Zn. ECC 2011. 2011. (EI)

18. Security analysis of the Kerberos protocol using BAN logic. IAS 2009. 2009. (EI)

19. A new abuse-free fair electronic payment protocol, IAS 2009, 2009. (EI)

20. Adaptive encrypted information hiding scheme for images, CIS 2007, 2007. (EI)

21. A secure steganography scheme based on (N, t) threshold. AINA 2004. 2004. (EI)