- Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Carol Xiaojuan Ou. Guanxi Circles and Light Entrepreneurship in Social Commerce: The Roles of Mass Entrepreneurship Climate and Technology Affordances [J], Information & Management
- Cong Li, Yuming Liu, Rong Du. The Effects of Review Presentation Formats on Consumers' Purchase Intention, Journal of Global Information Management, 2021, 29(6):1-20. DOI:10.4018/JGIM.20211101.oa46
- Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Veda Storey. The Paradoxical Effect of Social Media Usage on Developer Creativity and the Moderating Role of Openness to Experience, Journal of Database Management. 2021, 32(3):29-45, DOI:10.4018/JDM.2021070102
- Peng Wang, Rong Du, Hongpeng Wang. Charging renters or not? One-side versus both-side brokerage model foronline rental platforms [J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2020, 44. DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2020.101006
- Peng Wang, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. How to Promote Sales: Discount Promotion or Coupon Promotion? [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2020, 29(9):1-19.
- Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Jin Li, Weiguo Fan. Subdivided or aggregated online review systems: Which is better for online takeaway vendors? [J]. Electronic Commerce Research, 2020, 20:915-944
- Yuming Liu, Rong Du. Examining the Effect of Reviewer Socioeconomic Status Disclosure on Customers' Purchase Intention[J]. Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 2020, 28(3): 17-35
- Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Jin Li, J. Christ Westland. A two-sided matching model in the context of B2B export cross-border e-commerce [J]. Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI), 2019, 19(4): 841-861
- Yuming Liu, Rong Du. The Effects of Image-Based Online Reviews on Customers’ Perception Across Product Type and Gender [J]. Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 2019, 27(3):139-158
- Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Detmar Straub, Likoebe Maruping, Yumeng Miao. Measuring creolization in IT outsourcing: Instrument development and validation [J]. International Journal of Information Management (SCI), 2019, 47(1): 16-30.
- Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Timothy Olsen. Feedback mechanisms and consumer satisfaction, trust and repurchase intention in online retail [J]. Information Systems Management, 2018, 35(3):201-219. (SCI)
- Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Michael B. Knight, Barney Enterprise, Cathal M. Brugha, Lili Liu. Trust development process in electronic commerce in globally distributed contexts: a case of homestay.com in China [J]. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, June, 2018
Chen Chen, Rong Du, Jin Li, and Weiguo Fan. The Impacts of knowledge sharing-based value co-creation on user continuance in online communities, Information Discovery and Delivery, 2017, Vol. 45, No.4. Forthcoming.
Rong Du, Lili Liu, Detmar W. Straub, Michael B Knight. Impact of espoused national cultural values on innovative behavior: an empirical study in Chinese IT service industry, Journal of Asia Pacific Business Review. Forthcoming, doi:10.1080/13602381.2016.1156907.(SSCI检索)
- Yanni Wang, Rong Du, KS Koong. Effects of R&D policy choice on accounting performance and market value. R & D Management. Forthcoming. doi: 10.1111/radm.12225. (SSCI 检索) Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Cathal M. Brugha, Hongpeng Wang. Pointing to Priorities for Multiple Criteria Decision Making: The Case of a MIS-Based Project in China [J], International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2016, Vol.15. (SCI检索)
Lili Liu, Rong Du, Weiguo Fan. How members’ commitment to an online knowledge community influences their usage behavior [J], Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016, 44 (4), pp. 693-704. (SSCI检索)
Robert M. Davison, Carol X.J. Ou, Maris G. Martinson, Angela Y. Zhao, Rong Du, The Communicative Ecology of Web 2.0 at Work: Social Networking in the Workspace. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014, 65(10), 2035-2047. (SSCI检索)
Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: A Study of Chinese Software and Services Outsourcing Vendors. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2013, Pages 121-136. (The Journal of Strategic Information Systems Best Paper Award 2013; AIS Best Publications Award 2014) (SSCI检索)
Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, and Rong Du. Innovation through collaborative partnerships: creating the MSN News for iPad app at VanceInfo Technologies. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 2013, (1), 1-13.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub, Impacts of Creolization on Trust and Knowledge Sharing in IT-enabled Global Services Sourcing, Thirty Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2013, Milan, Italy, December 15-18, 2013. Association for Information Systems 2013.
- Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Internal and Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance: from the Chinese Provider's Perspective [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2012, 39(4), 4464-4472. (SCI检索)
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub. Measuring creolization in IT-enabled global services sourcing. Joey, F. George (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Association for Information Systems 2012, ISBN 978-0-615-71843-9, 2012.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. Integrating Taoist Yin-Yang Thinking with Western Nomology: A Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict Management. Chinese Management Studies, 2011, 5(1), 55-67. (SSCI检索)
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services: An Investigation in China. Journal of Global Information Management, 2011, 19(2), 1-26. (SSCI检索)
- Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Dynamic optimal budget allocation for integrated marketing considering persistence [J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2010, Vol. 9, No.5: 1-22. (SCI检索)
- Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumers Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Goods [J], International Journal of Services Technology Management, 2010, Vol. 14, No.1: 41-57. (EI检索)
- Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: Cross-cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider's Perspective [C], Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010. AMCIS Best Paper Award.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Qiying Hu. Competition and Cooperation between Brands in a Segment: An Analysis Based on a Semi-Markov Model [J], International Journal of Services Sciences, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 2: 70-82.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. Cross-Organizational Knowledge Acquisition through Flexible Hiring and Joint R&D: Insights from a Survey in China [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2008, Vol. 35, No. 2: 434-441. (SCI、EI检索)
- Cathal M. Brugha, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. An Integrated Knowledge Management Development System (IKMDS) [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2008, Vol.5, No. 1: 1-12.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Yuqing Ren. Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Performance: A Survey in Xian, China [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2007, Vol.32, No.1: 38-46. (SCI、EI检索)
- Rong Du, Qingying Hu, Shizhong Ai. Stochastic Optimal Budget Decision for Advertising Considering Uncertain Sales Responses [J]. European Journal of Operational Research. 2007, Vol. 183, No. 3: 1042-1054. (SCI、EI检索)
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Ning Hu. Interpersonal Trust and Its Impacts on Knowledge Transfer Within Alliances [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1: 44-50.
- Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Xiujun Cui, Xiaohu Rong, Jianning Lu. Overcoming Internal Knowledge Search through Firm-Institute Alliances: A Survey of Knowledge Flow in Xi’an, China [J]. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences. 2005, Vol.2, No.4:33-41.
- Rong Du, Qiying Hu, Zhiqing Meng. Modeling the Dynamic Optimal Advertising in Stochastic Condition [J]. Journal of Control Theory and Application. 2004, Vol.2, No.1: 102-104.
- Rong Du, Qiying Hu. A Dynamic Optimal Advertising Model for New Products [J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2003, Vol.16, No.1: 85-94.
- 刘丽丽,杜荣,艾时钟. IT 服务企业中文化对知识共享与创新行为关系的影响[J],中国管理科学, 2016,04:159-166.
汪祥松,杜荣,艾时钟,张宗明. 远程医疗背景下社区医院和患者行为选择的演化分析[J].工业工程与管理,2015,02:130-137.
张宗明,杜荣,廖貅武.合作生产视角下的服务外包契约设计[J]. 管理科学,2014,06:77-89.
- 宋喜凤,杜荣,艾时钟. IT外包中关系质量、知识共享与外包绩效关系研究[J]. 管理评论. 2013, Vol.25, No.1, pp.52-62
- 杜荣,冯俊嵩,厉敏. 边界跨越对IT外包绩效影响的实证分析. 中国管理科学. 2012, Vol.20, No.4, 177-184.
- 杜荣,艾时钟,Cathal Brugha. 基于思维法则学的跨文化信任框架——综合中国本土化思想与西方理论的尝试. 管理学报. 2012, Vol.9, No.3, 338-344.
- 冯俊嵩,杜荣,Zheng Yingqin, Abbott Pamela.基于扎根方法的IT 外包企业创新空间的研究. 科学学研究. 2012, Vol.30, No.4, 622-630.
- 杜荣,曹卓琳,厉敏,付桃红. 软件外包中社会资本对知识共享的影响研究. 管理学报. 2012, Vol.9, No.9, 1338-1342.
- 田野, 杜荣. IT服务外包项目中知识转移、知识共享和文化相似度的关系研究[J]. 科学学研究,2011,Vol.29, No.8, pp1190-1197.
- 艾时钟, 杜荣, 张卫莉, Cathal M.Brugha.基于思维法则学的群决策方法及其应用[J]. 中国管理科学. 2011, Vol.19,No. 1. pp. 177-184.
- 杜荣, 艾时钟, Cathal M. Brugha. 思维法则学框架下东西方管理理论的比较――探索管理科学中国学派走向世界的道路[J]. 管理学报,2010,Vol. 7, No. 10, pp.1421-1425. 被中国人民大学复印报刊资料《管理科学》2011年第1期全文转载(P57-60).
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- 艾时钟,杜荣,Cathal. M. Brugha. 指示优先级的程式化管理科学研究方法――治理学术界与企业界脱节顽症的一种手段[J]. 管理学报,2009,Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.432-434。
- 杜荣,艾时钟,Cathal. M. Brugha. 管理科学的中国学派如何走向世界?――问题、策略及系统方法论层面的分析[J]. 管理学报,2008,Vol. 5, No.4: 473-477.
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- 赵雪松,杜 荣,焦 函. 师徒模式下隐性知识共享的激励约束分析[J]. 科学学研究.2006, Vol.24, No.5: 758-762.
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- 杜荣,王安民,白晓军. 加强知识资产管理,提高国有企业竞争力――某国有企业知识资产管理个案调查[J]. 管理评论. 2004,Vol.16, No.1: 9-14。
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