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   在国内外知名期刊MIS Quarterly、Information & Management、International Journal of Information Management、Journal of Strategic Information Systems、《中国管理科学》、《管理评论》、《科学学研究》等发表论文100余篇。1篇论文获信息系统领域顶级期刊Journal of Strategic Information Systems(JSIS)2013年度最佳论文奖和国际信息系统协会(Association for Information Systems)2014年度最佳论文奖。在重要国际学术会议上发表论文30余篇,1篇论文获得2010年美洲信息系统年会(AMCIS)最佳论文奖。


  1. Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Wenqi Shen, Liangfei Qiu, Weiguo Fan. PRODUCT REVIEWS: A BENEFIT, A BURDEN, OR A TRIFLE? HOW SELLER REPUTATION AFFECTS THE ROLE OF PRODUCT REVIEWS, MIS Quarterly, forthcoming
  2. Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Carol Xiaojuan Ou. Guanxi Circles and Light Entrepreneurship in Social Commerce: The Roles of Mass Entrepreneurship Climate and Technology Affordances [J], Information & Management
  3. Cong Li, Yuming Liu, Rong Du. The Effects of Review Presentation Formats on Consumers' Purchase Intention, Journal of Global Information Management, 2021, 29(6):1-20. DOI:10.4018/JGIM.20211101.oa46
  4. Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Veda Storey. The Paradoxical Effect of Social Media Usage on Developer Creativity and the Moderating Role of Openness to Experience, Journal of Database Management. 2021, 32(3):29-45, DOI:10.4018/JDM.2021070102
  5. Peng Wang, Rong Du, Hongpeng Wang. Charging renters or not? One-side versus both-side brokerage model foronline rental platforms [J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2020, 44. DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2020.101006
  6. Peng Wang, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. How to Promote Sales: Discount Promotion or Coupon Promotion? [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2020, 29(9):1-19.
  7. Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Jin Li, Weiguo Fan. Subdivided or aggregated online review systems: Which is better for online takeaway vendors? [J]. Electronic Commerce Research, 2020, 20:915-944
  8. Yuming Liu, Rong Du. Examining the Effect of Reviewer Socioeconomic Status Disclosure on Customers' Purchase Intention[J]. Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 2020, 28(3): 17-35
  9. Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Jin Li, J. Christ Westland. A two-sided matching model in the context of B2B export cross-border e-commerce [J]. Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI), 2019, 19(4): 841-861
  10. Yuming Liu, Rong Du. The Effects of Image-Based Online Reviews on Customers’ Perception Across Product Type and Gender [J]. Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 2019, 27(3):139-158
  11. Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Detmar Straub, Likoebe Maruping, Yumeng Miao. Measuring creolization in IT outsourcing: Instrument development and validation [J]. International Journal of Information Management (SCI), 2019, 47(1): 16-30.
  12. Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Timothy Olsen. Feedback mechanisms and consumer satisfaction, trust and repurchase intention in online retail [J]. Information Systems Management, 2018, 35(3):201-219. (SCI)
  13. Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Michael B. Knight, Barney Enterprise, Cathal M. Brugha, Lili Liu. Trust development process in electronic commerce in globally distributed contexts: a case of homestay.com in China [J]. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, June, 2018
  14. Chen Chen, Rong Du, Jin Li, and Weiguo Fan. The Impacts of knowledge sharing-based value co-creation on user continuance in online communities, Information Discovery and Delivery, 2017, Vol. 45, No.4. Forthcoming.

  15. Rong Du, Lili Liu, Detmar W. Straub, Michael B Knight. Impact of espoused national cultural values on innovative behavior: an empirical study in Chinese IT service industry, Journal of Asia Pacific Business Review. Forthcoming, doi:10.1080/13602381.2016.1156907.(SSCI检索)

  16. Yanni Wang, Rong Du, KS Koong. Effects of R&D policy choice on accounting performance and market value. R & D Management. Forthcoming. doi: 10.1111/radm.12225. (SSCI 检索) Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Cathal M. Brugha, Hongpeng Wang. Pointing to Priorities for Multiple Criteria Decision Making: The Case of a MIS-Based Project in China [J], International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2016, Vol.15. (SCI检索)
  17. Lili Liu, Rong Du, Weiguo Fan. How members’ commitment to an online knowledge community influences their usage behavior [J], Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016, 44 (4), pp. 693-704. (SSCI检索)

