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  • 张民,郭立新,聂丁,周平.  海面目标雷达散射特性与电磁成像. 科学出版社. 2015.


  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, Wangqiang Jiang, and Jia Zhao. Spectral investigation of Doppler signals from surfaces with a mixture of wind wave and swell. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 1353-1357, 2017. (JCR3区,SCI: 000406300200035)
  • Ding Nie, Wangqiang Jiang, and Ning Li. Numerical study of microwave backscattering from time-evolving JONSWAP-type mixed ocean waves. Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 1034-1041, 2017.(JCR3区,SCI:000406548900004)
  • D. Nie, N. Li, M. Zhang, WQ. Jiang, and X. Wang. Characterization of electromagnetic scattering from water depth-changed nearshore sea surface.  IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.15, pp. 472-475, 2016. (JCR3区, SCI:000372419900007)
  • PB.Wei, M. Zhang, WQ. Jiang, and D. Nie. A new model for sand-ripple scattering based on SSA method and practical ripple profiles.  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 2450-2459,2016. (JCR2区, SCI:000373004000042)
  • D. Nie, M. Zhang, C. Wang, and H. C. Yin. Study of microwave backscattering from two-dimensional nonlinear surfaces of finite-depth seas. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.50, No.11, pp. 4349-4357, 2012. (JCR2区, SCI: 000310888000011, EI: 20124815709814)  pdf
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, Ning Li, and Wangqiang Jiang. Doppler spectra of electromagnetic fields scattered from two-dimensional fetch- and depth-limited nearshore sea surfaces. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol.14, pp. 233-241, 2014. (JCR2区,SCI: 000342254100027)
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, and Ning Li. Investigation on microwave polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional wind fetch- and water depth-limited nearshore sea surfaces. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.145, pp. 251-261, 2014. (SCI: 000334450200024)
  • D. Nie, M. Zhang, X.-P. Geng, and P. Zhou. Investigation on Doppler spectral characteristics of electromagnetic backscattered echoes from dynamic nonlinear surfaces of finite-depth sea. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.130, pp.169-186, 2012. (SCI: 000308582900009, EI: 20123915473263)  pdf
  •  Ding Nie and Min Zhang. Bistatic scattering analysis for two-dimensional rough sea surfaces using an angular composite model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.32, No.24, pp.9661-9672, 2011. (SCI: 000298376000042, EI: 20114814568202)  pdf
  • Nie Ding and Zhang Min. An angular cutoff composite model for investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional rough sea surfaces. Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.7, pp.074101, 2010. (SCI: 000280186500034, EI: 20104813430344)
  • M. Zhang, D. Nie, and H.-C. Yin. A versatile composite surface model for electromagnetic backscattering from seas. Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.21, No.2, pp.348-361, 2011. (SCI: 000289632700009, EI: 20112314035084)  pdf
  •  H. Chen, M. Zhang, D. Nie, and H.-C. Yin. Robust semi-deterministic facet model for fast estimation on EM scattering from ocean-like surface. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.18, pp.347-363, 2009.
  • JL. Cheng, M. Zhang, Y.  Zhao, PB. Wei, and D. Nie. Study on Doppler spectra of two-dimensional skewed sea surfaces. Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 24, No.4, pp. 477-489, 2014.(SCI:000344405900010)
  • 聂丁,张民,殷红成. 角度截断双尺度模型模拟粗糙海面后向散射特性. 系统工程与电子技术, Vol.32, No.10, pp.2107-2110, 2010. (EI: 20104813430758)


  • 聂丁,  张民, 李金星. 近岸浅水域有限风区动态海浪电磁散射特性分析.  2016 全国电磁散射与逆散射学术交流会. pp. 126-129, 2016.
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, Jinxing Li.Investigation of electromagnetic backscattering from nearshore sea surfaces modulated by shoaling effect. SPIE’s 2016 Remote Sensing and Security + Defence International Symposia. Paper 9999-37, 2016.
  • 聂丁,张民. 近岸浅水区域海浪电磁散射回波的理论计算. 中国物理学会2015年秋季学术会议. 2015.
  • 李宁, 聂丁,张民. 基于混合模式海浪的电磁散射特性研究. 2015年全国天线年会, pp. 772-775, 2015.
  • 张民, 罗根, 聂丁. 螺旋桨转动产生湍流的电磁散射研究. 2015年全国天线年会 pp. 788-790, 2015.
  • 李金星, 张民, 范文娜, 聂丁. 一种高效的海面SAR 成像仿真方法. 2015年全国天线年会, pp. 784-787, 2015.
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, and Ning Li. The joint influences of wind fetch and water depth on Doppler spectrum of dynamic nonlinear ocean surfaces. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM), pp. 267-269, Feb 2-5, 2015.(EI: 20151400719553)
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, and Ning Li. Analysis of microwave scattering features of echoes from fetch-limited nearshore sea surfaces. 2014 Cross Strait Quad‐Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC2014), Jul 29-Aug 1, 2014.
  • Ding Nie, Min Zhang, and Xiang-Yang Zhang. A refined composite surface model for numerical investigation of backscattering from wind-driven sea surface. 2010 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), pp.1193-1196, 2010. (EI: 20111513907387)
  • 聂丁,张民. 变浅效应调制的二维海面面元电磁散射研究. 第十二届全国电波传播学术讨论年会, Vol.28 Sup, pp. 57-60, 2013.
  • 聂丁,张民,王超. 有限深度动态海面的多普勒谱特性研究. 2012全国电磁散射与逆散射会议,pp.47-50, 2012.