  18. Robert M. Davison, Carol X.J. Ou, Maris G. Martinson, Angela Y. Zhao, Rong Du, The Communicative Ecology of Web 2.0 at Work: Social Networking in the Workspace. Journal of the Association for Information Science  and Technology, 2014, 65(10), 2035-2047. (SSCI检索)

  19. Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: A Study of Chinese Software and Services Outsourcing Vendors. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2013, Pages 121-136.  (The Journal of Strategic Information Systems Best Paper Award 2013; AIS Best Publications Award 2014) (SSCI检索)

  20. Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, and Rong Du. Innovation through collaborative partnerships: creating the MSN News for iPad app at VanceInfo Technologies. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 2013, (1), 1-13.

  21. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub, Impacts of Creolization on Trust and Knowledge Sharing in IT-enabled Global Services Sourcing, Thirty Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2013, Milan, Italy, December 15-18, 2013. Association for Information Systems 2013.
  22. Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Internal and Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance: from the Chinese Provider's Perspective [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2012, 39(4), 4464-4472. (SCI检索)
  23. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub. Measuring creolization in IT-enabled global services sourcing. Joey, F. George (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Association for Information Systems 2012, ISBN 978-0-615-71843-9, 2012.
  24. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. Integrating Taoist Yin-Yang Thinking with Western Nomology: A Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict Management. Chinese Management Studies, 2011, 5(1), 55-67. (SSCI检索)
  25. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services: An Investigation in China. Journal of Global Information Management, 2011, 19(2), 1-26. (SSCI检索)
  26. Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Dynamic optimal budget allocation for integrated marketing considering persistence [J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2010, Vol. 9, No.5: 1-22. (SCI检索)
  27. Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumers Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Goods [J], International Journal of Services Technology Management, 2010, Vol. 14, No.1: 41-57. (EI检索)
  28. Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: Cross-cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider's Perspective [C], Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010.  AMCIS Best Paper Award.
  29. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Qiying Hu. Competition and Cooperation between Brands in a Segment: An Analysis Based on a Semi-Markov Model [J], International Journal of Services Sciences, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 2: 70-82.
  30. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. Cross-Organizational Knowledge Acquisition through Flexible Hiring and Joint R&D: Insights from a Survey in China [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2008, Vol. 35, No. 2: 434-441. (SCI、EI检索)
  31. Cathal M. Brugha, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. An Integrated Knowledge Management Development System (IKMDS) [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2008, Vol.5, No. 1: 1-12.
  32. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Yuqing Ren. Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Performance: A Survey in Xian, China [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2007, Vol.32, No.1: 38-46. (SCI、EI检索)
  33. Rong Du, Qingying Hu, Shizhong Ai. Stochastic Optimal Budget Decision for Advertising Considering Uncertain Sales Responses [J]. European Journal of Operational Research. 2007, Vol. 183, No. 3: 1042-1054. (SCI、EI检索)
  34. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Ning Hu. Interpersonal Trust and Its Impacts on Knowledge Transfer Within Alliances [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1: 44-50.
  35. Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Xiujun Cui, Xiaohu Rong, Jianning Lu. Overcoming Internal Knowledge Search through Firm-Institute Alliances: A Survey of Knowledge Flow in Xi’an, China [J]. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences. 2005, Vol.2, No.4:33-41.
  36. Rong Du, Qiying Hu, Zhiqing Meng. Modeling the Dynamic Optimal Advertising in Stochastic Condition [J]. Journal of Control Theory and Application. 2004, Vol.2, No.1: 102-104.
  37. Rong Du, Qiying Hu. A Dynamic Optimal Advertising Model for New Products [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2003, Vol.16, No.1: 85-94.
  38. 刘丽丽,杜荣,艾时钟. IT 服务企业中文化对知识共享与创新行为关系的影响[J],中国管理科学, 2016,04:159-166.
  39. 汪祥松,杜荣,艾时钟,张宗明. 远程医疗背景下社区医院和患者行为选择的演化分析[J].工业工程与管理,2015,02:130-137.

  40. 张宗明,杜荣,廖貅武.合作生产视角下的服务外包契约设计[J]. 管理科学,2014,06:77-89.

  41. 宋喜凤,杜荣,艾时钟. IT外包中关系质量、知识共享与外包绩效关系研究[J]. 管理评论. 2013, Vol.25, No.1, pp.52-62
  42. 杜荣,冯俊嵩,厉敏. 边界跨越对IT外包绩效影响的实证分析. 中国管理科学. 2012, Vol.20, No.4, 177-184.
  43. 杜荣,艾时钟,Cathal Brugha. 基于思维法则学的跨文化信任框架——综合中国本土化思想与西方理论的尝试. 管理学报. 2012, Vol.9, No.3, 338-344.
  44. 冯俊嵩,杜荣,Zheng  Yingqin, Abbott Pamela.基于扎根方法的IT 外包企业创新空间的研究. 科学学研究. 2012, Vol.30, No.4, 622-630.
  45. 杜荣,曹卓琳,厉敏,付桃红. 软件外包中社会资本对知识共享的影响研究. 管理学报. 2012, Vol.9, No.9, 1338-1342.
  46. 田野, 杜荣.  IT服务外包项目中知识转移、知识共享和文化相似度的关系研究[J]. 科学学研究,2011,Vol.29, No.8, pp1190-1197.
  47. 艾时钟, 杜荣, 张卫莉, Cathal M.Brugha.基于思维法则学的群决策方法及其应用[J]. 中国管理科学. 2011, Vol.19,No. 1. pp. 177-184.
  48. 杜荣, 艾时钟, Cathal M. Brugha. 思维法则学框架下东西方管理理论的比较――探索管理科学中国学派走向世界的道路[J]. 管理学报,2010,Vol. 7, No. 10, pp.1421-1425. 被中国人民大学复印报刊资料《管理科学》2011年第1期全文转载(P57-60).
  49. 秦开银, 杜荣, 李燕. 临时团队中知识共享对快速信任与绩效关系的调节作用研究[J]. 管理学报. 2010,Vol. 7, No.1, pp.98-102
  50. 艾时钟,杜荣,Cathal. M. Brugha. 指示优先级的程式化管理科学研究方法――治理学术界与企业界脱节顽症的一种手段[J]. 管理学报,2009,Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.432-434。
  51. 杜荣,艾时钟,Cathal. M. Brugha. 管理科学的中国学派如何走向世界?――问题、策略及系统方法论层面的分析[J]. 管理学报,2008,Vol. 5, No.4: 473-477.
  52. 杜荣. 企业产品定价与促销的科学原理及方法[M]. 北京:科学出版社。2006年6月。
  53. 赵雪松,杜 荣,焦 函. 师徒模式下隐性知识共享的激励约束分析[J]. 科学学研究.2006, Vol.24, No.5: 758-762.
  54. 赵雪松,杜 荣,焦 函. 师徒模式下隐性知识共享的障碍及解决方案[J]. 预测. 2006, Vol. 25, No.5: 35-39.
  55. 杜荣,胡奇英,孟志青. 生产性企业组织学习最优控制模型及其理论分析[J]. 管理科学学报. 2005, Vol.8, No.2: 46-53. 23.
  56. 杜荣,胡奇英,陈开周. 同类产品多品牌的最优定价模型[J]. 管理科学学报. 2004, Vol.7.No.3: 69-74.
  57. 杜荣,王安民,白晓军. 加强知识资产管理,提高国有企业竞争力――某国有企业知识资产管理个案调查[J]. 管理评论. 2004,Vol.16, No.1: 9-14。
  58. 杜荣,胡奇英,万威武. 生产性企业的概念性学习和操作性学习研究[J]. 中国管理科学.2003,Vol.11, No.5, pp80-84
  59. 杜荣,胡奇英,魏轶华. 两方竞争情况下产品动态定价研究[J]. 管理工程学报. 2003, Vol.17, No.1, pp20-24


Julia Kotlarsky, Rong Du. How creative and innovative can technology “made in China” be? September 7, 2017. http://www.intelligentsourcing.net/how-creative-and-innovative-can-be-technology-made-in-china/

Julia Kotlarsky, Rong Du. How creative and innovative can technology made in China be? China's IT industry is becoming more Silicon Valley-like and, as a result, more attractive to the CIOs of western enterprises. August 11, 2017. http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/How-creative-and-innovative-can-technology-made-in-China-be